Entering a Room: Linkin Park - Papercut
Exiting a Room: Saltwater - The Legacy (Alphazone Remix)
Walking down the Street: Paul van Dyk - Nothing But You (PvD Radio mix)
Gaming: Nightwish - Gothic Sanctuary
All around theme song: Alex Morph - Maximum Overdrive (original 3rd mix)
Chris and John from the "Promised Land" modification visited Valve Software. They took several pictures which you can see at their website. Also, there's some new information they've discovered. Here's a quick piece:
See it all on Promised Land's website, and comment on it in their thread here...
I don't work there, so I don't know for sure, but I can imagine having kids coming in every so often would be a pain. they have to take time away from work.
I'm saying that even though they're really busy, they let people in, because if they start refusing people after letting a couple in, they'd look bad when they're supposed to be a "community-friendly" company.
Although it's probably a dream-come-true for some of you, may I suggest not going? Valve has had many visitors recently and although they try to accommodate the community as best as possible, it is crunch time for them leading up to the game's release and I'm sure they wouldn't want to be...
/me smacks SixThree around a bit with a pink Macintosh.
How can we have a countdown thread without a date to count down to? Maybe later when Valve is ready to release.
you dragged up an 11-month-old topic? :o
All I know about HL2's music is that they kind of throw in some theme of music that fits what you're doing or where you are, and it changes and blends all the time to set the mood right.