Once i saw the videos and stuff i thought i had seen the demo on fileplanet and not cared about it, now i want ti and i realize it was never there, damn subconcious, if i see "Band of Brothers movie" on the front page for long enough i assume there's a demo
Nice sword P - Lo
I got Khoo's point for a steal at 3g with a super steal 2.6g +5dmg chant.
And once i get a group to do ulda i hope i can get my Charge
43 Orc Hunter - Destromath - Carnage
Post a picture of your main WoW character. It can be anything from you dancing neddkid in a fire of Orgimarr to you fighting onyxia with rez sickness
Ill kick things off
Guild "Carnage"
lv 40 Orc Hunter
Fighting a troll
Im 38 orc hunter on Destromath. It's my main but i have a RIDUNKLIOUS amount of alts. Its why im such low level, and i tend not to "grind" as much as i should. Im always doing a quest or farming for thick or doing an instance, its rare when i just get to STV, find a good 40ish zone and kill...
I liked D2. Believe it or not, i remember when the trade channel had real people in it! It was fun, I liked LoD a lot. I hope they do another Diablo, i think they can do a lot with the series, and knowing Blizzard it will be a grand slam. Blizzard could make it a chess card battle game and...