Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)


May 15, 2003
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hey guys, its been awhile since I had the pleasure of sitting down and have some fun while sketching.

I did this today in about 30 mins. Thats kinda long for me, but then again its been a while since i picked up a pencil.

so in hopes of maybe some day being able to bring my kung fu fighting system to life I sketched out a guy by the name of Xiao Lin.


CptStern said:
that's pretty good, my only comment is that you try to vary the weight of your line adds depth to your drawings

here's a good example

oh I usualy do just that, but i had used a 2H pencil to sketch it out. And when I scanned it you could barely see it so I used the burn tool to darken hings up a bit. :smoking:
ya scanners arent all that good for picking up faint pencil lines
CptStern said:
ya scanners arent all that good for picking up faint pencil lines
Thats why I like scanners for that sometimes.. Feng uses them in the same way, scan in sketches you've drawn over in pen, automatically removes the sketch lines for you. So can be pretty handy.


nice sketch though :D:D
So what do you guys think...I am I the only one who thinks that the gaming community is in need of a good solid Kung Fu experiance.
The Dark Elf said:
Thats why I like scanners for that sometimes.. Feng uses them in the same way, scan in sketches you've drawn over in pen, automatically removes the sketch lines for you. So can be pretty handy.


nice sketch though :D:D

ya or you could always use a blueline pencil, here's an example :)

scanners and cameras wont detect the blue lines ..although scanners tend to pick it up more than a camera would
Nice sketch.

How long it take you to draw that?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Nice sketch.

How long it take you to draw that?

a little less than 30 mins. Several months ago I could have done this twice as better in twice the amount of time. I just have to gt back in the swing of things.
CptStern said:
ya or you could always use a blueline pencil, here's an example :)

scanners and cameras wont detect the blue lines ..although scanners tend to pick it up more than a camera would

Mine does, only because it defaults to a true color scan. I also use col-erase color pencils. You can use the blue but you can also use red, green, purple.... :cheers:

Man I used to use a tone of that blue pencil back in my traditional animation days....
CptStern said:
ya or you could always use a blueline pencil, here's an example :)

scanners and cameras wont detect the blue lines ..although scanners tend to pick it up more than a camera would
I prefer using a flesh tone pencil, works better for me.

Course that was when I did the whole paper sketch thing, much prefer using the tablet for that now for obvious reasons.
Vairly nice scetch.... anatomy seems ok, but a thing seems awkward to me.... his left hand and his right leg are way too perfectly aligned to x and y if you ask me.....sepcially the hand looks odd.
Nostradamus said:
Vairly nice scetch.... anatomy seems ok, but a thing seems awkward to me.... his left hand and his right leg are way too perfectly aligned to x and y if you ask me.....sepcially the hand looks odd.
It's a sketch, for a concept its fine, it gets the important parts across. If it was a final painting, then things would be wrong. For a sketch it serves its purpose.
The Dark Elf said:
It's a sketch, for a concept its fine, it gets the important parts across. If it was a final painting, then things would be wrong. For a sketch it serves its purpose.

Perectly aware of that, but just pointing out stuff, that he might not have seen.... I know I like getting crits on my work anyways.
Yakuza said:
Mine does, only because it defaults to a true color scan. I also use col-erase color pencils. You can use the blue but you can also use red, green, purple.... :cheers:

Man I used to use a tone of that blue pencil back in my traditional animation days....

ya I still use blueline pencils from my comic book days, just got into the habit of using the blue ..cuz at the time there was only blue and purple and you know what they say about purple .... ;)

TDE: flesh tone pencil? like a pencil crayon or grease pencil? I use the blueline cuz it's easy to erase I started illustrating long before computers and hand-inked my pencils because the reproduction wasnt the greatest and even faint pencil lines showed thru, which tended to piss off the colourist cuz he had to do a lot of erasing (whiner ;) )
yup flesh tone, just a flesh colored pencil, very faint. Was actually the artist fella Nick Love Gittens I think his full name was who recommended that. He's done a few kids shows over here, I was working with him in my first job, the one doing Alien Breed etc. So I just stuck with it. I sometimes use blue but not very often.

Anyway your not the only one who started working before computers became the in thing, your forgetting I was a traditional painter before I started using computers, I only use them now cause I like using a tablet, that and no messy paint or fumes giving me constant headaches.. ok so i still get the headaches but atleast I don't feel stoned all the time now :D hehe

Besides you'll see why using the PC to draw with is so much fun once I can convince you to buy that damn intuos! :D;)
The Dark Elf said:
yup flesh tone, just a flesh colored pencil, very faint. Was actually the artist fella Nick Love Gittens I think his full name was who recommended that. He's done a few kids shows over here, I was working with him in my first job, the one doing Alien Breed etc. So I just stuck with it. I sometimes use blue but not very often.

awww you did childrens books ...any I might now? I buy my son books all the time

The Dark Elf said:
Anyway your not the only one who started working before computers became the in thing, your forgetting I was a traditional painter before I started using computers

I just keep forgetting not all of you are under 20

The Dark Elf said:
..I only use them now cause I like using a tablet, that and no messy paint or fumes giving me constant headaches.. ok so i still get the headaches but atleast I don't feel stoned all the time now :D hehe

you make it sound like it's a bad thing ;)

The Dark Elf said:
..Besides you'll see why using the PC to draw with is so much fun once I can convince you to buy that damn intuos! :D;)

heh wait till you hear I'm getting an ipod instead of an intous ..I just figured I'd get a graphire and an ipod win!!
an ipod? AN IPOD!?

you crazy foo :p

and no I never did childrens books, eiww lol. No Nick did some kids stuff on TV, BBC mostly I think, I just worked with him when we we're both at AVM doing the PC conversions for Team 17 and Sensible Software, when that all ended I went off into TV/film and freelancing, he went back to his more traditional animating and Dean another guy who started same day i did went off to work for Ardman animations, dunno what either are doing now, I think Dean left early on though, can't blame him really, claymation looks great but dull as dirt to actually do hehe.

Now go by an intuos or else I'll tell ya wife you've called her names behind her back and there will be no woohoo for you tonight :p
The Dark Elf said:
an ipod? AN IPOD!?

you crazy foo :p

...I used to only use macs .....dont beat me!

The Dark Elf said:
and no I never did childrens books, eiww lol. No Nick did some kids stuff on TV, BBC mostly I think, I just worked with him when we we're both at AVM doing the PC conversions for Team 17 and Sensible Software, when that all ended I went off into TV/film and freelancing, he went back to his more traditional animating and Dean another guy who started same day i did went off to work for Ardman animations, dunno what either are doing now, I think Dean left early on though, can't blame him really, claymation looks great but dull as dirt to actually do hehe.

hmmm you have an interesting career path how did you get into 3d?

The Dark Elf said:
Now go by an intuos or else I'll tell ya wife you've called her names behind her back and there will be no woohoo for you tonight :p

I have a 10 month old son, "woohoo's" are far in between :E ..more due to exhastion than name calling
Macs....... damn you just don't know when you quit abusing yourself, first macs now ipods hehehe, naa Mac's weren't so bad in their day, did what they were made to do and that was what was important.


Well I'd been doing the 3D thing as a hobby before that, was actually Nick who taught me in a week how to use 3D Studio 4. Guess you could say the guy took me under his wing back then, was a good teacher, it was all still early days for 3D/CG then, rare for film/tv and pretty basic for games, FMV, Babylon 5 etc. was just starting out. That was when there was plenty of money in it, so it seemed the natural choice to move into it fully. Thses days everyone is doing 3D so there's 50 3D artists to every 1 job. Good time to leave it behind commercially.


Ahh kids huh.. Well, get a babysitter, take her out, then romance her then on the way home after she's had a few glasses of wine ask her for a couple of hundred dollars to buy an intuos3 and don't let on your buying the ipod too ;)
The Dark Elf said:
Macs....... damn you just don't know when you quit abusing yourself, first macs now ipods hehehe, naa Mac's weren't so bad in their day, did what they were made to do and that was what was important.

ya I started on macs when no one in the industry would touch pcs

The Dark Elf said:
Well I'd been doing the 3D thing as a hobby before that, was actually Nick who taught me in a week how to use 3D Studio 4. Guess you could say the guy took me under his wing back then, was a good teacher, it was all still early days for 3D/CG then, rare for film/tv and pretty basic for games, FMV, Babylon 5 etc. was just starting out. That was when there was plenty of money in it, so it seemed the natural choice to move into it fully. Thses days everyone is doing 3D so there's 50 3D artists to every 1 job. Good time to leave it behind commercially.

ewww I had a 3d studio max class in a multimedia program I took was rather frustrating to use as it was unlike any other program I've ever used ..I stuck more with flash, html, photoshop etc

The Dark Elf said:
Ahh kids huh.. Well, get a babysitter, take her out, then romance her then on the way home after she's had a few glasses of wine ask her for a couple of hundred dollars to buy an intuos3 and don't let on your buying the ipod too ;)

hmmm I dont pay the babysitter that much, how will she afford it? ;)
3D Studio 4 was great.. bitch to learn at first but was a really cool little app, at that time I prefered it over lightwave, did nifty things LW couldn't, which was really the only other _real_ heavyweight thanks to B5. The other apps back then were SGI only so out of reach of basically anyone but ILM, since that was pretty much all there was out there.

Was funny, I remember the bosses had gone to some CG show toward the end and they came back going on about how they'd seen 3D software using full shaded objects that could move in realtime, it was completely new and basically unheard of (having been wireframe only at that point) I didn't even realise the change a while after when MAX v1 came along and could throw fully smooth shaded objects about the place just like they'd seen hehe.

Anyhoo enough of that, we're raping the guy's thread, and I hate that happening to me so I'll stop :D
heh ya we've taken up too much time ... still think you should write an article on learning 3d ..hmmm maybe a Source guide for beginners hint hint :)

errr ya Yakuza, GJ, show us more!
SoftMonkey is the better bet for that, being as he works for Softimage and has more time than I do.

I "might" consider something like that for 2D.. my 3D experience is mostly high end not low poly anyway, and other than that, tricks of the trade which I wouldn't let on anyway :p
The Dark Elf said:
SoftMonkey is the better bet for that, being as he works for Softimage and has more time than I do.

I "might" consider something like that for 2D.. my 3D experience is mostly high end not low poly anyway, and other than that, tricks of the trade which I wouldn't let on anyway :p

softmonkey? dont you mean Starmonkey? softmonkey sounds ...pornographic :naughty:
No I mean SoftMonkey, there's a SoftMonkey and a StarMonkey.. and probably a MoonMonkey and a DirtyMonkey.
hmmm never met softmonkey ...I've been called dirtymonkey but that's a story for another day :E

Yakuza, I'd be interested in seeing some more of your work
Softmonkey hangs around the 3D sections where he helps out with XSI questions.

Yep Yakuza, post more art!!
The Dark Elf said:
Softmonkey hangs around the 3D sections where he helps out with XSI questions.

Yep Yakuza, post more art!!

I'd also like to see some more of your work ...I'm the type of artist that likes raw sketches over finished work ..the sketches speaks volumes about the artists skills. Went to a DaVinci exhibition that only had his sketches ..that man was brilliant
CptStern said:
I'd also like to see some more of your work ...I'm the type of artist that likes raw sketches over finished work ..the sketches speaks volumes about the artists skills. Went to a DaVinci exhibition that only had his sketches ..that man was brilliant
I've a really big thread of my work, what more do you want :p

Anyway we'd best continue this discussion in that thread and not drive Yakuza's thread off topic even more. I'd be pretty pissed off if I were him right now :)
hehehe......the man we all know and love..
well maybe not love but.. :laugh:

this was a lame concept I did for a crotch rocket that had the suspension and flexability of a dirt bike.

Yakuza-bike1.jpg the style of Boris Vallejo

you have 10 minutes.
