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  1. kazsymonds

    half life 2 episode 2 part 2 the second of a saga of 2: The second free man

    What a post for your "shit post number 2; episode 2; part 2; the re-shittening; shit harder; don't be shit to south shitral when posting your shit on".
  2. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    I just pressed update on my iPhone and it assures me that the server and bukkit are updated. This is the same tool that tells me that the latest Minecraft version is 1.7_01 but at the same time I am on 1.7.2, though. Feel free to assess the damage for me.
  3. kazsymonds

    That just your opinion..

    In Soviet Russia, opinion has YOU!
  4. kazsymonds

    Team Fortress 2 is now Free to Play; Über Update is Live

    Welcome to 2007.
  5. kazsymonds

    Lulzsec to go after STEAM?

    Lol, have you read what they have written? It looks like it originated from a 5 year old with a severe head injury. Shouldn't these kids be in school?!
  6. kazsymonds

    The absurdity of standing up to pee.

    Standing = convenience / hygeine (I wouldn't sit for ANYTHING in a public toilet). Sitting = Luxury. When you have the time, and are in a place that you trust the toilet is clean, sit down, take a pee and use the time to reflect on the day's events. Also, sometimes when I sit down for a...
  7. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Thanks, should be fixed now.
  8. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    I've cleared the users file which should fix the permissions problem. Let me know if you have any more problems guys.
  9. kazsymonds

    the words you thought you'd never hear: Duke Nukem Forver gone GOLD!!!

    Well, I bought this game and it's everything I hoped it would be. Fun. Really fun. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm about 1 hour in, so it might fall flat on it's arse later. Maybe I'm just getting nostalgic in my old age but how many games lately have been genuinely fun?
  10. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Yeah, I'll just need you to send me your world files and I can import it for you. You'll just need to make sure you give me proper directions to it / its co-ordinates in the world.
  11. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    So my broadband is fixed, so I decided to update all the plugins and pay a visit. It's awesome how much the world changes every time I look. Here's just a couple of new things that are ****ing awesome that I found in the 30s I spent on the server. You guys are awesome.
  12. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    So, Raken has sent me some interesting ideas. Firstly, does anyone want to be a mod? I like the idea of having as many trusted people looking after the server as possible, especially those that have proven they aren't dicks. I might consider having a good few moderators that can do simple...
  13. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    More info? Any messages come up? I'm tempted to make a lovely little house with a pretty garden down there. Would be awesome.
  14. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Any chance we could sticky my thread and un-sticky the others? It's not a status thing, just my server seems to be the only one still going. Thx XOXOXOX
  15. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    It's all Raken. I haven't been on very much, I have a new job that's very demanding. Once I can spare the time I'll be back full time :D. 1) There are no mining rights, and there shouldn't be any as far as I'm concerned. If you want minerals, dig them out. Finders keepers. The obvious...
  16. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Server's upgraded guys. I'll be on for a few hours later if anyone wants to join me. EDIT: Should probably say 'updated'.
  17. kazsymonds

    Recommend my friend a good gaming laptop for college

    It looks like it has some impressive hardware all right, but it looks big. I guess it depends if OP's friend is happy to drag a cathedral around with him just to play a few games.
  18. kazsymonds Minecraft Server Discussion

    Wrong thread bro!
  19. kazsymonds

    Recommend my friend a good gaming laptop for college

    The trouble with this is that it's like asking someone where they would like to be stabbed. Gaming laptops aren't really a good idea in my opinion. Gaming machines generate heat, laptops have less space to dissipate the heat. Therefore laptops are either; 1. Big 2. Hot 3. Not as powerful...