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  1. G

    Prince of Persia sands of time...

    Is there a pc demo out yet?
  2. G

    Max Payne 2 Dead Man Walking

    This Is Spinal Tap, ****ing hilarious, even the menu on the DVD ****ing rocks.
  3. G

    Max Payne 2 Dead Man Walking

    In this thread, everybody is confused.
  4. G

    So stupid its dangerous?

    You scare me.
  5. G

    HL2 Physics compared to MP2

    You mean Remedy did a good job with the physics.
  6. G

    There is evil afoot!

    Except this time you must pay for his "services"
  7. G

    Max Payne 2 Mod Tools released.

    Quakenet #maxpayne2mods Remedy mapper helps in there sometimes, his name is "mixuk" Lots of other helpful people there also. You can pretty much use the MP1 mapping tutorials for MP2 Same goes for Particle FX
  8. G

    What's on your clipboard?

  9. G

    Max Payne 2 screens I took

    What the remedy employee said is not true. I have a Radeon 8500(dx8), and the mirrors work fine, just had to turn it on in the options.
  10. G

    Max Payne 2 screens I took

    Damn, no spoiler alert, :(
  11. G

    Ever wanted your car to look like it has been riddled with bullets?

    I dont know, I dont understand it either.
  12. G

    Ever wanted your car to look like it has been riddled with bullets?

    ICY HOT STUNTAZ ALL DA WAY Buncha ***'s :cheese:
  13. G

    Ever wanted your car to look like it has been riddled with bullets?

    But didnt wanna buy a gun?
  14. G

    Am I the only girl on these forums?

  15. G

    Am I the only girl on these forums?

    Hey, if I get banned, it was worth it.
  16. G

    Am I the only girl on these forums?

    [ Removed by rec: post trash like this again and I'll happily ban you ]
  17. G

    Colt M4A1 R.I.S. (Rail Integrated System)

    Its the only way their models look any good, hehe.
  18. G

    Warning to you all.

  19. G

    Funniest Pictures Of Half Life 2

    Hey, you know what, thats funny, because I want you to ****ING DIE. This is some funny shit.
  20. G

    Amazing spoilers @ general Forum

    Hey guys, you are not forced to click the links to the images.