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  1. D

    Iron Grip Trailer Released

    looks great, looking forward to playing.
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    Iron Grip: The Oppression Media

    looks cool, can't say I agree with all of the nitpicky negative comments... the game looks good from where I'm sitting. Iron Grip is one of the few mods I've seen that I like... cool premise / art and it looks like they are actually making progress. Keep up the good work!
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    The Battle Grounds Update

    Notice that the computer running it is only getting 22 FPS, it could just be a really shitty computer and thats why it looks kind of crappy. :thumbs:
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    New Samurai Legends Movie Released

    Damn, looks pretty far along.
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    D.E.A.D. Mega Update

    Like i said before, this mod looks like it will kick some serious ass. Nice work. :farmer:
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    Mist Update

    I think it looks like a cool mod and well said about the story line. I mean, you have to have some sort of story in a mod... wether it be ct's rescuing hostages or pirates um, killing each other. Its all good.
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    Caliber Update

    This mod looks better and better every update. Its cool to see a mod this far in development and it looks like a cool concept too. This dog gives it 2 thumbs up.
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    More D.E.A.D Concepts

    Hey I still think these are some of the coolest concept drawings / character write-ups around. If they manage to take this mod somewhere and implement all of these cool characters it will be sweet!
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    D.E.A.D. Concept Art

    Pretty cool character sketches and write ups.
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    New Iron Grip Media

    looks interesting! :afro:
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    Counter-Strike: Source, Source Engine, and Source SDK Updates Available

    It's nice to see them continue to update their software like this.
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    Cs favor Ts? (Part 2)

    I've told you once and I'll tell you again... it has nothing to do with luck... it has everything to do with SKILLZ.
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    Conflict in 'Nam Update

    looks pretty bad ass, it would be cool to have some stealthy fights in the woods.
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    my 1st photoshop

    waaaaaaay too much color. ;P
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    Graphic Rage

    I like the colors and I agree on the request for some higher quality images. especially the 2nd one, i like that alot - cool retro look to it.
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    New Photography Site

    Those pics are ill. Mad props Tim, you gots some skills. That calvin klein guy looks super hot btw.
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    Some things of mine - Opinions please :)

    I like your work. Everything seems mellow and natural. Post some of your latest stuff!
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    Vote on the Photoshop contest!

    I voted tim8604... the right choice. His was the best.
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    my computer in paint

    I dont see the whole "perspective is off" bit... seems pretty good to me. nice work tim. :p
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    Post your own HL2 Lambda symbols (3D or 2D)

    That is pretty slick, I really like it.