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  1. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    Make of it what you want. I know what I meant.
  2. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    Well done. I'm an evolutionist now. I'm not trolling.
  3. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    Well to start off. I did it because I didn't expect to be opening Pandora's box. Geez. I don't believe in evolution because of several reasons. Fine, I'll list some of the ones mentioned on the site, but I'm not gonna engage in this discussion any further. Reasons already mentioned. You can...
  4. Murray

    In Russia Stalker CoP goes GOLD on you!!!

    I don't know why, but I couldn't be arsed to finish Clear Sky (probably because I maxed out the details and had to endure really long loading times). I should probably make another attempt before CoP releases. It had really great graphics.
  5. Murray

    lead is the new gold

    Amd I to understand this correctly; that since Obama became president the amount of ammo purchases have increased dramatically or is that just spinning it?
  6. Murray


    Dude! Cut your nails already!
  7. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    I'm not holding out on any information. You know you can probably get most of the info if you google creationism or something. Or if you know swedish, go here.
  8. Murray

    Lost Planet 2

    Back from playing the coop demo. We played through the demo twice because it was really fun. I'm definitely getting the full game on release day.
  9. Murray

    how many of you believe in the New world order or atleast some parts of it?

    I've been listening alot to Alex Jones and his comments regarding this. I honestly have no idea. They may show compelling evidence, and I would like to see some good counter arguments to it, but I mostly hear things like: "Alex Jones is a crazy conspiracy theorist, and is equally crazy as the...
  10. Murray

    Lost Planet 2

    In a few minutes I'll be trying the Co-op Demo along with three friends on Ps3. I like the graphics. Also reminds me of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP. :)
  11. Murray

    Forza 3 + Brutal Legend Demos out!

    Still not available in Europe, me sad. :(
  12. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    Agree to disagree, and thanks, but no thanks.
  13. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    Look, I'm sure you're very knowledgable on the field, but I'll be blunt. I can't be arsed. I've been talking with people about evolution before and while both sides bring good arguments to the table, no one convinces the other side.
  14. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    Because I find the counter arguments compelling?
  15. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    You would want me to do that wouldn't you? I know the score. There's no way anyone of us will convince one side to agree with the other. I'm fairly sure have already had these discussions about weather evolution is true or not. The results will only be more tension. TL:DR No.
  16. Murray

    Richard Dawkins new book - The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

    *cough* I don't believe in evolution and I consider myself somewhat educated on the subject. *Hides in bunker*
  17. Murray

    Happy birthday Sinkobutt

    Everytime you have a birthday, someone glues a dead bunny to your window (?)
  18. Murray

    Im interested in ur thinking

    I get the feeling you dislike crappy english.
  19. Murray

    Glenn Beck on White Culture

    Right now I could say something witty and insulting about Glenn Beck, but chances are it has already been said.
  20. Murray

    "Yes officer, I was masterbating at the time of the accident"

    1. Find idiot 2. Show idiot to the world 3. Feel good about yourself for not being as idiotic as said idiot 4. ????? 5. Profit!