Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

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BTW- The music was necessary , without it , I wouldnt have ANY idea what he was talking about!!!

PS- There were no ground troops in Bosnia. wtfx.

So Depleted Uranium shells are bad, that makes you want to kill Americans , you have to be ****ing joking. But Im not going to argue with THIS forum , its a shithole , a waste.
I have to say I dislike the flash.
For the reasons that Royal elaborated on (thank you for the sane post) and that its purpose was not to educate. The purpose was to cause shock and guilt, not to inform people in any real way, shape or form about the problems with depleted uranium.
I think most of the people in this thread do need to really think a lot of stuff over before they proclaim their views the world. If you cannot see the other side of an argument then it is doubtful that you understand what is being argued over. As with any way we have to really examine what is going on before we form our beliefs.
Personally I think this is a no-win situation. The US seems damned if they do, and damned if they dont. With the war over we have to look towards the future and ask what will be done to fix our mistakes and hopefully make a better tomorrow. Because in the end thats just about all you can do.
Originally posted by
Reading is boring you ****ing hamster ****er

I am no longer suprised that you go to that site for information. I am suprised you still have an account here though. But 8th grade must be fun.
Originally posted by
America dont fight like men, but like sissies with ... guns

Nukes, long range missiles, fighter jets, stalth bombers and so on.

And what did iraq have ??

Whell-less AA guns. infantry on camels and rusty jeeps,

So we should have what rode up on forces and shook hands before the game?> You really are in 8th grade.
Originally posted by Tek
how the hell does lowering the loss of life needed with guided bombs make us pussies, would you rather us lower the cities to rubble like in WW2, that'll make us popular!, we cant win with you people can we?
DimitriPopov I agree, he probably is in the 8th grade and still doesnt know how the real world is.
Originally posted by
Reading is boring you ****ing hamster ****er

The thread's own creator trolling around, how interesting. I warned you about letting this get out of hand, and it has. Closed.
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