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  1. tesher06

    Dad renewing Passport help

    My dad did rush his and payed $200 but they saw that he was born in Egypt (jewish) and that his passport was packed with stamps, so they got suspicous and sent it to the goverment for investigation. They won't give his money back or his point he used to buy tickets for the vacation. In my...
  2. tesher06

    Dad renewing Passport help

    -.- Just what happened that I hoped wouldn't happen.
  3. tesher06

    Dad renewing Passport help

    They are suspicous because he travels alot and his passport is packed with stamps. He travels alot for work and a few times out of country. My mom and him were planning on going on vacation to Thailand for a while but now thats not happening since the goverment took his passport to investigate...
  4. tesher06

    Dad renewing Passport help

    So my dad went to renew his passport and the people at the place were suspicous because he had so many stamps and that he was born in Egypt. My mom said they sent the passport to Washington for checking out etc, and I was wondering if it is a bad thing. Hes been living here for around 35 or 40...
  5. tesher06

    Thailand on Monday

    Cool my parents are going on vacation to Thailand on wednesday and then to Bali.
  6. tesher06

    Help finding song

    It has the lyrics "it's going to be a good night" or something like that and it was recently on some commercial I believe. wow.... I fail everytime I post a thread and I look again, I find it.... anyway here it is lol
  7. tesher06

    Combine Vray Renders?

    Does anyone know where to find these cool looking renders of combine? I'm pretty sure it looked like it was rendered in Vray.
  8. tesher06

    Back to School '09-'10!

    Were have you all been? School started on the 10th... For those highschool students in the midwest... "me"
  9. tesher06

    Researchers Answer: When should I ask her out?

    When my coldsore goes away I will.
  10. tesher06

    Zbrush Z-Spheres 2 (video)

    Wow that is amazing. What is the song playing in that btw?
  11. tesher06

    Quite possibly the 2 manliest movies ever made?

    Arnold is in The Expendables!!
  12. tesher06

    Photoshop CS3 color problem

    Uh... what? Would be great if you could explain that without comparing it to a real situation.
  13. tesher06

    Photoshop CS3 color problem

    Why? Whats so bad about what I did? I read that solution on a forum....
  14. tesher06

    Would you eat something off the floor?

    Well yes, my house is extremely clean, because my mom is well a clean addict so it's clean the house everyday so =/ what can I say it's not bad to eat anything off the ground lol.
  15. tesher06

    Post apoctalyptic indie movie?

    I'm pretty sure someone had posted a post apoctalyptic shortfilm movie here but I can't seem to find it. It's about a few guys who are trying to survive. Ok, never mind found it. It's called Time to evolve.
  16. tesher06

    Grade Discrimination

    All of that on the list it bs. I am a junior an highschool and it was never like that in our school besides the girls being you know whats. Thats about it on the list. Don't take it seriously.
  17. tesher06

    Apparently third time isn't the charm

    Did he died?
  18. tesher06

    Photoshop CS3 color problem

    It's the color profile I believe. I'm not 100% if I fixed it. I went into computer, windows, windows 32, pools, drivers, color, and deleted all the profiles. The problem seems fixed.
  19. tesher06

    Sexual innuendo escalation

    This thread is a WIN!
  20. tesher06

    What's the difference between jam and marmalade?

    No clue but I know the difference between jelly and jam. I can't jelly my finger up your @%# but I can jam it up there haha.. a joke a friend told me.