Tekken Movie trailer *sigh*

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Why do they insist on making movies from things that were never meant to be in movie form?
Ok, people are probably going to talk shit, but this might actually be the first true video game adaptation since Mortal Kombat. They obviously give enough of a shit about the characters to cast them correctly and have their real fighting styles in there. I mean, this movie even has ACTUAL ASIANS. Even Jin looks like he's at least half-asian.

I want to believe this might be good. I WANT TO BELIEVE.
I didn't even know it was still in production, they've been trying to get this made since the 90's. Still looks shit.
Ok, people are probably going to talk shit, but this might actually be the first true video game adaptation since Mortal Kombat. They obviously give enough of a shit about the characters to cast them correctly and have their real fighting styles in there. I mean, this movie even has ACTUAL ASIANS. Even Jin looks like he's at least half-asian.

I want to believe this might be good. I WANT TO BELIEVE.

But kazuya ain't asian in this O_o
How the hell you can make a film out of a fighthing game? it's like making a movie about Need for Speed, or Solitaire...Jin looks like Peter from Heroes, Nina is ugly.
I could easily have picked any other good movie revolving around fighters. I chose Game of Death because it's one of the most recognizable. Whether or not Bruce Lee had talent, and the talent of Tekken's director, writer(s), producers and actors, is largely irrelevant. The question was simply, "How can you make a movie out of a fighting game?"
I'm with Darkside, I can only hope this is good! It's much better than Dragonball: Evolution, with some white emo kid as Goku.
Jin kinda looks like pussy. Asian or not. They could have went with someone more badasser.
All the Asian in the world can't save this one
Looks stupid. I think it's safe to say that it won't surpass my expectations, so no thanks. Let the dumb fanboys deal with this one.
Spoiler Alert... lol:

Some Fist fight thing goes on, boys mom dies, Boy joins fight, Boy meets girl, Boy is about to win the Fist thing and the girl is upset for some reason, the boy does something about it and wins Fist aswell as the girl, the end. :)