Dr. Strangelove Siren


Sep 4, 2004
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I was watching Dr. Strangelove in English earlier today and I noticed something peculiar. Where the general is defending himself against the US army (he thinks they are the Russians), a siren sounds which sounds strangely familiar to the one in Half-life. Anyone else notice this?
never seen that movie, give us the jist of what's its about... also even that sound in half-life was really just a generic alarm sound...

I think city17 is more like the WWII ghettos... but who really knows
I don't see what would prevent this.. Valve probably didn't make all of the sounds they used in Half-Life.
Remember the imp sound in Doom (the original) when it died... they used a total generic sound for that i've heard in movies\tv etc...
Yeah heh, I always spot atleast one familiar sound from a game in action movies or whatever.

Just kinda makes me smile...

(And this thread gets the Wierdest Thread Title Award)
aeroripper said:
what is Dr. Strangelove?
stanley kubrick's best film.

a very black comedy about impending nuclear war. shot entirely in black and white in 1964. it's still surprisingly relevant.
aeroripper said:
never seen that movie, give us the jist of what's its about... also even that sound in half-life was really just a generic alarm sound...

I think city17 is more like the WWII ghettos... but who really knows

It's a black comedy, and I didn't get to finish the entire movie, but its about the war (not sure which one). A phsychotic general issues a nuclear attack on Russia without the consent of the Pentagon or America for that matter. And one actor happens to play 3 of the roles, that's all I can tell you.
Stanley Kubrick made it? Oh i gotta gotta see it... his movies are always such a trip
I've noticed the Gamorrean Guard squeal from Dark Forces in a lot of films. Also noticed the music from AvP 1 and the ambient wind noise from Unreal 1 in some movies as well.

Go figure.

PS. See Doctor Strangelove, the movie is great... and a bit crazy!
Think of it as the movie that started the Cowboy riding out of the plane on a nuke.

I notice in cable movies when they open doors or a demon sound.. Its totally doom sounds :D
There was something on TV last night with the metal ricochet sounds from CS: S. Also, the akarm when you get spotted in splinter cell is in almost every military film when they up the defcon.

Cool film too.
Think of it as the movie that started the Cowboy riding out of the plane on a nuke.

I notice in cable movies when they open doors or a demon sound.. Its totally doom sounds

haha really? I remember the simpsons doing that when homer was riding it. Didn't know it was from something (i should have known better, its the simpsons)

Totally gonna rent that movie this weekend :-P

I wonder if a lot of these companies that need these special effects sounds go to the same company with a big database of sounds
aeroripper said:
haha really? I remember the simpsons doing that when homer was riding it. Didn't know it was from something (i should have known better, its the simpsons)

Totally gonna rent that movie this weekend :-P

I wonder if a lot of these companies that need these special effects sounds go to the same company with a big database of sounds

The Simpsons is famous for parodying (sp) heaps of Kubrick films. I remeber one episode where Bart is having a Halloween party at his house and his costume is Alex from A Clockwork Orange - dressed in long johns with suspenders, bowler had with cane and fake bottom eyelash.

Also there are heaps of Kubrick quotes mixed into a lot of episodes as well. If you know your Kubrick you spot them easily. Everyone else is left scratching their heads :)
haha ... or that episode where bart's dog gets brainwashed by Mr. Burns to become a guard dog like in clockwork orange
a little off topic, but the best siren in any game was on goldeneye on the n64


ive been looking for that damn wav file for years :(
Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (yes that is the title) is a dark comedy set during the paranoia surrounding the Cold War and the use of nuclear weapons.

When it was released in 1964 it was very controversial because it treated such a serious subject matter with humor. Peter Sellers plays three characters in the film.

It is one of the classics of cinema and you should do yourself a favor and see it!

There is this one scream that is used in tons of movies, the same exact scream.

I can't remember the name of it though. You'd know the scream if you heard it.
chu said:
There is this one scream that is used in tons of movies, the same exact scream.

I can't remember the name of it though. You'd know the scream if you heard it.

aah yeh i know the one your on about! but i cant remember the name of it either! i saw a list of all the movies its been used in on imdb i think while back
chu said:
There is this one scream that is used in tons of movies, the same exact scream.

I can't remember the name of it though. You'd know the scream if you heard it.

I was going to post on that :P
It's used in a bunch of computer games too when you fall off a cliff or something
it's called the willhelm scream...originates from an untypical western of the 50's and has been used in films as an injoke to this very day - i.e. star wars, lotr etc...

iicehawk15 said:
I was watching Dr. Strangelove in English earlier today and I noticed something peculiar. Where the general is defending himself against the US army (he thinks they are the Russians), a siren sounds which sounds strangely familiar to the one in Half-life. Anyone else notice this?

Uh, no.. the general knows they are not Russians... the general is just crazy.

EDIT: He *is* General Jack D. Ripper ;)
Dr Strangelove is the best political satire of all times, the best kubrick movie ever, the best comedy ever and has the best complete title ever.
You who haven't seen it, see it.
There's this sound of a gate opening that is used in hundreds of tv programs and films......it annoys me every time I hear it. The same *eek eeer* noise ARGH. Oh, and there's a recording of children's laughter that's overused too....
We cannot allow a mine shaft gap!

Dr. Strangelove is indeed a good film.

Game audio is notorious for using the same sound effect libraries that are used in countless TV shows, films etc.

There are certain insect sounds and wind sounds that I associate with the game Gothic, that I hear in movies all the time.

There's a few door sounds from Daggerfall that I hear all the time on TV and get a good chuckle from. It immediately makes me think of navigating one of those insane dungeons back in '96.

Incidentally, the elevator 'ding' sound from Half-Life immediately makes me think of the song "Girls" by the Beastie Boys. Whenever I play Half-Life and I hear an elevator door open, I start mentally singing the song. :-D
Same with a cat mjeow that's the same sound that's used in about 95% of all games and games.
that title got me thinking for a bit befor i opened the topic, images if mad doctors posing as Sirens [beautiful creatures from greek mythology].

another great film is Metropolis, the original sci-fi film [i believe] from 1927, classic. looksee: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0017136/

I was watching Westworld lately and there was a female announcer
that was greeting the guests and wishing them a nice vacation and
stuff like that, while the guests are arriving.

Anyway, i could swear that the female voice was exactly the same as in the intro sequence of HL1.
oh yea here is a good one for you, on the original half life soundtrack, song 12 can also be found in Medieval Total War.
This is a great film. Peter Sellars plays 3 different roles. Main actors include George C. Scott (Patton), Sterling Hayden (Police Capt in the GodFather) and Slim Pickens (Blazing Saddles). Rent it and enjoy the relevance. This is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld just before they invaded Iraq!
IX00 said:
This is a great film. Peter Sellars plays 3 different roles. Main actors include George C. Scott (Patton), Sterling Hayden (Police Capt in the GodFather) and Slim Pickens (Blazing Saddles). Rent it and enjoy the relevance. This is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld just before they invaded Iraq!

How is that Bush before he invaded Iraq? The president in Dr. Strangelove was trying to NOT start a war.
chu said:
There is this one scream that is used in tons of movies, the same exact scream.

I can't remember the name of it though. You'd know the scream if you heard it.

I know the one you're talking about. Every time I hear it, I cringe, because they didn't go out of their way not to use it. Not a biggie though :D

Then there's the scream that emanates from the Academy in StarCraft every damn time you select it. It can be heard in countless movies and games as well, but I think of StarCraft most readily when I hear it because I probably listened to that approximately ten-thousand times back when I was addicted to SC.

on a somewhat related note if you have listened to the new Rammstein CD, in the song "Moskau" as the chorus is about to roll in, it charges up with the Tau/egon canon spinning sound. (check the song at 0:57 for an example, again at 1:36 and 03:14 for a good one)

I heard this the first time I heard the song (long long time ago, when I had Rammstein Reise Reise in my sig, however didn't think it worth posting it's own thread) so thanks for an excuse :P
iicehawk15 said:
It's a black comedy, and I didn't get to finish the entire movie, but its about the war (not sure which one). A phsychotic general issues a nuclear attack on Russia without the consent of the Pentagon or America for that matter. And one actor happens to play 3 of the roles, that's all I can tell you.
it's the Cold War...and that one actor is the comic genius Peter Sellers
One of my fav movies.

Petter Sellers...classic...far better than any of the Pink Panther movies.
Mr. Redundant said:
on a somewhat related note if you have listened to the new Rammstein CD, in the song "Moskau" as the chorus is about to roll in, it charges up with the Tau/egon canon spinning sound. (check the song at 0:57 for an example, again at 1:36 and 03:14 for a good one)

I heard this the first time I heard the song (long long time ago, when I had Rammstein Reise Reise in my sig, however didn't think it worth posting it's own thread) so thanks for an excuse :P

Dude, I can hear the egon cannon.. its freaky.. now I am waiting to hear a scientist scream or Barney yelling at Gordon.