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  1. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Okay then ill take back what i said about you people being fools. Whoa and i have German and polish blood that must make me a nazi and a POW in ww2. /stupid sarcasm Sweden was never a super power. You dont know that for a fact, for all you know the EU could start world war 3 and then end...
  2. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    So we should fight with swords to make it fair? War is not a game and war is not fair, get over it. When Clinton was in office i did not like his policy. but just because i dont like his policy doesnt mean i should not fight for my country to protect it. Grats on the personal attack because...
  3. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Yes we all know Sewdish people fight like real men dont we :dozey: Why would the EU want to become a super power and 'stand up aginst america' when they are in line with america, nothing good would come out from 'standing up aginst america'. Tell me what good thing would happen...
  4. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Only in world war one, and Saddam used it too on his own people. In world war 2 everyone had an agreement not to use musterd gas, one reason they say hitler didnt use it is because he or someone in his family had it used on them in ww1.
  5. TrueWeltall

    Nvidia PCI-X in the works

    Apple hah, most people use computers for gaming now adays and apple is for business. I doubt we will see any good PCI-X mobo anytime soon (this year and Q1 2004).
  6. TrueWeltall

    mobo bios proc/diskdrive query

    If you have a non-stock cooler you can try and lower the multi and up the fsb to 166 (333fsb). I think you can do it on stock cooling but ew thermal pads/phase change stuff adm uses sucks.
  7. TrueWeltall

    Post your 3dmark01 and/or 03 benchmarks. (No AA or AF i think) (Bro's comp) (AA and AF) (bro's comp) (My bedroom computer) Edit: I dont like it when people dont take the whole...
  8. TrueWeltall

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Oh please dont single out America you dumbass, this stuff pisses me off. you posting this will only start a flame war, people like you make me sick. Please learn something about uranium first before you post. Its not only America too, and for you people who hate Bush so much...
  9. TrueWeltall

    What does people have against 13 year olds?

    No but it helps alot to show you are mature enough.
  10. TrueWeltall

    Today was a fun day (long rant about how my life sucks).

    This thread reminds me of gothic people.
  11. TrueWeltall

    What does people have against 13 year olds?

    So this 11 year old lives on his own too? What no? I thought so.
  12. TrueWeltall

    How do I convince her...

    Blackmail her for some underage love, you get a girlfriend and answers to your math work!
  13. TrueWeltall

    Post your 3dmark01 and/or 03 benchmarks.

    2275 or something in 01 with a Geforce 2 mx100/200.
  14. TrueWeltall

    Who do you think would make a good moderator of this board?

    Would it only be one mod? I think having atleast two would be better since they could have different opinions about a thread.
  15. TrueWeltall

    I wonder if Source can simulate...

    Id like to see your character cry when he gets low health :D
  16. TrueWeltall

    Overclocking a graphics card, ill effects?

    Less of a video card life and yes it does run hotter, but if you do burn it up you can buy a new one. I dont really push my video cards to its limit, its not like i see a difference in games, 1-10 fps doesnt matter to me.
  17. TrueWeltall

    The Day Has Come!!!!!!

    Ohhhh time to tell you all my specs of my dream machine, im an mATX guy so i went with a Shuttle MN13, 1 gig Corsair XMS pc2700, Vantec Aeroflow, 1700+, a 400W psu, and a black inwin matx case that supportsd full atx psus. Comes out to 495 shipped, ive got spare parts to make it a complete...
  18. TrueWeltall

    What does people have against 13 year olds?

    We would read your profile and see your age.
  19. TrueWeltall

    Help Needed From Americans!!!

    Roffle you sir should get an award for that!