Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

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Nice flash video, other than that it's none of my business to comment on such things.

Edit: Please avoid comments such as Scudded's.
Nothing new but i think its really good that someone make something like this flash so ppl know what happens.
Yes old news , too bad you Americans never see anything that happens outside your world.

(please dont lock this thread)
I knew that stuff but the pictures were pretty shocking. It's important people (not just Americans) know about the after effects of modern warfare.
Agent Orange anyone?
That is messed up. Is America the only one who uses them? I doubt it.
Probably not, but you're the only country who has weapons capable of that in an abundance, but also the fact is that you're not afraid to use them.
Not afraid to use them? There has only been 1 war where Nuclear bombs were used. It was WW2, and it helped end WW2. There are MANY countries that have depleted uranium. It's enriched uranium that is hard to come by.
Genocide takes place everywhere on the earth...

Almost every coutnry is accountable (large parts of the leadership for them too)

Except for Jamaica and Canada... such peaceful non hate filled places

So don't just blame America -- If you're looking for a scapegoat try the entire human race... just incase.
Oh please dont single out America you dumbass, this stuff pisses me off. you posting this will only start a flame war, people like you make me sick. Please learn something about uranium first before you post.

The U.S. military uses depleted uranium in armor-piercing tank
rounds and as armor because of its extreme hardness. Depleted
uranium is about 40 percent less radioactive than natural
uranium. The major health concern, Rostker said, is not
radioactivity but the material's properties as a heavy metal.

Heavy metals are a group of dense elements including lead,
mercury and cadmium. All can cause health problems if ingested
or inhaled as vapor or dust. High doses of depleted uranium can
damage the kidneys.

"The [Department of Veterans Affairs] has been monitoring the
health of 33 soldiers hurt in friendly fire incidents," Rostker
said. "Almost half of those in the study still have depleted
uranium pieces in their bodies. [Medics at] the Baltimore VA
Medical Center are tracking their health very carefully to see
if depleted uranium causes any health problems."

Rostker said those with depleted-uranium fragments in their
bodies have higher levels of uranium in their urine. "Their
kidney functions are still normal, as is their reproductive
health," he said. No children born to these veterans between
1991 and 1997 had birth defects.

Rostker said even a worst-case scenario does not show release of
significant enough amounts of depleted uranium to harm people. A
worst-case scenario, according to investigators, would be two
depleted uranium rounds hitting a uranium-sheathed Abrams tank.

"The amount of uranium oxide released over 15 minutes [in this
worst-case scenario] is equal to one REM [roentgen equivalent,
man -- a measure of radiation dosage], well below the limits set
by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission," Rostker said.

The Pentagon and United Nations estimate that U.S. and British forces used 1,100 to 2,200 tons of armor-piercing shells made of depleted uranium during attacks in Iraq in March and April -- far more than the estimated 375 tons used in the 1991 Gulf War.

Its not only America too, and for you people who hate Bush so much look at how much Clinton used.

Although the Pentagon has said depleted uranium is the material of choice because its density allows it to slice through heavy tank armor, the Army is currently looking at an alternative. A Florida company, Liquidmetal Technologies, says it can get comparable performance from ammunition using an exotic alloy of tungsten, and if the Army decides to switch, the new rounds could be in service within two years.

Hey look we (the americans) are doing something about it, as far as i know no other country is.

Yes radiation does cause cancer and if you are near high levels of it your chance of getting it does increase but everyday you are exposed to radiation, for a little kid to get it he would have to be within 25 meters or so of a blown up tank shot with DU shells and have DU armor on the tank. I dont know what kind if people would let their kids play by broken tanks but i sure wouldnt.
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Not afraid to use them? There has only been 1 war where Nuclear bombs were used. It was WW2, and it helped end WW2. There are MANY countries that have depleted uranium. It's enriched uranium that is hard to come by.
But the video was talking about depleted uranium.
Atomic bombs are designed to obliterate towns/cities/etc. and so civilian deaths are understandable (but not justified) whereas depleted uranium salvos/rockets are designed for attacking tanks etc. Yet they have an awful effect on civilians' lives forever (yes I know atomic bombs have devastating, similar repercussions)

And Mr White: "Except for Jamaica and Canada... such peaceful non hate filled places"
Erm... Was that a joke? Jamaica's really not that peaceful a place... A lot of big-time gang warfare. Canada I'm not sure, but I realise that was a wee patriotic stand there:)
The original poster should have warned about the images... It aint pretty.

But yeah its horrible. First we had the quite small nuke that was used once. Then we had alot large ones that no one wanted to use. Then we have depleted uranium which is being used today in large amounts. And we have the proposal of mininukes to be activly employed in combat.

Makes you think. Trench warfare with millions of soldiers dead was better, eh? :)
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Oh please dont single out America you dumbass, this stuff pisses me off. you posting this will only start a flame war, people like you make me sick. Please learn something about uranium first before you post.

Did you say flamewar ?

WOOOHOOO ! :dork:
Originally posted by dawdler
Makes you think. Trench warfare with millions of soldiers dead was better, eh? :)
Yes! And don't forget the mustard gas they used back then!
Hum, that isn't pretty...

The use of frag bombs weren't pretty either.

And Clinton's governement destroyed a "chemical weapon factory" in Serbia I think and this factory was making aspirin and drugs to cure malaria. Many think that it's one thing that pissed off much of the region and a certain Bin Laden who was in the country at this time. Who knows?

Oh and yeah there is other countries using those weapons. But not as much as US, sadly.

Every country has blood on their hands, Canada included, believe me. But it doesn't justify any violent action. You should be able to say "Hum, I don't think what my country is doing is right" sometimes. Else your country won't get better. And that's a message to everyone here.
Originally posted by el Chi
Yes! And don't forget the mustard gas they used back then!

Only in world war one, and Saddam used it too on his own people. In world war 2 everyone had an agreement not to use musterd gas, one reason they say hitler didnt use it is because he or someone in his family had it used on them in ww1.
Yes. I know. When people talk of trench warfare, they generally are referring to WW1, and so I followed on with the WW1 references.
****ing cowboys, get so pissed. There is no bigger trouble maker than united states of ****ing america, always do they have to stick there nose into other countries buisness and make it look like they are doing something good in the media.
If America could mind their own buisness just one time i would be very glad. I know other countries use this kinda warfare to but no one do it as much as USA, its dirty play tbfh. I guess the americans are gettign to fat and stupid to fight like real men..

Another thing that makes me so sick is that every respected country has their nose so long up Bush´s ass.#¤%!¤!# Hope EU will become a super power so we can stand against America and see how they feel of being the under dog..
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Hey look we (the americans) are doing something about it, as far as i know no other country is.

Yes radiation does cause cancer and if you are near high levels of it your chance of getting it does increase but everyday you are exposed to radiation, for a little kid to get it he would have to be within 25 meters or so of a blown up tank shot with DU shells and have DU armor on the tank. I dont know what kind if people would let their kids play by broken tanks but i sure wouldnt.

Wow, did you actually thought through this before you decided to type all that? I don't think you did, because it is totally retarded. It is.

You (the Americans) are doing something about it? You shouldn't have used that shit in the first place. Making up excuses about it when the world finds out doesn't make you special or good.

And do you really think war only takes place in areas where there are no civilians? Ever thought about the fact that "broken tank" might have gotten blown up only 10 meters away from somebody elses home/shelter/box/prison?

Check out that message from Morbo two posts up.
You should be able to say "Hum, I don't think what my country is doing is right" sometimes. It looks like a lot of Americans are patriotic just for the sake of being patriotic, and regardless of what their country is doing.
now that Iraq is disabled, it will make all those other countries in that area think twice before they start with any shenanigans, thats reason enough for the war, i support Bush on this war, but i hope to god he doesn't get reelected

I love these Europeans that are biased against it, because they hate America to begin with, while Americans (for the most part) are for it.
Originally posted by h00dlum
I guess the americans are gettign to fat and stupid to fight like real men..

Another thing that makes me so sick is that every respected country has their nose so long up Bush´s ass.#¤%!¤!# Hope EU will become a super power so we can stand against America and see how they feel of being the under dog..

Yes we all know Sewdish people fight like real men dont we :dozey:

Why would the EU want to become a super power and 'stand up aginst america' when they are in line with america, nothing good would come out from 'standing up aginst america'. Tell me what good thing would happen?

You (the Americans) are doing something about it? You shouldn't have used that shit in the first place. Making up excuses about it when the world finds out doesn't make you special or good.

People/countrys make mistakes and atleast we try to correct them (our mistakes).

You should be able to say "Hum, I don't think what my country is doing is right" sometimes.

I did when Clinton was president and decided to bomb iraq 3 hours after our inspectors got kicked out. He didnt give Saddam anytime to say anything he just bombed him where as Bush atleast tried to give him a chance but saddam only wanted to play the run around.

It looks like a lot of Americans are patriotic just for the sake of being patriotic, and regardless of what their country is doing.

People can be patriotic about their country and still not agree with what it is doing. Maybe you should live in America before you bash it. Everything in America is not perfect like the EU as you put it.
Originally posted by Tek
now that Iraq is disabled, it will make all those other countries in that area think twice before they start with any shenanigans, thats reason enough for the war,

And that's exactly what your country wants you to believe (assuming you're an USA citizen). Do you really think bombing the **** out of Saddam will stop terrorists from planning evil shit?

C'mon man, you've got to be smarter than that.
Much of the DU dust can be cleared up by specialised teams,
it's just that sanctions against these nations won't let 'em sort the
problem out. (Expensive specialised equipment)
Originally posted by bastard_loud
And that's exactly what your country wants you to believe (assuming you're an USA citizen). Do you really think bombing the **** out of Saddam will stop terrorists from planning evil shit?

C'mon man, you've got to be smarter than that.

Not terrorists, the people that fund them, Saudi-Arabia for instance.
America dont fight like men, but like sissies with ... guns

Nukes, long range missiles, fighter jets, stalth bombers and so on.

And what did iraq have ??

Whell-less AA guns. infantry on camels and rusty jeeps,
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
People can be patriotic about their country and still not agree with what it is doing. Maybe you should live in America before you bash it. Everything in America is not perfect like the EU as you put it.

If you do not agree with your country's policy but still support it, then you sir, are truly an idiot in my opinion.

You don't have to remind me America's not perfect, because if that's not obvious, then i don't know what is.

Oh and i know Europe is not perfect, i never claimed it was.
Originally posted by
America dont fight like men, but like sissies with ... guns

Nukes, long range missiles, fighter jets, stalth bombers and so on.

And what did iraq have ??

Whell-less AA guns. infantry on camels and rusty jeeps,

how the hell does lowering the loss of life needed with guided bombs make us pussies, would you rather us lower the cities to rubble like in WW2, that'll make us popular!, we cant win with you people can we?
Man you had NO reason to attack iraq !!!

whats hes name ? powell ?

He had "evidence" of chemicals and shit

Where are those chemicals ?? old footage probaly so america could attack someone, US are so war-horney!
Originally posted by
America dont fight like men, but like sissies with ... guns

Nukes, long range missiles, fighter jets, stalth bombers and so on.

And what did iraq have ??

Whell-less AA guns. infantry on camels and rusty jeeps,

So we should fight with swords to make it fair? War is not a game and war is not fair, get over it.

If you do not agree with your country's policy but still support it, then you sir, are truly an idiot in my opinion.

When Clinton was in office i did not like his policy. but just because i dont like his policy doesnt mean i should not fight for my country to protect it. Grats on the personal attack because you cant come up with something better to say.
I'm not even going to talk to you about this anymore, you have no facts, you just spew anti-American sentiment, go learn something Digital.
Originally posted by Tek
now that Iraq is disabled, it will make all those other countries in that area think twice before they start with any shenanigans, thats reason enough for the war, i support Bush on this war, but i hope to god he doesn't get reelected
It won't make other countries more subservient (which isn't necessarily the best course of action: "EVERYONE MUST ACT LIKE US!! RAARR!"), it'll make them more angry at America and the West and therefore provide them with more resolve to defend themselves and form alliances against the common enemy (ie: you).
Originally posted by Tek
I'm not even going to talk to you about this anymore, you have no facts, you just spew anti-American sentiment, go learn something.

Fools never learn Tek.
I have always "loved" america but after that shit they pulled off
..... US = crap
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Listen to el Chi, Tek.

He's schooling you.

not really, it's his view, i see the complete opposite.
Believing in something that's opposite of the truth is, i believe, called
'being stubborn' or 'being an ignorant retard'.

Anyway, believe what you want.
Yes however Weltall, the flipside of your "They're ignorant and nothing we say will convince them otherwise" comment to Tek is also true for yourselves. Not that you're ignorant per se, but rather that no matter what we say, no matter what evidence we present, it will not shatter your patriotism. That's fine - it's your opinion.
So please: Don't call us fools for having different opinions to you. THAT makes you look ignorant.

And Tek, I haven't actually seen you coming up with much evidence - you seem to be simply "spewing" pro-American sentiment. It's all relative and so son't accuse someone of something you're doing yourself.
o·pin·ion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-pnyn)
A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).
A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.
A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.
The prevailing view: public opinion.
Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

its not the truth if its an opinion, no one knows what will happen.
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