About all the people visiting Valve

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May 14, 2003
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Although it's probably a dream-come-true for some of you, may I suggest not going? Valve has had many visitors recently and although they try to accommodate the community as best as possible, it is crunch time for them leading up to the game's release and I'm sure they wouldn't want to be disturbed to go show some overeager teenager around their office every few days.

If you ask them if you can drop by, I'm sure they'd welcome you in (they don't want to look bad by refusing people - after all, they are one of the most community-friendly developers), but I believe this isn't the best time to be coming in as an excited tourist snapping pictures. Positive feedback and happy fans means a lot to them, but there will be better times to drop by their offices after the game is out the door...
What? I already have my plane ticket purchased! :angry:
I'm kidding
But... But... Ok, I think that is a really good idea, but I can see where people would still want to go and not care.
*slicktick goes off and whines some more
I don't understand the point of this thread. If Valve were too busy for visitors they wouldn't allow people in. I'm sure most of them are grown up and can make decisions for themselves.
I'm saying that even though they're really busy, they let people in, because if they start refusing people after letting a couple in, they'd look bad when they're supposed to be a "community-friendly" company.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
I don't understand the point of this thread. If Valve were too busy for visitors they wouldn't allow people in. I'm sure most of them are grown up and can make decisions for themselves.

Synth is using this as bait to get Marc to post..

heh...hehehe.....heh... i agree!

/me drools
Well, you never know Valve could be crunched, or just have a special day for tours? But since they schedule the tours themselves I don't think it would take to much of their time away. Besides its not like you go on the tour and you bring all the employers from their office and stop them from what their doing. But I see your point also.
It seems the people that visit valve come on Sat/Sun, normaly when every is home for the weekend. That might be why valve allows visitors, but only on certain days.
I don't work there, so I don't know for sure, but I can imagine having kids coming in every so often would be a pain. they have to take time away from work.
Well, I'm sure it's not more than at most 10 mins for each dev to explain some things for the kids. I was under the impression that Gabe is the one giving the tour, and since he's the head of Valve, I'd assume he'd mainly be pushing paper. (Correct me if I'm wrong Valve). I would also assume that giving some drooling fans a tour now and then would be a welcome break. (Again, Correct me if I'm wrong)
Like nofx said, you would only be taking a few of the people working on the game at a time. The tourists are handed over to one person for a little while, then maybe a few others, they they go and do playtesting (which could actually help the process). I dont know how long these tours last, but im sure in the grand scheme of things, half an hour of one employee's time wouldnt affect things that much. Or at least its not going to push back development a whole day.
Who the hell do you think you are synth? If someone takes the time out of their day, calls up Valve, gets everything organised and then they're good enough to come and post here and answer shit loads of questions about insignificant crap like "What did Gabe's coffee mug say?" I dont see why any of us have a right to tell them what they can and cant do.

Yeah, you're right, it is an opportunity of a life time for some of these kids. What are you jealous or something? Get over yourself mate.
iamaelephant said:
Who the hell do you think you are synth? If someone takes the time out of their day, calls up Valve, gets everything organised and then they're good enough to come and post here and answer shit loads of questions about insignificant crap like "What did Gabe's coffee mug say?" I dont see why any of us have a right to tell them what they can and cant do.

Yeah, you're right, it is an opportunity of a life time for some of these kids. What are you jealous or something? Get over yourself mate.

Want a tissue?
Emm.. don't you think valve should decide if they have the time to allow people to visit ? Or perhaps they need tips from random people to figure that out...
Well the secretary I talked to gave me the impression that Gabe gave the tours or Gabe atleast had to be there. So if I'm correct Gabe just sort of oversees everything (being the head honcho and all). So I really don't see how visiting would be negatively affecting them.

And I'm pretty positive Valve would refuse giving tours if it was disrupting their work patters on a drastic level. Plus in these final stages of development they like to get any input and see reactions of their fans playing their game.

If I was refused I would understand. I would assume most people asking for tours aren’t really expecting to get a tour. I know I certainly didn’t. Valve is a business; they know what they’re doing.
Well I think Gabe has hired enough people so he only needs to work, when they need him, he has an enormous amount of coders now, compared to HL1 mind you. So he can just supervise unless they need help. Remember Gabe did work at microsoft, so he knows lots :)
Yeah - I have to disagree with you here synth.

A major game company like Valve would not agree to scheduled tours if it was going to conflict or hamper things they were doing. Even small companies don't allow visitors without scheduling in time to suit. And if it is a PR issue by not wanting to look bad in the eyes of the public then all they have to say is:

"Unfortunately we cannot agree to a visit now as we are really busy trying to get the game on the shelves. But we would love you to come by on "x" day and visit" or something like that. The community would surely understand that getting the game released should be (and is) one of their top priorities and would not mind. If Valve agree to the tours then it's completely up to them and they have obviously allocated enough time for these.

Now if you show up on their doorstep unannounced - well thats a whole other kettle of fish...
I completly agree. They must be sick and tired of pre-teen fans asking stupid questions that they don't even care about.
If they were sick and tired, they wouldn’t be doing it. They know it’s free publicity, plus a chance for an extra beta-tester (for free too).
MapE said:
Emm.. don't you think valve should decide if they have the time to allow people to visit ?

Exactly what I said, it's good to know there are some like minded people out there. :monkee:
i think opening their arms up to the community is a LITTLE more important than having to delay it ONE day
I'm pretty sure that Valve knows what they're doing by allowing people to come for tours. They know how it effects their progress a lot better than we could. Think about it, after a lack of information for a while last year, I really doubt that Valve would feel too terrible turning somebody down if it was going to hurt the development cycle. Hell, they gave out shirts and signed posters and stuff to people before, if somebody asked for a tour and Valve politely declined and sent the fan some souvenir, I don't think they'd look bad at all.

Besides, this all fits into their grand PR scheme. Do you notice how riled up this community gets when somebody visits Valve? All the excitement drums up interest and I'm sure it far outweighs the little bit of time that the developers have to spend discussing their work with someone who really appreciates it.
I would be thinking the same as you Synth, if I were not to think. Oh well :dozey:
Nobody really knows the current situation, so I don't think that anybody is in any position to be flaming. If valve is letting people in, that's fine, but what I think synth is trying to say is that everybody on the forums shouldn't be planning trips to the valve offices.
Everybody just relax.
The green eyed monster rears its ugly head. :P

Seriously though, if valve don't want them to come they'll turn them down.
this thread is a bit pointless tbh.. I think Valve can budget there time for themselves.
You know... Maybe he's right.

Let's all just stop by the id offices instead and have them give us a tour, how's that sound? Seriously though, if Valve can and is giving out tours, let them. At this point it really doesn't matter if a few people stop by there, at least it shouldn't if the game is virtually finished.
I think everyone's made their point clear here, be it positive or negative. I do however think this would be a good time to close, since I can only see a flamefest developing from now on.
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