
Hectic Glenn

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Insurgency, one of the most loved SteamWorks supported mods is soon to release a major update to version 2 of the mod. This will improve countless areas of the mod from bugs to brand new features. Team lead, Dr Spielmann took some time to talk to about the upgrade and the new version of Insurgency coming on the orange box engine (Beta 3). See the brand new media below.[br][br] We can see with the August upgrade that you are making the scoring system in Insurgency much clearer, rewarding different types of play style. How has this changed the feel of mod in testing?

Spielmann: What we have done is to clarify the morale / scoring system so that players can simply enjoy the game without having to think too much about their score. We believe the new system is a natural step in the right direction, and it helps us promote the kind of gameplay we want to see in public INS servers. We have made things a bit more clear and logical, so the player will now be able to assess his relative importance for the team as well as his kill / death ratio during the wait for their next respawn.[br]The morale system for Beta 3 was designed to be closely linked with the concept of ?tiers?. Tiers are levels of experience that will allow you to gain access to different weapons and loadouts. If you focus on your team, you should concentrate on coordinating the assault or defense of capture points. We wanted to discourage lone wolfing or ramboing into areas like enemy respawns, etc. Moreover, we wanted to discourage players from running and camping around locations not related with the overall team objectives with the sole purpose of getting extra kills. We have noticed that many teams lose rounds because players simply roam around or try to go deeply into the enemy lines on their own. That doesn?t really really help their team. What we have done now is to implement the first part of the new system: the scoring. The second half of the system (the tiers) will not be implemented with the next next update as it is reserved for Beta 3.[br]As the system stands now, kills in capture areas will provide a boost in morale points. Morale is also affected by the kill / death ratio of the player. When this kill / death ratio is positive, it provides an additional boost in their score. At present, the score will not be a reference for temporary or permanent unlocks. It will still be just a score (albeit a much more understandable one).[br]In the future, players that concentrate on helping their team get to their objectives will quickly be able to access higher tiers and reach better weapons that will allow them to make a real difference. Sticking to your team-mates and focusing on the strategic objectives will provide additional bonuses that we?re not ready to talk about yet.


[br] The update also mentions several major changes some of the most well known insurgency maps to improve balance. Have the mappers on the team now perfected a formula or style of mapping which suits Insurgency?
Spielmann: The biggest changes come from suggestions from our community and forums as well as design decisions. Additionally, maps like Ramadi, Baghdad or Buhriz have gone through some deeper revision in the last few months. Our level designers have started to implement changes that might go unnoticed now, but will become apparent when Beta 3 is released. I would say that in future versions you will see our game modes closely linked to the map layouts, reinforcing the identity of the game as opposed to having just an amalgam of different maps and game modes. It?s easier said than done, though, and not even all commercial titles manage to have good multiplayer game modes and maps which are a perfect fit to those modes. We?re working on that very carefully.[br] Insurgency is already one of the best looking mods with SteamWorks support, yet you continue to improve the visuals with each update. Are you nearing a point where you are happy with the polish of the mod?
SpielmannYes, we are getting to a reasonable level of quality for 2.x based on the older version of Source. However, for Beta 3 the look we are aiming for is much more polished and ?current-gen?. We?ve come a long way until now, and there?s plenty of room for improvement once the switch to the most recent engine is completed.[br] Porting Insurgency onto the Orange Box engine (Beta 3) is a mammoth task alone, yet you've already managed to do a great deal. What new things on the OB engine will you be able to take advantage of to bring more to Insurgency?
Spielmann: In short: better support for permanent unlocks and achievements, better performance on multicore machines? there are many engine quirks that have been ironed out in the newer versions of Source and we expect the better performance to give us enough overhead to be able to increase the level of detail in textures and models throughout the entire game increasing the framerate. We also expect to be able to eliminate some of the limitations of the actual version such as the reduced visibility range of the sniper rifles, or mitigate other related graphical side-effects. [br] There will be changes expected for the game interface and HUD, what are your gameplay reasons for doing so?
Spielmann:Our game interface is now feeling a bit outdated, and we wanted something more than a simple facelift. You can have a taste of how things will look in the future if you look at the new spectator menu. We wanted to test drive it now and see the reactions of our players so that we can carry on developing the new interface for Beta 3.[br]However, looking better is not enough. Since Beta 3 will include several unlockable tiers, permanent and temporary unlocks, achievements and a lot of new customization options, we needed to redesign the main interface in order to accommodate all these new features comfortably. For example, in the current interface we don?t have the space for a new selection menu for the player?s sidearm, and unlockable sidearms are one of the important new features of Beta 3. Therefore a redesign was in order.[br]Also, we want our HUD to be simple and clear, unobtrusive and helpful. In Beta 3, for example, players will be able to use things like communication options more efficiently without the need for scrolling through a list on the side of the screen. [br]

[br] The current content in the game is centred around USMC and Insurgent fighting in the middle east. You have said you will provide further upgrades for this but what can you tell us about the new Eastern European theatre planned for Beta 3?
Spielmann: It?s based on a fictional conflict and set in the Balkans, Kosovo in particular. Our objective is for it to have forests and a good blend of urban and rural warfare. We?re working on it to be much more atmospheric, with original voicing and new musical scores that will clearly help the player to feel immersed in the action. There will be a little back story for it that we will unveil during the following months to prepare our players for the new events in the INS world.[br] With the new weapons and sides from the Eastern European theatre, will the gameplay feel distinctively different from the original Middle Eastern theatre?[br]
Spielmann:Since in Beta 3 we will update the Middle Eastern theatre to the same level of the new Eastern European one things will feel very similar, but in a different environment. There will be only one Insurgency, in 2 theaters.[br]

[br] The insurgency team's work is always to a high standard, with constant new ideas and features being implemented. Do you feel preventing your mod from stagnating has helped build your community and support?
Spielmann:Undoubtedly, regular updates have helped the community stay strong. What we have tried to achieve is a higher level of polish, and we believe that players appreciate that. When you try to innovate within INS and consolidate existing assets and features, there?s always a certain degree of complaining, but in the end most people like that we keep investigating into ways of perfecting this model.[br] Everyone is looking forward to Beta 3 and hopes it will be available in the near future. Are you looking for any help in certain development areas?
Spielmann:We would like to clarify that Beta 3 won?t be available in the near future. Our schedule doesn?t contemplate an early release, and our goal is to be able to release it by Autumn 2010.[br]At the moment, we are actively looking for level designers capable of working within our design framework, as well as for talented player animators and modelers. As for the rest of positions, we?re always happy to take a look at portfolios and ideas and get new people on board.[br]
Many thanks to Dr Spielmann for taking the time to answer our questions and provide us with the latest media on this exciting upcoming project.[br]

[br]Changelist for August Upgrade & Beyond<hr size="3" noshade color="#ED761C"></strong>[br]
Bug fixes:[br]
[br]- M203 "Rapid Reload" exploit has been fixed. M203 reload speed has been increased and ammo too (+1 grenade).[br]
[br]- Corrected ironsight alignment for several weapons (AK47, M249, etc.).[br]
[br]- Spectators can now see other player's weapons in first person.[br]
[br]- M16 firemode switch has now sounds &amp; animations.[br]
[br]- Fixed bolt weapons. You cannot reload, scope or unscope while it?s doing the bolt action now.[br]
[br]- Updated the sniper rifle behavior to be able to keep track of the objective after firing.[br]
[br]- Players are no longer able to switch fire modes while in m203 mode.[br]
[br]- Fixed ins_viewpoint.[br]
[br]- Removed net_showevents.[br]
[br]- Fixed shell sounds / models for shotguns snipers and pistols.[br]
[br]- Some extra cvars flagged with sv_cheat.[br]
[br]- Fixed USMC voice command "Standing by".[br]
[br]- Added fully-configurable Spawn Protection System.[br]
[br]- Added server option ins_spawnprotection. Disabled by default, when set to 1 it will read the settings of the server .sps files (placed at the Maps folder) and enable the Spawn Protection System.[br]
[br]- Added console command ins_showsps to allow players to check the Spawn Protection Settings of the server for the current map.[br]
[br]- Updated font to support brackets for clan tags (such as [XxX]) in the new spectator menu.[br]
[br]- Ammo caches now have a per-player timer. You can only restock your ammo after a period of time to prevent grenade / RPG spamming from ammo cache locations.[br]

[br]Visual Updates:[br]
[br]- Revamped Makarov Texture.[br]
[br]- New Optic Lenses.[br]
[br]- New M-14 DMR Texture.[br]
[br]- New M9 Beretta Texture.[br]
[br]- New M18 Smoke Grenade Texture.[br]
[br]- New RPG-7 Texture.[br]
[br]- New RGD-5 Texture.[br]
[br]- Updated Various Weapon Selection UIs.[br]
[br]- RPG-7 rocket now properly disappears from the first person view after firing.[br]
[br]- Corrected bolt-related animations.[br]
[br]- Corrected "last shot" animations.[br]
[br]- All ironsights are now consistent (taken away from the player).[br]
[br]- The M203 is no longer as tilted as it was, making it more comfortable and easier to use.[br]
[br]- M203 position when in ironsights has also been adjusted.[br]
[br]- New skins and textures for the Insurgent characters.[br]
[br]- Improved Al-Kadesiah sniper rifle scope with new rubber eyepiece.[br]
[br]- L42A1 Enfield sniper rifle now allows to keep track of your target after firing (keeping the mouse button pressed).[br]
[br]- New death/spectator menu for Beta 3 has been created and added to 2.x[br]
[br]- Other minor &amp; aesthetic updates and tweaks to first-person animations (minor corrections, and fixed glitches, etc).[br]
[br]- Improved player and team-mate icons on the overhead map.[br]
[br]- Team-mate icons now blink when the players are using VoIP or in-game voice commands to better help their team locate the source of the communications and provide additional strategic depth.[br]
[br]- Improved world models of the M16 and M16M203 to match their new first-person equivalents.[br]
[br]- Added new skin and ironsights to the FNFAL). The new ironsight makes this weapon much more useful now.[br]
[br]- Improved some weapon animations to prevent some small glitches.[br]
[br]- Added a new sound for the animation of "cooking" the grenade.[br]
[br]- You can now see the front sight of the M4 through the aimpoint scope (like you would in real life).[br]
[br]- M4 w/aimpoint has been realigned to address a bug that made it shoot off-target at longer ranges.[br]
[br]- You can now see the front sight of the M4 through the aimpoint scope (like you would in real life).[br]
[br]- M4 w/aimpoint model has also been upgraded with more detail and higher polycount.[br]
[br]- The Aimpoint dot behavior has been upgraded to simulate more closely its real-life equivalent.[br]
[br]- Ammo caches now have a per-player timer. You can only restock your ammo after a period of time to prevent grenade / RPG spamming from ammo cache locations[br]
[br]- More accurate collision models made for the Humvees.[br]
[br]- More accurate collision models for palmtrees in Buhriz and Karam.[br]
[br]- More accurate collision models for Canvas Truck and Lada.[br]
[br]- Upgraded some truck models &amp; skins, as well as other vehicles (cars, pick-up trucks, etc).[br]

[br]Map Updates:[br]
[br]- Several fixes and tweaks throughout the map after play testing.[br]
[br]- Fixed a sew stuck issues and exploits.[br]
[br]- Fixed all map-related console errors.[br]
[br]- Added extra cover for B (some bushes).[br]
[br]- One building has been damaged to reduce INS advantage.[br]
[br]- Viewpoints corrected.[br]
[br]- Fixed all map-related console errors.[br]
[br]- Clipped carpets to prevent players from getting stuck.[br]
[br]- Lowered the A capture zone so it can't be captured from the top of the building.[br]
[br]- Raised skybox ceiling where possible.[br]
[br]- Other minor fixes and updates.[br]
[br]- Most map-related console errors have been fixed.[br]
[br]- Removed the back alley.[br]
[br]- Added a balcony to USMC spawn so that it?s now harder to pin them down there.[br]
[br]- Added a extra route to the rooftops area from USMC spawn.[br]
[br]- Fixed some known exploits.[br]
[br]- Upgraded skybox.[br]
[br]- Lots of small changes and polishing.[br]
[br]- Fixed all map-related console errors.[br]

[br]Audio Upgrades:[br]
[br]- Improved first person footsteps and player sounds.[br]
[br]- Improved bullet sounds and other in-game sounds (bullet impacts, etc).[br]
[br]- Grenade-related sounds have been improved (baking grenade).[br]
[br]- Additional upgrades and tweaks for the game soundscapes.[br]
[br]- Several weapon sounds have also been updated (M9, M1014, M14, Makarov, Al-Kadesiah?)[br]

[br]New features:[br]
[br]- A new system for the morale &amp; score has been implemented, to bring the game closely in line with what?s is being developed for Beta 3.[br]
[br]- Players now will earn morale points when suppressing enemies (wounding &amp; eliminating targets).[br]
[br]- Eliminating enemies within capture areas (while attacking or defending) provides a boost in morale points.[br]
[br]- The Kill / Death ratio of the player is taken into account and provides an additional bonus multiplier to the player?s score.[br]
[br]- The breakdown of this score is shown in the new spectator menu (current morale, KDR bonus, total score).[br]
[br]- These factors compose a much more clear scoring system in Insurgency.[br]

[br]News about Beta 3:[br]
[br]Development of Beta 3 is steady, with some highlights:[br]
[br]There is already a functional ? albeit stripped down ? version of the mod running under the Orange Box engine. A large selection of weapons, ironsights, animations &amp; models and the basic functionality and features of the mod have been already ported. The weapons bash intended to substitute knives and bayonets has already been implemented as a proof-of-concept (together with its intended knock-back and suppression effect. Progress will continue over the next few months on the following main lines of action:[br]
[br]- Tier system and temporary unlocks (weapons, etc).[br]
[br]- Achievements and permanent visual customization unlocks.[br]
[br]- Game modes: unification, clarification and polishing.[br]
[br]- Generation of new content (maps, models, props, animations, sounds, etc) for the new Eastern European theatre.[br]
[br]- Visual upgrades for the older content for the existing Middle Eastern theatre (USMC and INS model upgrades, etc.).[br]
[br]- Complete redesign of the game interface, loading screens, and HUD.[br]