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  1. Jerjerod

    Live weather effects in Half-Life 2

    I was about to post that when i saw the title, heres a direct link everytime i see the word weather i think about it :)
  2. Jerjerod

    Hack This Site

    and scrap that too! just worked it out :) level 5 here i come.
  3. Jerjerod

    Hack This Site

    scrap that! just worked it out then :) [edit] Acctualy scrap that too :( iv got the general idea now (linking it to a whole address) but im not shure what that address should be :(
  4. Jerjerod

    Hack This Site

    ok im on lvl 4 and iv saved it with my e-mail and the 5/4 thing fixed but i cant work out how to get it to look for the file anywhere other than on my computer. Any help? PS i dont think im doing badly considering iv never used html before.
  5. Jerjerod

    Freeman in Ut2003

    looks like it. I thought everyone knew they were makeing a free multiplayer mode for Unreal 2 with vehicles?
  6. Jerjerod

    Sept 30th; New Stuff?

    Prays for a benchmark and an SDK...
  7. Jerjerod

    Place your bets! (on the reason for delay)

    Nope all wrong. They decided it was crap and started again on a different engin, the offical line is now it'll be released 'when it's done'.
  8. Jerjerod

    please help (letter from my mom)

    lol, nice handwriting. But shes right to be afraid shes probarbly sceen this :o
  9. Jerjerod

    I am tired of white woman

    Well i live in north Wales. In a town of over 10,000 where i live i think there are only 2 nonwhite fammilys. Could be more but i doubt it.
  10. Jerjerod

    Super Happy Music

    The Flameing Lips But normaly when im sad :( i listen to sad music :( so... Radiohead Muse The Mars Volta
  11. Jerjerod

    Student cuts off penis and tongue after drinking hallucinogenic tea

    Drugs are bad kids *inhales* Do as i say, not as i do.
  12. Jerjerod

    7 days= 1 week.....

    I bet a whole jar of cookies it doesnt come out now.
  13. Jerjerod

    Collector's Edition DVD ONLY

    ofcorse i do im running windows XP its just boot dists are much easyer to make and use.
  14. Jerjerod

    Collector's Edition DVD ONLY

    If you dont have a flopy drive how are you going to use a boot disk? you do still need them IMO. Every computer iv had for years has had a DVD drive im glad HL2 is going to be on DVD since i cant be arsed with a 6 CD set if i can avoid it, its a pain to install.
  15. Jerjerod

    Best multiplayer weapon ever?

    Onos devouer is a great attack but my favrate has to be SoF2 Knife: I love SoF2 death match just for this, while noobs run around with pistols iv got my knife out and im beating the crap out of them all. I LOVE KNIFES! and sof2 is the only game to make them a practical weapon instead of a...
  16. Jerjerod

    Unreal 2 multiplayer

    The game was ok, alot of people slated it for not being as revolutionary as promised by the developers but i was a damn decent game. The start was fantastic and the last level was fantastic. It has the best weapons in any game in recent times (read: since the chainsaw in doom ;)), all with...
  17. Jerjerod

    Everyone's taste in muzak...

    Well the last albumns i bought were The Mars Volta - De-loused in the Comatorium Radiohead - Hail to the Thief The Coral - Magic and Medicine So i guess i would tick Progressive but i dont know where the hell the coral would fit in. Trying to break music down in to such few genres is...
  18. Jerjerod

    More ship date info! GOOD NEWS!

    I would be near phisicaly impossible to get the game to the shelfs for the 30th unless it goes gold in the next few days, it takes along time to to get it distrubuted all over the world in boxes where as it only takes a few hours to distribute it with the internet. Thats why that article is...
  19. Jerjerod

    More ship date info! GOOD NEWS!

    There is no way i would trust anything as tempremental as steam with £30 of my money, i want the box and the 5CDs or DVD so i can install it where i like when i like without haveing to wait a day for the damn thing to download.
  20. Jerjerod

    Just bought a Geforce FX 5900 Ultra.....

    I do actualy feel sorry for you even though i bought a 9700pro ages ago. It would have been an easy mistake to make a few weeks ago before the Tomb Raider and Halo beta got benchmarked. All i can say is if your buying a card with a game in mind wait untill the game comes out and see what...