The colors of Episode Three

Mar 22, 2009
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Some of you might remember that in the Ep2 commentary someone says that the red color in Ep1 symbolizes that everything has gone to hell.The blue in Ep2 symbolizes hope.So , what color ( besides white ) do you think will be the focus in Ep3 ? I'm thinking olive.
Some of you might remember that in the Ep2 commentary someone says that the red color in Ep1 symbolizes that everything has gone to hell.The blue in Ep2 symbolizes hope.So , what color ( besides white ) do you think will be the focus in Ep3 ? I'm thinking olive.

Cold bright blue. Since we're prolly going to the Arctic.
Olive? Why do you think that?

I agree something of a light blue.
Seeing the concept art of Gordon fighting the Advisor somehow makes me think that way.
I think that greenish colour is associated with the advisors and just generally represents mystery on some level, so it makes sense the climax of the episode would be tinted that way. But yeah, the rest of it will be white. But you can attach a bullshit pretentious reading to that too. White/Grey can represent ambivalence, in anticipation of solving the Borealis problem which is bound to blow up in your face.
White, for purification.

**** your 'besides'. It has a good reason.
first one was white/black... right. so I thin the new one is light green (frostyish, ambassador like)
When possible, it's likely going to be a dark shade.
I can't see it being anything else: Eli has just died, and if we can rid the Borealis of the Combine which may have established their presence there, we'll be faced with the moral question of do we use it and disregard his dying wish, even if it could save the human race, or destroy it and suffer the consequences?
Holy ****ing shit.I just realized something.How the **** is Gordon supposed to fight the Advisors ? Like in that concept art - did he get some superpowers , because he didn't seem very strong against them in ep2 !
I am hoping for another mood color like the ones we had before, I don't care which hue...
OP, seriously, it is all going to be god damn white! GOOD DAMN MOFO WHITE! Nothing else...just white....
orange, for warmth after the coming storm and rising sun!