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  1. S

    Anybody like the Cary Brothers?

    Cary Brothers is actually just one guy (first name Cary, last name Brothers). But yeah, he's awesome. :)
  2. S

    where can i get the half-life 2 font

    It's "Trebuchet MS". Standard Windows font i think...... EDIT: I may be wrong....but it seems the closest one to it that I've come across...
  3. S

    City 17 - Expressive Painting

    Thanks! Yeah I got an A for my I guess the work paid off! Glad you like it!
  4. S

    City 17 - Expressive Painting

    I painted this a few months ago as a final piece for my AS in Art and Design. Our project was "expressive cityscapes", so I thought....what better cityscape to concentrate on than City 17! Plus it gave me an excuse for looking on for "work"! My claim was that the painting...
  5. S

    I have parents evening on the 16th

    That's too bad. Mine is on the 15th! :P
  6. S

    Hl2 vs. GTA: San Andreas (not a vs. thread)

    Not that I recall. It was voted best PC Game in one year's Top 100, but HL1 had that title for about 4 years previously. GTA games are ok to start with, but they tend to get boring after a while. Once the hype has died down, I think a lot of people tend to see that it's a lot of fuss about...
  7. S

    Prima Guide

    Thanks, but it has been posted already! It's even on the front page!
  8. S

    Preordering in the uk

    $70.44 includes tax. This equals £ added costs. This is all.
  9. S

    Preordering in the uk

    Exchange rates fluctuate.....but when I ordered it a couple of weeks ago it was £39 tax included (can't remember exact pence!). EDIT: Just done a check. 70.44 USD = 38.30 GBP.
  10. S

    I keep wondering what would my performance be

    My brother has the same specs except a 3.06 as opposed to a 2.66 processor......however he can run CS:S with all on high with a pretty good framerate (40s). You should be able to run with medium-high options and get a good performance.
  11. S

    When HL2 Is On Your PC....You Will Need This!!!

  12. S

    Dr. Strangelove Siren

    There's this sound of a gate opening that is used in hundreds of tv programs and annoys me every time I hear it. The same *eek eeer* noise ARGH. Oh, and there's a recording of children's laughter that's overused too....
  13. S

    release date of HL2

    Valve can't release it until Vivendi are ready to release the retail copies to the shops (part of the contract between the companies). It takes time to manufacture these. Therefore.....we have to wait. Or at least that's how I understand it.....
  14. S

    how likely will it be?

    This wouldn't happen. Shops are given more than enough copies to sell, and preorders are shipped from a warehouse, which will have an even greater excess. Vivendi aren't stupid.....they know the demand for this game and will produce more than enough copies to meet the demand.
  15. S

    HL2 and 512 or 1024 MB RAM ?

    I upgraded from 512mb to 1 gig a few weeks ago and I've noticed a huge difference. Loading times are greatly improved in all games, particularly CS:S, and Doom 3 is much less jumpy. I would go for it, especially since RAM is really cheap.
  16. S

    Steam version of half-life 1 contain hi-def pack?

    This is the link to the custom HD pack for Steam. I have it installed and it works fine. Hope this helps!
  17. S

    Gold or Silver????

    I wanted gold at first....but then I thought what I was likely to do with all the extras.....and decided they would just clutter up my room, so I went with silver.
  18. S

    Your Half-Life 2 Desk-top!

    Look here:
  19. S

    Holy S*** Look what Steam said!!!!

    Ok...I guess that other thread kind of clears this up. Cruel wording from Steam once again....
  20. S

    Holy S*** Look what Steam said!!!!

    The monitor just says updating CS Source and DOD Source though.