**** me sideways with a rusty gate, this thing is English English.
I will just point out that English and British are not the same thing, in much the same way that Canadian and American are not the same thing.
If you were hearing Welsh or Scottish, you wouldn't be able to understand what they...
I haven't seen many bugs either.
I did have a problem where the textures on trees didn't load properly, and they were all purple like candyfloss. The game crashed not long after that.
I farmed my destruction up to 100, and now I feel dirty :(
I'm really loving this game. I'm a total noob at this kind of thing, I didn't play more than 5 minutes of Oblivion, and I have no idea about races / magic at all.
I've just found the magic school.
Then why have 2 words?
He seems to have chosen that word carefully.
Anyway, I can't remember a recent ubisoft game I liked. **** them.
The funny thing is, I reckon piracy is more common on consoles now anyway. Until console manufacturers adapt and deliver their content digitally in a steam...
I'm actually finding MW3 multiplayer much more enjoyable than BF3's.
I never played the previous BF games, and the learning curve seems very steep. I hope I can party up with you guys soon and learn what it's all about.
At the moment, for me, MW3 is more fun.
I've played it almost to the end. It's like MW2 but with less story (somehow).
TBH, it's fine with me, but those that only earn $60 per year will likely be disappointed.
BF3 is the superior purchase by far, if you have to choose.
Now I feel bad because you took my comments to heart.
I appreciate the underlying sentiment dude, you really want HL3. Just kick back and play all of the awesome games that are coming out right now. I've honestly never been so spoiled for choice, I haven't a clue which AAA game to play first...
It stinks of entitlement. It would be akin protesting outside an Apple store until they release the next iPhone.
Personally, I hope they spend 50 years developing the game. However long they take, it will likely be shit-your-pants awesome.
These are the guys that brought us great series like...
Guys, I'm cancelling the server. As my hatred for the game grows, and the amount of people playing on it shrinks, I can't bear to be a part of it any more.
I have the world files, so anyone that wants them can have them. It is my hope that one of you guys will decide to host it yourself.