Lulzsec to go after STEAM?

Looks like LulzSec has stopped.

From their twitter:

From the last few paragraphs of that pastebin:
So with those last thoughts, it's time to say bon voyage. Our planned 50 day cruise has expired, and we must now sail into the distance, leaving behind - we hope - inspiration, fear, denial, happiness, approval, disapproval, mockery, embarrassment, thoughtfulness, jealousy, hate, even love. If anything, we hope we had a microscopic impact on someone, somewhere. Anywhere.

Thank you for sailing with us. The breeze is fresh and the sun is setting, so now we head for the horizon.

Let it flow...

Lulz Security - our crew of six wishes you a happy 2011, and a shout-out to all of our battlefleet members and supporters across the globe
Yeah I'd probably quit once I realized everyone hates me and members of my organization are being arrested...
But theres more lulz to be had, more super attacks to perform where NO ONE can possibly trace them! Oh thats right they werent shit to begin with
Well looks like the LulzSec kids pissed off some real hackers and got the shit doxed out of them (another hacker group called the A Team hacked Lulzsec and released a bunch of personal info about almost all of them, like name, location, IP etc).

Basically if this is real (and it looks like it is) those Lulzsec kids are totally ****ed.
oh wow that is kind of awesome, couldn't think of a more fitting retribution.... but also kind of sick, considering the personal info of their families is up there too.
Well looks like the LulzSec kids pissed off some real hackers and got the shit doxed out of them (another hacker group called the A Team hacked Lulzsec and released a bunch of personal info about almost all of them, like name, location, IP etc).

Basically if this is real (and it looks like it is) those Lulzsec kids are totally ****ed.

Lol, have you read what they have written? It looks like it originated from a 5 year old with a severe head injury.

Shouldn't these kids be in school?!
I amused by the fact that 2 of the team are (allegedly) transgender as well.
Eh, that doesn't really seem pertinent to me. It's the whole retribution / divine justice that is hilarious though.

They certainly had it coming.
It's the notion of people who are confused about their identities being such fervent crusaders to as make everyone have to update theirs. There is something bemusing about it.
yeah i mean you have to think that maybe the lashing out at anything and anyone just to "get even" with an invisible force is at least partially motivated by their own identity crises
Really, I don't think the other hackers give a shit about identities. I think it's more that they're annoyed at Lulzsec, who are amateurs to them, misrepresenting the underground hacking scene and operating under the false banner of 'forcing people to update security because they should' when really they have, for the most part, carried out a bunch of petty attacks on websites and hacked Sony's craply secured PSN.

They're basically showing Lulzsec how it feels to have their personal details revealed on the internet like Lulzsec have subjected many innocent people to.

I have zero sympathy for any of these people really. If you're gonna mess about doing petty hacks in order to garner attention and make yourself look powerful, you're gonna attract attention from the wrong people too. People who will take you down without a second thought just as you have taken down others.
This is brilliant if they indeed are posting Lulzsec members' info.
All looks legit. If you look at some of the facebooks for the less 'hacker' of them, they're posting lulzsec articles like they're proud of it.

Also two of them are transgendered.
It's the notion of people who are confused about their identities being such fervent crusaders to as make everyone have to update theirs. There is something bemusing about it.

What makes you think that transgender people are at all confused about their identities?
Nice to see them get a taste of their own medicine. Hopefully it doesnt escalate any further than this though.
What makes you think that transgender people are at all confused about their identities?

well, the very nature of being transgendered is an inconsistency with one's physical sex with their psychological sex. someone's identity goes hand in hand with their gender, it's probably more important to most people's perceived identity than culture or race.

actually, wait, i reread your question and i think i understand your point. but i still think that there's a much greater chance of someone being "confused" about their identity if they are transgendered due to their inherent inner conflict.
I was meant to be an Elephant.I need a proper species assignment.
How else would you explain it?
I mean no offense to any trans genders but, honestly how else can you describe it?
You were born in mans body but in your mind you tell yourself that your actually a woman.
You can either say you didn't get your proper gender assignment from God (God can be used to as an excuse for anything.) or that you are confused/undecided.
well, the very nature of being transgendered is an inconsistency with one's physical sex with their psychological sex. someone's identity goes hand in hand with their gender, it's probably more important to most people's perceived identity than culture or race.

actually, wait, i reread your question and i think i understand your point. but i still think that there's a much greater chance of someone being "confused" about their identity if they are transgendered due to their inherent inner conflict.

I would say that those who feel comfortable enough to identify themselves as transgendered, both in real life and, to a lesser extent, on the internet, would be showing signs of overcoming the potential issues that can arise from transgenderism. This is more in reference to Kadayi's post- stating that the members LulzSec who identify as transgender are suffering from 'identity confusion' - as I feel that the concept of identity confusion would be far more common and have larger implications in those that were vountarily or involuntarily closeted or unaccepting of themselves.

I think it's also worth noting that you've quoted being transgendered as defined by 'inconsistency with one's physical sex with their psychological sex.' I understand that more as a scientific statement than an emotive one; it is purely descriptive. It's also worth making the distinction between transgenderism and Gender identity disorder/Gender dysphoria.
It's the notion of people who are confused about their identities being such fervent crusaders to as make everyone have to update theirs. There is something bemusing about it.

Regardless of any of the above objections, I think you're kind of equivocating with the word "identity." You can't hack someone's gender, perceived or not. :v
Awfully presumptuous, aren't we?

uh, no? being transgendered is what i quoted; there is an inherent conflict between physical and psychological gender. how is it presumptuous to point out this conflict and hypothesize that it may result in more interest in the anonymity of the internet?

I would say that those who feel comfortable enough to identify themselves as transgendered, both in real life and, to a lesser extent, on the internet, would be showing signs of overcoming the potential issues that can arise from transgenderism.


I think it's also worth noting that you've quoted being transgendered as defined by 'inconsistency with one's physical sex with their psychological sex.' I understand that more as a scientific statement than an emotive one; it is purely descriptive. It's also worth making the distinction between transgenderism and Gender identity disorder/Gender dysphoria.

and i recognize this point as totally valid.

please don't consider me bigotted or presumptuous, because that's rather unfair.
Aren't they supposed to "Hate everyone equally" or something?

I dunno. They probably just wish they mattered as individuals in society.
I find this point of view hilarious. "I hate what they do, so they must be maladjusted nerds!"

No. Most likely they are well adjusted college kids who just like to compete within the hacker scene. Their lives are ruined, of course (since they went after government targets) but people who insist that these hacks are trivial, or that they are script kiddies, or that they must be forever alones without girlfriends are almost certainly wrong and I find the insecurities that drive these assumptions very interesting.
I find this point of view hilarious. "I hate what they do, so they must be maladjusted nerds!"

No. Most likely they are well adjusted college kids who just like to compete within the hacker scene. Their lives are ruined, of course (since they went after government targets) but people who insist that these hacks are trivial, or that they are script kiddies, or that they must be forever alones without girlfriends are almost certainly wrong and I find the insecurities that drive these assumptions very interesting.

He's just stating the most likely possibility of who these people might be. Of course we don't know their true identity, but we have a right to make assumptions using the evidence gathered in this thread.
Oh Your off-topic debates never cease to amuse.
I find this point of view hilarious. "I hate what they do, so they must be maladjusted nerds!"

No. Most likely they are well adjusted college kids who just like to compete within the hacker scene. Their lives are ruined, of course (since they went after government targets) but people who insist that these hacks are trivial, or that they are script kiddies, or that they must be forever alones without girlfriends are almost certainly wrong and I find the insecurities that drive these assumptions very interesting.
Pfft. Well-adjusted college kids? There are some other dox out there on Lulzsec members and affiliates (people who were AnonOps etc).

Read for example these two blog posts by The Jester (another hacker who is most known for taking out Jihadist websites but also likes to talk shit about Lulzsec) about Nakomis, one of the identified lulzsec members (or at least in their inner circle if not actually considered one of the "six"): and then

Exposing yourself on the internet and spending hours every day for over a month trying to troll another hacker is NOT something I would consider well-adjusted. Nor do the transgender folks seem to be terribly well adjusted either, given that their reddit accounts and others (Laurelai especially) seem to revolve almost entirely around a) trolling people with lame /b/tard slang and b) making it as well known as possible that they are transgendered and challenging people to argue with them about it.

Also, what do you actually know about the Lulzsec hacks anyway? FYI they ARE trivial, and they ARE basically glorified script kiddies. The vast majority of what they do revolves around very low level hacking techniques, namely DDoSing and sql injection. Essentially they go after the low hanging fruit - sites that have outdated software or software with known exploits that they haven't bothered to fix yet - and grab their databases via sql injection or other means. Most of the rest of their attacks are just DDoSing from a large botnet that one of them operates. From what I can tell there are only a couple of truly capable hackers associated with Lulzsec (Sabu and the guy with the botnet whose name I forget).

Why do you think that other groups that are higher up in the underground scene hate Lulzsec so much and are doxing them (Web Ninjas, Team Poison, A-Team, etc)? It's because Lulzsec gives the underground scene a bad rep and they pretend to be more important and better than they are, when they are in fact pretty low on the ladder in terms of their capabilities... they just are stupid enough to go after high profile targets.

Also, people with girlfriends don't generally do shit like this because people with girlfriends don't have enough time to sit in front of the computer hacking things and chilling in IRC all day. The fact that you're offended at Stylo's insinuation that they are maladjusted nerds (although what he actually said is just that they wish they mattered in society) is kind of absurd since the hacker underworld is made up largely of socially maladjusted nerds. Sure there are dudes out there like Kevin Mitnick and whatnot that are basically normal people, but a lot of these folks aren't, and Lulzsec are basically a bunch of trumped up /b/tards that other hackers consider to be script kiddie wannabes.

The fact that there are people out there defending Lulzsec and supporting what they're doing just shows that there are a lot of stupid ass people out there. Their "anti-sec" stuff is a joke... they claim to be reviving the Antisec movement but in reality they go against just about everything antisec stands for... their "philosophy" is garbled and often self-contradictory.
Regardless of any of the above objections, I think you're kind of equivocating with the word "identity." You can't hack someone's gender, perceived or not. :v

Well there's certainly hacking involved with transgender surgery that's for sure. You too can go from being a man, to being a man with mutilated genitals (sadly you will never ever become a woman unfortunately, short of radical DNA resequencing)

Too crude? Yeah I went there.

They probably should of called themselves LubeSec rather than LulzSec tbh.

Damn this hot weather!!
well i mean do you think im wrong? i definitely didn't mean to be offensive, i just like using pseudoscience to come to psychological links like that :P
I kind of forgot what we were talking about. I don't think you really hate anyone, no. Yuri ain't no hater, no sir/ma'm er... sirma'm, ma'msir?.

.... :V
since when this thread turned into a shemales thread?
Any discussion not dedicated to the plight of the homosexual is a wasted one says this forum
So, just so we're clear, transexuals are all confused, homosexual loners? Cool.