Glenn Beck on White Culture

Right now I could say something witty and insulting about Glenn Beck, but chances are it has already been said.
He can't act normal for more than 30 seconds
He did a great job crucifying himself there. There are a lot of depressing questions which spring to mind after seeing this though, eg. why isn't Beck faced with this sort of question from everyone he encounters, why is it necessary to 'trap' him like this when the problem lies in his being able to make outrageous statements without any basis in the first place, who on earth could watch this without realising that Beck is stupid sleazebag whom only a moron could like, why does he still have a career, and so forth.
Ugh, this guy. I don't know why people pay attention to him. If we ignored him, he would go away (and someone more offensive would be placed into his shoes by the powers-that-be). Hard to ignore this sort of hilarity though. :laugh: