LMAO!!! This thread turned quickly from me asking advice to people telling what they have. Thats great
Hmm Do you think they will drop the price of Half-life, is torchlight worth it?, Braid didn't interest me, I looked that the screenies and though oh a puzzle game...,
Hmm in your...
Ok so I been researching on steam and have so far bought: UT pack, GTA4, and Stalker and now I have around $30 left and a week left of deals.
I have a list of games I don't have but am not sure if any good deals will come out by next week. Here are a list of games should I wait or do you have...
unreal tournament pack*
DoD Source*
Might and Magic
Zeno Clash
Those are what I plan to buy. Is Might and Magic worth it and is there any other recommendations? I want to get the most bang for the buck. thanks :).