First, demons are real:
I posted on here awhile ago. Some of you may remember me...
Anyway, a DEMON has started messing with me. Apparently they were here long ago, making me post some...odd things (sorry)...
I'm trying out living on my own this summer, and I'm starting to wonder what's going to happen after my tupperware tub of banana bread runs out. The obvious choice is to stock up on Ramen, but I'll probably die of cancer or something if I eat that shit every day.
I want to balance...
If the wheels have radii r1 and r2, and are a distance d apart, then the total length track needed to cover them is:
I tested it for a few simple values and it works. Hope that helps, and thanks for giving me a math problem to sink my nerdy teeth in. ^_^
It's real. The guy calls himself "Dimitri the Lover." He runs some sort of self-help seminar in Toronto to teach men how to pick-up women. According to a phsycologist from the Canadian military, he's certifiably crazy. He has a long history of sexual assault as well.