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  1. tesher06

    Need a headset

    Can anyone please recommend me a good gaming headset for under $80? I am currently using a plantronics game con and both sides decided to snap and so I am looking for a new one :p.
  2. tesher06

    The Pacific HBO 2010

    How are you all watching it when the first episode airs tommarow?
  3. tesher06

    Super Bowl XLIV

    Probably the most boring superbowl I have seen lol.
  4. tesher06


    Warped, your an idiot simple as that. This has nothing to do with politics as it's a humanitarian effort and also your like those idiots who always try to find a flaw of someone because your a dumb%$#^.
  5. tesher06

    Tekken Movie trailer *sigh*

    Spoiler Alert... lol: Some Fist fight thing goes on, boys mom dies, Boy joins fight, Boy meets girl, Boy is about to win the Fist thing and the girl is upset for some reason, the boy does something about it and wins Fist aswell as the girl, the end. :)
  6. tesher06


    Thank you for this maybe my mom can help herself.
  7. tesher06

    Websites ending in this dangerous

    So don't click that someone send to me. It wasn't by steam btw.
  8. tesher06

    Websites ending in this dangerous

    As the title says are websites ending in dot tk dangerous? odd it blocked it.. edited it
  9. tesher06

    Worst possible "date" ever!

    Ditto, this is hillarious.
  10. tesher06

    Dragon Age: Origins

    That Ogre was pain, I had died like 10 times from it and finally decided to get the warrior and dog to attack him using his bow, and my warrior just ran around in circles. :)
  11. tesher06

    A Tale for the Ages

    Did any of you hear the one about the kids and that lady who lived in a gingerbread house?
  12. tesher06

    Dragon Age: Origins

    Am currently playing it and it is so hard.
  13. tesher06

    Biggest regret befor this new year

    What is your biggest regret you had this year before this new year? Me? Probably not being as out going as I should have been.
  14. tesher06

    8800gt anyone

    The 8800gts get very hot, mine would hit usualy 85-95c normally and in some cases would hit 105c. Then I got a thermaltake heatsink and bam atm it's at 39c idle and it maxes at 50c :).
  15. tesher06

    8800gt anyone

    Does anyone else besides me still use the Nvidia 8800gt?
  16. tesher06

    Post a screenshot!

    What Rts is that?
  17. tesher06

    Games that might get cheaper?

    Do you think any of these games will get cheaper? COH Gold Hitman Bloodmoney WIC Killing Floor Or name what you think will drop in price before the sale ends.
  18. tesher06

    Which games to buy

    WIC or COH Also how upgradeable are the units in WIC. I might get C&C instead because from what I know the units are quiet upgradeable. :)
  19. tesher06

    Which games to buy

    Yes but is Mirror's Edge really that good, I heard it's linear so you can't just go off and jump skyscrapers all over.