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  1. tesher06

    Which games to buy

    I'm not an adult and thats not the problem. I have 30 or so dollars left to spend.
  2. tesher06

    Which games to buy

    LMAO!!! This thread turned quickly from me asking advice to people telling what they have. Thats great Hmm Do you think they will drop the price of Half-life, is torchlight worth it?, Braid didn't interest me, I looked that the screenies and though oh a puzzle game..., Hmm in your...
  3. tesher06

    Which games to buy

    Ok so I been researching on steam and have so far bought: UT pack, GTA4, and Stalker and now I have around $30 left and a week left of deals. I have a list of games I don't have but am not sure if any good deals will come out by next week. Here are a list of games should I wait or do you have...
  4. tesher06

    Steam clicked wrong date of birth

    Haha thanks for the help :)
  5. tesher06

    Steam clicked wrong date of birth

    How long will I not be able to acess the page for? I accidently put 1997 and now I can't access M games...
  6. tesher06

    when do we get steam sales like last year?

    Wrong, looked at the official forums and they said there was not going to be a multiplayer portion but there was an mmo in thw works.
  7. tesher06

    when do we get steam sales like last year?

    Got a source?
  8. tesher06

    when do we get steam sales like last year?

    What is the best RTS game to buy?
  9. tesher06

    when do we get steam sales like last year?

    Hows Oblivion?
  10. tesher06

    when do we get steam sales like last year?

    Oops meant Dark Messiah Might and Magic
  11. tesher06

    when do we get steam sales like last year?

    unreal tournament pack* halflife* torchlight* DoD Source* Might and Magic Zeno Clash Those are what I plan to buy. Is Might and Magic worth it and is there any other recommendations? I want to get the most bang for the buck. thanks :).
  12. tesher06

    What VALVe logo do you like?

    Change it to Gabe with a valve on his stomach so they can regulate how much he eats.
  13. tesher06, I'm leaking energy

    Sounds like signs of Zombie...
  14. tesher06

    Good Nvidia card for price?

    When do the Nvidia DirectX 11 cards come out? I forgotten all about that and shouldn't even bother to upgrade until those come out.
  15. tesher06

    Good Nvidia card for price?

    How is the BFG GTS 250 1GB PCI-Express Video Card?
  16. tesher06

    Good Nvidia card for price?

    Kinda yes... I have always been an Nvidia user and thats how it is.
  17. tesher06

    Good Nvidia card for price?

    Yes PCI-E price range $100-180. Anything better than an 8800gt.
  18. tesher06

    Good Nvidia card for price?

    I'm thinking of buying a new GPU and I was wondering if theres any good nvidia cards for a good price?
  19. tesher06

    The colors of Episode Three

    Gold for the beer Barney owes Gordon.
  20. tesher06

    UPS Goofed Delivery

    I thought your wife was going to give you the speakers and it would of made you look like an idiot lol.