Killing Floor to unlock on steam in less than 1 hour

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
For those of you who don't know, click HERE

For gameplay videos click HERE

Cliffnotes: Old Co-Op survival horror mod turned retail about to be unlocked on steam.

The devs said it would be at a "recession friendly price". I picked it up for 15 bucks on steam.



Side note: Please stay the "Oh, this is a L4D ripoff" etc like comments. This game is much older than L4D.
We've been waiting an hour for it to unlock for 3 hours, they've botched the launch.
Yeah a 1 or 2 hour delay is fine but this isn't right.
The killing floor site on steam just updates from 1 hour to 3 hours.
How the **** do you invite your steam friends?
Holy rapeface. Just played this for 1-2 hours with a bunch of friends on LAN.


Well worth the 15 bucks.

I have never played an FPS that did the weapons so well. Everything just feels so good to fire.
I was a bit skeptical at first but the IGN game play videos changed my mind. I have only played singleplayer so far but i am enjoying it. I can neither praise nor criticize since i have yet to try it out online, to see how well the dynamics work on a team. It's definitely a nice change of pace from Left4Dead. Left4Dead is a bit more frantic and adrenalin inducing than this but this seems to be a bit more atmospheric and scarier than it.
Yes, it is a very good game. Just you and you and 6 buddies and if you guys stray off, there isn't a way to save them. In L4D there is a lot of melee but for some reason, in KF feels like survival. Don't get me wrong I like L4D but this game is very good as well. There are perks, tons of unlocks, a map browser, etc.

Now on to the cons. Aside from a botched release, the game is in a sad shape as of now. You can't connect to any server and you have to open ports, blah blah blah... Yet if you run Hamachi and use what this guy said, you can play it: You essentially create a virtual LAN. Really that's the major bug I see. There is other tid-bits like a tutorial would be nice, finding the shop is kinda weird, and the "Flesh Pound" owns you lol.

Other than that it's an incredibly fun game. I fully expect bugs to be ironed out 2 weeks from now and mods to flourish. Aliens mod with Pulse Rifles? Possibilities are endless.

*Oh and this game is not for the weak of heart. If you liked L4D but wanted a more hardcore game, then this is perfect for you.
The Patriarch (final boss) sucks. I really don't like fighting it. All the other enemies are fun, but the Patriarch is meh.

There's also too few maps, and a lot of server browser related bugs seem to have carried over from Red Orchestra.

Apart from that, great game. Definitely recommended.

Western London should definitely be the first map you play. It's fairly easy, and it's very bright.
The Patriarch (final boss) sucks. I really don't like fighting it. All the other enemies are fun, but the Patriarch is meh.

This. There should be a different selection of bosses to face in the final wave. He's not even a threat to a decent team.
Indeed, the final boss is crap. But this game is still magnificent. I have clocked over 10 hours since the release.
Hey guys, how big is the download? You're getting me interested.
Does the single-player have AI teammates ala Left 4 Dead?
Negative. There are no "human" AI. The game scales the number of monsters in a wave according to the number of players.
I find that rather comical, given the amount of backlash that L4D players have given the human AI in L4D. Also, if you played the game, you would QUICKLY realize that having "human" AI's would bring absolutely NOTHING to the game.

I believe a free weekend is coming up soon for the game. If your sole reason for not purchasing it is because of the lack of AI buddies, then I urge you to at least try it on the free weekend.

I am at over 16 hours in the few days the game has been available. O_O
Is there an option to turn off the voice acting (or at least reduce the insane high frequency) and the random slowmotion? it's nice to see your own kill in slowmo, but I'm sure it gets old in multiplayer when it slows down while youre reloading, etc.
Is there an option to turn off the voice acting (or at least reduce the insane high frequency) and the random slowmotion? it's nice to see your own kill in slowmo, but I'm sure it gets old in multiplayer when it slows down while youre reloading, etc.

Slo-mo is one of the most crappy things about it, and as far as I can tell there is no way to reduce it or turn it off.
Slo-mo is one of the most crappy things about it, and as far as I can tell there is no way to reduce it or turn it off.


Was cool the first 15 times. I'm positive it will get removed or reduced in future patches.
I find that rather comical, given the amount of backlash that L4D players have given the human AI in L4D. Also, if you played the game, you would QUICKLY realize that having "human" AI's would bring absolutely NOTHING to the game.

Unless content is forced onto you it doesn't hurt a game. I can easily kill my AI counterparts in L4D if I really prefer them not existing that much, but atleast I have the option to have them.
Is there an option to turn off the voice acting (or at least reduce the insane high frequency) and the random slowmotion? it's nice to see your own kill in slowmo, but I'm sure it gets old in multiplayer when it slows down while youre reloading, etc.

This was actually my primary concern with the game. When I watched those videos of the game before release, ALL I could hear were those ANNOYING VOICES the characters make.

However, in the actual game, the voices are MUCH quieter (do not stand out like they do in the videos) and I found myself not irked by them at all. The devs have said that the sound in the preview videos were mono, and that amplified the voices.

Unless content is forced onto you it doesn't hurt a game. I can easily kill my AI counterparts in L4D if I really prefer them not existing that much, but atleast I have the option to have them.

I disagree. However, your example with L4D has some holes considering you DON'T have the option. Yes, you can kill them in the beginning, but there is no "option".

Like I said before, AI would add NOTHING to this game. NOTHING. Not only that, but it would be significantly more difficult to create "human" AI for this game, than say, L4D where the AI just kinda stays in the middle of the group from point A to point B (I realize that this is a hasty generalization of the L4D ai, which I feel is magnificent.)

In KF, you don't go from Point A to Point B. You just... survive. You don't run down that hallway because it leads you to your objective, you run down that hallway because the door you just welded shut two minutes ago is about to break and you're going to get swarmed and die if you don't. It would be unreasonably difficult to make AI that could not only understand this, but execute it properly as well!

Also, as a side note, I do not wish to come off as someone who blatantly defends this game (even though I appear to be.) The game has it's problems. The achievements and stat-tracking are (currently) buggy and some classes are not only superior, but much easier to level up than others. But I digress...
but is it fun? Is the actual aesthetic of shooting the zombies and working as a team enjoyable to play?
I figured my 16 hours of play time would make that question an obvious one.

Here is the first (and only that I found) review. Pixel Smashers gave it an 8/10.

Not really an opinionated review (guy pretty much states facts) but I feel it is accurate, though I might have scored it a 9/10 myself. Back to KF.

Was cool the first 15 times. I'm positive it will get removed or reduced in future patches.

One of the main reasons why I love it, actually.

When you're in slow mo, if you have the hand cannon, you have the perfect time to knock out 3-4 perfect headshots, it's fun :D

And, yes, this game is worth getting, I think I have around 15 hours play time notched up already :P
I think a server side option to turn off ZED-time (slow-mo) would be a good idea.

I love it, personally. Who doesn't love watching skulls explode in slow motion? It's also great for lever action rifle, handcannon or pistol to get a few more headshots. You can also look around insanely fast with it, and most importantly it provides a brief time to catch your breath. I'm certain I'd miss it if it left.


The only reason you would want AI teammates anyway, would be to turn friendly fire on, shoot at them, then heal them to farm the medic perk. That is the only reason. Really.