Grade Discrimination


Still believes in Santa
Jan 7, 2008
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Apparently some prick decided to write a letter to incoming freshmen at our school to show them "what's up". I have never seen such hypocrisy in my life.

Dear incoming freshman, you're the lowest of the low, Here are just a few helpful words of advice, take it from us, this years sophomores:

1) You are not cool.

2) Everyone does hate you.

3) You are annoying.

- Sex doesn't make you cool & it won't make the upper-class boys think any higher of you. So don't go around bragging about it, no one cares & then you look like an easy freshman whore.. just leave all the slutty things you did in 8th grade in middle school.
Oh no I disagree; in my school sex does make you quite cool, especially with an "upper-class girl". Also, what upper-class people do we have? All I see are upper-middle-class.

- dont brag about the number of seniors you know. The more u brag, the more we can tell youre a freshman.

- You are a F-R-E-S-H-M-A-N.. not a "freshie" - shut up, you sound like a queer
I saw this from our class all year.

- Don't walk around telling upperclassmen you're not all stupid freshman, we don't care, we're still calling you one.

-Respect your teachers and your peers. Getting written up everyday and purposely failing really doesn't look cool, we may laugh but it is at you for your ignorance. If your going to waste time and school board money on bullshitting around just drop out your a lost cause and your really not that cool. people talk down about you behind your back.
Oh, there are so many people that should just take their own advice.

- Dont think you're smart because you filled up water bottles with vodka/ or coke bottles with bacardi and snuck it onto your 8th grade field trip. We've all done it.. so don't be proud.
That's just sad.

- Don't post things like "FINALLY FRESH!! LOLZZZ" on myspace. If anything, you suck big time.
Who's proud to be a freshman?

- DO NOT think that the upper-class girls are your best friends.. they will just laugh at you.
It's funny because most upper-class girls are sluts.

- Stop thinking u are the shit cuz nobody even knows you
Didn't stop anyone in the past.

-Do not wear ripped jeans and an Abercrombie shirt because you want to make "a variety of friends."
No one ever does this, ever.

- Do not slick your bangs to your face and wear "bracelets" in you're ears because you think that you're Hood.
Oh, and what about the upperclassmen that do that? They're "hood" too?

-If you are going to try and rebel, it most likely won't work.Since when do freshmen rebel?

- Don't think that you have privacy now. Once you're here.. Your business is everyone's business.Hmph, I've been a victim of this.

- dont brag about how smart you are and how ½ of your schedule is honors classes. thats just more work u have to go home and do.Coming from the idiots.

-Dont tell everyone you love your boyfriend after 2 days, you're an idiot.Oh well, I guess every girl in the school is an idiot then?

- Don't try to sit at upperclassmen lunch tables. You will be picked up and thrown onto the floor.This never happened.

- dont tell your friends that youre busy after school and tell them u have to go meet your friends in the jr./sr. parking lot, we all know your brother/sisters just taking you home.Who does this again?

- You'll never be as hot as the '12, '11, and '10 girls. So don't try.Never seemed to apply to our freshmen girls...

- To all freshman guys, you can't get with the class of '09 & '10 & '12 girls.Funny, most of the freshmen I knew dated juniors or seniors. What makes the incoming ones any different?

- Don't try to say you're older than you really are. The way you walk, dress & talk just has freshman written all over you.This is bullshit. There was no "way" anyone walked; stupid holier-than-thou propaganda perpetuated by our "hip" class.

- Your name is "the class of 13." HAHA.. enough said.
Hahahah let's point out a retarded superstition and blame you for it.

-Don' t try to pull that shit "Well you were freshmen once..." STOP! We know that we were freshmen, but we arent anymore so shut the **** up.Our class would have used the same excuse, except they were NEVER PICKED ON.

-The day you mess with our boyfriend/girlfriend, you'll never enjoy high school again. bitch.This is just... stupid.

- Don't be a slut. This should be the number one rule.
Hmm as I recall, most girls in our schools are sluts. I love contradicting yourself.

- DO NOT crowd our halls like cattle, because the upper classmen can (& most likely will), push you out of the way. You will get hurtNo they won't.

-To all the freshman guys, we know your balls haven't dropped yet. That's why you still sound like Mickey Mouse. Don't go around bragging how big your dick is or how huge your balls are. We all know you're lying.
Yeah that's right, our guys were HUGE in their freshman year.



Welcome to hell. =]

Believe me---You CANT win. Have FUN being a freshman...for a fun-filled year with NO life and NO opinion whatsoever.
Holy shit this is the most untrue statement ever.

The Classes of '12, '11, and '10

I have never hated my class so much. They're so goddamn full of themselves.

"Do as I say and not as I do!"

EDIT: NOT A FRESHMAN, I'm a sophomore.
Boy I'm glad I never went to high school. It would have been another columbine. Except instead of guns I would have brought my wringing hands.
Why do you care?

Social politics in high school (or any place, for that matter) is a joke.

I can't believe you even wasted the time making this thread.

You're almost just as bad as them by caring so much.
I wanted to read it, mostly.
lol i hate my age group
..Like all of that is retarded, is that from some 80's highschool movie? In my highschool honestly everyone was equal, you were only hated if you were a dick. Personally I had friends and hung out with people from every grade.. Also there was no grade discrimination, no freshmen, sophomores or seniors.

Where is this from anyways?

I'm in 12B and have friends (very few, though) in grade 9.. So? I have friends in all grades.
..Like all of that is retarded, is that from some 80's highschool movie? In my highschool honestly everyone was equal, you were only hated if you were a dick. Personally I had friends and hung out with people from every grade.. Also there was no grade discrimination, no freshmen, sophomores or seniors.

Where is this from anyways?

I'm in 12B and have friends (very few, though) in grade 9.. So? I have friends in all grades.

This comes from our class, Class of 2012, aka class of pompous asses. This isn't an 80's high school movie, people wrote this shit and mean it. God I hate the people I know.
high school was fun, every damn year of it. also in 9th grade i had people who fought for me because i never got in a fight in my life. and speaking of sitting in the upperclassmens lunch tables, my friends and i did this for most of high school. by senior year we all were done with classes by noon and had work or went and played sports/games
Our high schools:

Seniors: Too busy studying to notice sophomores/freshmen; regarded as god-like entities by freshmen, revered by sophomores. Respected by teachers

Sophomores: tries to make the best of their last year of non-zombie state by making the freshmen run around or do pushups.

Freshmen: Too afraid to talk to Seniors/sophomores. Some rebel, and get beat down.

*note: Over here, if a freshmen hits a sophomore/senior, they get punished extremely severly as is writtedn in the school code of conduct. (same goes for sophomores hitting seniors) However, if it's the other way around, they don't get as punished as much. It's all respect the elderly and shit.

High school drama. What a joke.

edit: actually, this was one of the reasons why I loved band. There wasn't any grade discrimination beyond the casual "bedtime sophomores!" chant we'd yell when the clock struck 9pm at football games (we were a 10-12 high school). There was equal treatment of individuals as musicians (Sara the french horn player versus Sara the 9th grade newbie french horn player).

<3 band.
I'll basically sum up that letter:

****, we're one year away from college and we have no idea what the **** is going on. Enjoy your time freshman, we can only wish we were in your shoes so we could correct the mistakes we've made in high school.
Wow, that guy is ridiculous. I couldn't even read through the whole thing. The thing that gets me the most is how he's a sophomore writing it. That's still considered an underclassman. :rolleyes:

This reminds me of an obnoxious prick TA I had for class a couple of years ago. The dude would write "By Sean C-------" on the homework solutions he wrote up (which he ended up grading wrong so half the class had to get regrades). One day he sent this email:

Subject: Unacceptable Homework
Body: Unstapled, no name, or illegible homeworks will be docked points as fit. You should have learned this in kindergarten.

Everyone taking that class was ~20-21 years old. Insulting the class as if we were idiots was pretty much a constant theme with this guy. Ugh. He was on a serious power trip or something.
Do kids really have sex and drink bacardi in 8th grade? Is it as common as that letter made it sound?

My school experience sucked if thats the case.
Our high schools:

Seniors: Too busy studying to notice sophomores/freshmen; regarded as god-like entities by freshmen, revered by sophomores. Respected by teachers

Sophomores: tries to make the best of their last year of non-zombie state by making the freshmen run around or do pushups.

Freshmen: Too afraid to talk to Seniors/sophomores. Some rebel, and get beat down.

*note: Over here, if a freshmen hits a sophomore/senior, they get punished extremely severly as is writtedn in the school code of conduct. (same goes for sophomores hitting seniors) However, if it's the other way around, they don't get as punished as much. It's all respect the elderly and shit.

*Number's School 6:00-8:40*
Wow is this for real? If ANYONE at my school did anything like this they would likely be stabbed furiously by any classman. Seriously. Wow whoever wrote this should self-combust. Im not going to lie though, this kinda of angered me knowing I didn't get any shit as a freshman; so why should you?
If you are in high school you shouldn't have to be told that your opinion is dirt.

You should already know this. Damn kids.
All of that on the list it bs. I am a junior an highschool and it was never like that in our school besides the girls being you know whats. Thats about it on the list. Don't take it seriously.

I'm 08 bitch. I should go to your school and show em what's up.
Only in America? My experience of British (state) schools included nothing comparable to this, though I've met a few people from toff schools who almost seemed to aspire to the kind of Jock / Nerd / Freshman / whatever stuff that I've personally never encountered outside of 'Homer goes to College'

"Mr Simpson, Gary spilt his ear-medicine."

edit: Xevrex, both you and the guy you're posting about need to lay off the ladies. It's like reading a 16th Century pamphlet on the moral inferiority of women. He picks on freshmen guys for being prepubescent. You both call Girls who sleep around 'sluts'. It's a pathetic double standard and when you have that attitude to women, you're really not much different from him.
Some American schools are such cliches :laugh:
find out who wrote that and stab them...please.
Do kids really have sex and drink bacardi in 8th grade? Is it as common as that letter made it sound?

Surprisingly, it's more of the incoming freshmen that did this. I heard a lot of rumors about this from other people in my class, and I was quite surprised. Though, there were always the exceptions.

edit: Xevrex, both you and the guy you're posting about need to lay off the ladies. It's like reading a 16th Century pamphlet on the moral inferiority of women. He picks on freshmen guys for being prepubescent. You both call Girls who sleep around 'sluts'. It's a pathetic double standard and when you have that attitude to women, you're really not much different from him.

I don't really see the problem here. Being prepubescent whilst being young isn't a choice, whilst being promiscuous is. My problem here is that the girls who amended this letter with their own "warnings" to the freshman (judging from the different styles of writing, you can pretty much see that it was corroborated by more than one person) are regarding themselves too highly and making themselves appear to not be what they are. Sophomore girls telling freshmen girls not to be sluts is like the collective pot calling the collective kettle black.

By the way, I'm a sophomore.

EDIT: Oh, and being 15 and acting as above isn't appropriate either, imo. And, surprisingly, I'm not a conservative woman like I could be made out to be.
Experience at Australian High School: Still obvious grade-based stratification but it was never "WE'RE ACTIVELY AT WAR WITH YOU ******S" and more "Well, these guys are our friends, and we don't really know you guys, so..."
it's funny that all these insults come from people who still need mommy to pick them up from soccer practice.
Oh man, I wish I was as cool as the students at your school.
I don't really see the problem here. Being prepubescent whilst being young isn't a choice, whilst being promiscuous is.
That's irrelevant. The point is that boys are judged because they can't sexually perform, girls are condemned if they can. Stud versus slut.

Regardless, 'Slut' is not the kind of word someone who wants to rail against the idiocy of young men should be using.
I managed to read the thing again, and it's retarded.

That said, I exerted pressure on the sophomore-dominated student council to ban freshmen from using the dormitory elevators. The freshmen live on the 9th and 10th floors. Happy walking!
That's irrelevant. The point is that boys are judged because they can't sexually perform, girls are condemned if they can. Stud versus slut.

Regardless, 'Slut' is not the kind of word someone who wants to rail against the idiocy of young men should be using.

I apologize, that's what we usually refer to them as.

Also, they aren't condemned if they can perform sexually; they're condemned for casual sex with many people.
I'd just ignore it, every freshmen class is hated on a varying degree and by different amounts of people.
I hate talking about High School crap because it's all meaningless, but I do remember that Sophomores were the worst of the bunch. Absolutely the most annoying.

They get out of Freshman year thinking they're big kids, which makes them more obnoxious than the Freshmen.
That's irrelevant. The point is that boys are judged because they can't sexually perform, girls are condemned if they can. Stud versus slut.

Regardless, 'Slut' is not the kind of word someone who wants to rail against the idiocy of young men should be using.

Thats because to be a stud guys need to jump through hoops to be attractive to the opposite sex.

Girls just need to open their legs.

Regardless it all seems a bit daft, in the UK you just go to school, you hang out with whoever and then you **** off as soon as you can/have got your highers.
I exerted pressure on the sophomore-dominated student council to ban freshmen from using the dormitory elevators. The freshmen live on the 9th and 10th floors. Happy walking!

lol Numbers you're such a little fascist. better hope no one finds out and rearranges your face