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    Outlook Express preview pane dangers and why source code will be useless

    Why can't you just run dx under wine or something?
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    About the XT cards

    How many pixel shader pipelines does the 9600xt have? I'd say most of the time that's going to be more important than clock speed in dx9 games. I'm no expert but I thought the 9600pro had 4 and the 9800pro had 8?
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    About the easter egg..

    could someone get detailed shots of the G-man, Kleiner and Gordon? I want to compare the eyes to see if two of them are possibly related but I don't have the videos on my pc.
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    New S3 card

    Bumped because this forum is filled with useless 9800 threads and "which card should I buy?" and needs a little variation.
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    New S3 card

    Google is your friend
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    New S3 card

    Can't be bothered to search around for any links at the moment but S3 (owned by VIA afaik) are apparently releasing their new full dx9 video cards "deltachrome" to compete against ATI and Nvidia later this year ("later this year" is usually slang for "sometime next year, possibly" but nevermind...
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    Derren Brown

    It's not "fake". He never pretends to be psychic or anything he's just a very intelligent guy with a talent for reading peoples thoughts and feelings through their manerisms, voice, facial expressions and whatnot.
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    Derren Brown

    He lives in my city, I saw him at a show in my local theatre about a year ago I think, he was pretty darn good. I also liked his tv show, I'm really interested in psychology and mind control and I'd love to learn how to do some of the things he does but you need loads of self confidence and I...
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    Doom 3 - goodness

    Yeah his soundtrack was a huge part of Doom for me, I really hope they found a suitable replacement.
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    Alyx in all her glory..

    O_O Waaaaaaay out of proportion... And I'm sure you could edit her face a little to make her look more real. Other than that, um, w00t I guess.
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    Anti-Virus Software

    Avg free edition's good. And free, ya can't beat that easily...
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    Should I buy a high end card?!!!

    I'm probably going to wait for the next gen cards to come out. I'm not too fussed about not being able to play hl2 the second it comes out as long as noone spoils the storyline for me... ¬_¬ The 9800pro has been out a pretty long time, tech must have moved pretty far foward in that time.
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    where can i find a cheap fx5800?

    Do you just think more expensive = faster or something? Seriously, the fx series was the biggest mistake nvidia ever made. They're expensive because nvidia ****ed up designing them and they cost a lot to produce afaik.
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    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    Don't forget some fava beans. Whatever they are... o_O And yes it does look mighty tasty. I think at the end Gordon, Alyx, Kleiner and the Gman should have a huge feast with an antlion gaurd and an ichy... That's a point, holy hell! Think what an Ichy will look like in source! It scared the...
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    Old E3 Videos DX8?

    afaik bump mapping is the illusion of multiple polys on a flat surface by controlling what direction light reflects in and stuff and normal mapping is how light reacts to textures depending on material, but then what's specular mapping? Um, I think we need a sticky on all this... Tis confusing...
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    Amazon UK reduces price...

    That seems pretty cheap, I have a suspision it may be the sp version.... Valve had better be sure this whole thing's going to work out....
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    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    I thought that was the whole point of the film... A showcase of how easily lead people are pretending to be a documentary on gun culture and those mean weapons manufacturers and enthusiasts. *shakes fist and scowls* ....
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    9800pro or wait for the XT?

    The price of the 9x00 series has apparently bumped so this may not be the best time to get a card anyway.
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    ok im still havin trouble with my pc

    I mean bump up the power not the frequency. I found a website where someone did it although that guy is completely insane....
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    ok im still havin trouble with my pc

    I've always wanted to overclock my microwave, sounds hella fun.