The Battle Grounds Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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The Source version of popular HL1 mod The Battle Grounds is slowly getting its act together, which is seen in these brand new in-game shots. Although somewhat simplistic in nature, the screenshots show off some impressive large scale map capabilities of the Source engine. [br]</br>
And hey, who wouldn't love to get a taste of the American Revolutionary War?

[br]Additionally, The dev-team is currently looking for modelers and texture artists, don't hesitate to drop off an e-mail at [email protected] if you're interested.
Don't forget to check out the Battle Grounds website right here.
CrazyHarij said:
hey, who wouldn't love to get a taste of the American Revolutionary War?

Looks like this will leave a bad taste in my mouth
I really could care less whether it's low poly or high poly. If it's this low, though, I'll just feel like I'm playing a Half-Life mod, and what's so bad about that. It better be very VERY largescale for that low poly though. IMO.
This is not Battlegrounds 2 yet, if you go to

They explain that its a straight port of BG1 to the source engine. Those are not new models, or skins...

Looks like this will leave a bad taste in my mouth

Instead of poking fun at the mod, remember that what you see there has been ported totally by the community, not even by the developers of BG1.

Thats a fair accomplishment!
I cant wait to see BG2, the port version even looks good. They need to make the maps better looking and the HUD nicer.
I play BG all the time, can't wait for BG:S
I think the BG models and animations look bad even for a HL1 modification, but that doesn't stop it from being a really fun mod.
BG source is very good! Ragdoll, new shoot effects, new maps, new feeling ... make it a lot better than the HL version.
Are they still using the HL1 models? I remember it started as a mod for it, did they just not finish up new ones?
Notice that the computer running it is only getting 22 FPS, it could just be a really shitty computer and thats why it looks kind of crappy. :thumbs:
Wow, whats the point of posting such shity ss? Total waste of time.

I LOVED this mod on HL1, now that it's come to source I can't wait to play!

It's fun if you play in lines.

It's also fun to play verrrrrry tired or intoxicated.

edit: Those being turned off by the screenshots or the 1700's war idea, PLEASE just TRY it. Seriously. I promise you it's so much damn fun. Even if it's not your favorite, you can't say it's a badly made game, the style/design of the gameplay itself came out superb.
It is SUPER fun to play. The new smoke effect really adds to the atmosphere, big clouds of smoke when everybody is firing :).
The original BG looks like crap. I don't even play it anymore. But when I did, it was one of the most strangely addictive HL mods out there. Very fun for a long time. Taught me that looks aren't everything.
Same here.

BG at first just looks like DoD in the 1700s, but it is alot more than that. The true fun is the absance of accurate and/or automatic weapons. No more getting sniped from across the map by a n00b getting lucky. No more setting up that perfect shot to get wiped out my a SMG from far away. It depends alot more on the skill of the player, determining when to shoot and when to hold your fire.

It is alot more fun than you would think. Just give it a fair trial. Lets face it, most conversion HL2 mods out there now look like crap. This is one of the first full conversion mod available for source. Hopefully they will redo the models and the animations, but until then, it is the gameplay that kep us coming back to BG:S.
Oh yeah BG is by FAR one of my favorite mods for HL1, and I am very much anticipating BG:S
Wow, whats the point of posting such shity ss? Total waste of time.
... and whats the point of your shity post?!
BG is all about gameplay and not about graphics, and BG/BG2 gameplay is uber!
BG has a lot of fans and a lot of those players are waiting for the source version for a long time. BTW its only a port, like HL and HL:s.
Hmmm...I remember playing this a long time ago actually. I didn't know the name it was at a friend's house and on dial up.
I downloaded BG for myself today and it was great fun. Pray for one lucky shot and them charge just like those movies! :) But unluckilly my bad aim (even with those muskets and flintlocks it's considered bad) got me kicked from three servers temporarily and one did it just for fun.

I think everyone of them had friendly fire involved. Everytime I join a server it takes eternity to load it due to stupid wav files. I just wish I can turn them off, I can live without hearing "Headshot" or "Multi-Kill". One great server I found allowed you to piss over people's bodies!:angel:
Can't wait for the full blown source version of this. I downloaded the ported version and it kicked arse, despite the absolutely shite graphics left from HL1. I played for it about an hour :laugh: It's something different and unique, and more importantly it's great fun :)
the fun thing about the battle grounds is that the melee weapons are a huge part of the game. it makes you use your shots wisely and not have to worry about sprayers.