I always thought they'd hold on to a finished script until they could release it using hardware that'd make it a big leap forward the FPS genre, I think their VR headset is probably that.
Both are awesome games in their own rights, they're also pretty different in terms of gameplay. Half-Life was more fun than Half-life 2 at the time of it's release, though; because the story telling was pretty unique.
One of the main reasons why I love it, actually.
When you're in slow mo, if you have the hand cannon, you have the perfect time to knock out 3-4 perfect headshots, it's fun :D
And, yes, this game is worth getting, I think I have around 15 hours play time notched up already :P
It's bloody mental playing with melee fatigue, but awesome too.
We had a good game last night, it changes some tactics and makes closet camping a bit harder and most certainly gives boomers more points :)
What about users that were banned but made a dramatic turn around? I seem to remember Gorgon being an epic forum troll for ages until he was allowed back with the name Gorg0n (or something), every post I've seen of his since has been nice.
As expected, a minute or so of Dead air and death toll being played on verses and a little bit of information we could have guessed about survivor mode (no new footage)
Less of a world exclusive, more of a visual presentation of what everyone already knew/guessed :)
Was it really like that in 2003?
For a couple of years I just had /forums/ bookmarked and never looked at the front page. I found this site after speaking to fragmaster before he went mental
I had some awesome matches last night on the Austin server (All the UK servers die so quickly, yet I'm surprised to see 3/4 of the players on the american ones are still euro-folk :frown:), I can't believe I stopped playing this the first time round :D
That's rather a sad comment to make, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to be on steam, what exactly puts you in the position to shit all over the work of other people?
And as for dystopia, it's awesome, glad it's easier to install now, the only reason I...
Yeah, that campaign sounds great, it'll get the award for the shortest campaign ever because it'll have more attraction for the Should-I-Shouldn't-I people who shoot the car alarm with hilarious results, I'll give you a second by second account of every other game... :frog:
1s- exit saferoom...