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  1. barnacle

    Spawn a player model

    what is the command to spawn a player model.?? I wanna shoot it and make it ragdoll off stuff.
  2. barnacle

    athlon 64 cooling

    for this: difference between these:?????: and, would they work? it says up to athlon 3400+, then it says up to fx 53...
  3. barnacle

    wtf, am i missing something?(selling anything?) If anyone is getting rid of a good processor or video card, etc. private message me with how much you will sell it for.
  4. barnacle

    Mobos stable with ram

    thanks cool, i was leaning towards the A8V too.
  5. barnacle

    Mobos stable with ram both are good, but which one would work better or be more stable with...
  6. barnacle

    OC which 9800 pro?

    thanks cutie boys
  7. barnacle

    OC which 9800 pro?

    in another thread I saw that only some 9800 pros could be over clocked to XT speeds. Could some one give a link to a 256mb 9800 pro that is Over clockable, please. thanks
  8. barnacle

    Windows XP/Pro

    Newegg has seemed to stop selling Win XP sp1, only Win XP sp2. They have Win Pro sp1. Is sp2 really that bad? why?
  9. barnacle

    Retail CPU heatsink and fan.

    i will be getting the 3500+ or the FX 53. Yes, I was born there, go back and forth between Japan and US, homeschool.
  10. barnacle

    Retail CPU heatsink and fan.

    CPU cooling and AMD processors. Does the retail version of a CPU come with the thermal gel and heatsink good to go? What do you think is a good CPU cooling unit? How much of a performance drop of different kinds of programs between the 3500+ and the FX 53?
  11. barnacle

    FX 55 prices drop or .

    I made a thread a few days ago asking about the FX 53 prices going down, and i learned that the manufacturing of the FX 53 will stop once the FX 55 comes out. I will be able to get my computer in december. Would it be a good idea to buy the athlon 64 3500+ then, and wait until the FX 55 prices...
  12. barnacle

    this 9800 pro?

    oh well, i will just buy Half Life 2 any way, of course.
  13. barnacle

    this 9800 pro?

    I was planning to get my computer by now, but some things came up, gotta wait. I am also lowering the specs of my phetus. This manufacturer/ card good? i have read it is a great 9800pro.
  14. barnacle

    Price drops by christmas?

    how much will FX 55 cost, when exactly is it coming out? I was planning to buy the FX 53 when the FX 55 came out, so the price would drop.
  15. barnacle

    Price drops by christmas?

    How much do you think the price of the.... FX-53 will drop.... 9800 pro will drop..... x800 xt pe will drop..... by christmas?
  16. barnacle


    Thanks alot, I will read that some other day, I have to read for school now.
  17. barnacle


    what is the 1T after the latency numbers? 2-2-2-5 or 2-3-2-6 1T is better? or how are they different?
  18. barnacle

    speaker questions one says it has easy mp3 input, and the wired remote of it has an extra plug. I do not know if this plug is the mp3 input, or if the mp3...
  19. barnacle

    RAID Questions

    Alrighty, thanks man.