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  1. lotusboy101

    Steam forums cracking down on garry's mod

    ^ I'm still hoping for an answer to this puzzling question.
  2. lotusboy101

    HL2Studio version 1.4 Released

    is it possible to use this to change the paint jobs or "skins" on alot of the props like cars and stuff? I think that would be cool.
  3. lotusboy101

    Steam forums cracking down on garry's mod

    my only question is if it is considered wrong to post single person poses that are not necessarily sexual, but could be seen that way. Like I have lots of cute pictures of alxy crawling on all four, or sitting on her knees playfully. Most of them are just like typical model poses, I really want...
  4. lotusboy101

    Headcrab vs. Facehugger

    I love when Hudson says "It's game over man! GAME OVER!" I'm sorry I had to throw that in! :bounce:
  5. lotusboy101

    Forum gone mental?

    forumz R teh suxors....!!!!!!!!!!11111 :cat:
  6. lotusboy101

    hl3....and so on...

    hahhaha! I agree. I was a total X-phile (a.k.a. X-Files fanboy), and I hated how drawn out the story got towards the end. I even missed some of the final episodes and didn't really care. I did however catch the final episode and I DID enjoy it. Seeing the smoking man in that hidden place in the...
  7. lotusboy101

    Not so happy thanks giving for my family :(

    I hope when that guy dies he is forced by God to watch his mistake over at least once, just so he realizes what he did. :( Aside from that I hope things still go smoothly for you over the holidays. Just keep remembering that she's probably just as happy now as she was living.
  8. lotusboy101

    Music help

    how do I get the music out of the game so tha ti can listen to it on my computer. I don't even need the format changed or anything, I just want the be able to listen to it while I work on things or surf the net.
  9. lotusboy101

    People Complaining About HL2's Story

    alot of peopel keep saying that we have no idea what Dr. breen wants to do with humans, but if you listen to one of his rants on the tv early on, it is clear that he wants to make all humans "immortal" (most likely to be slaves), this immortalitly is at the price of losing our "instincts" and...
  10. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    link seemed messed up on my browser, here it is again just in case you're actually trying to help me! :bounce: Catalyst ERROR picture see previous posts if you are confused!!
  11. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    thanks! was very helpful (I had already unfortunately done some things out of order, but so far things are ok) Sadly though, one thing is wrong now. Everythings installed but catalyst cannot run. It gives me an error message. Follow this link to see what I mean: ERROR So does cli.exe not...
  12. lotusboy101

    Just Got 9800 pro 128mg.. EXTREMLY IMPRESSED!

    Thank you very much! I have been stressed about drivers all night (early a.m. actually) and after what you just said I realize I don't have to install any. I'm good to go! yay! So now I just need to install the 9800 pro and then reboot. Once I reboot should I use the Catalyst CD that came with...
  13. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    in the attached image, which ones should I remove before installing my Catalyst ones? image
  14. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    I forgot to specify: I am just installing my new card. Before this, I had no card. Whatever my computer came with, which was just some kind of ProSavage8 S3 graphics drivers or something. I am going to go install the VIA drivers and see what happens.
  15. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    now that I have the VIA driver how do I install it? (you're dealing with a clueless sap that is upgradig his video card SOLELY for HL2!!!!)
  16. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    by the way, thanks for all your help guys. I was getting zero response in the hardware/help thread. lol
  17. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    well the reason I worry about chipset drivers is because the manual and the ATI help online says: if your graphics card has an AGP bus, you MUST do the following BEFORE replacing your current graphics card with your new ATI card: Not only do you need display drivers for an AGP card, but you...
  18. lotusboy101

    9800 pro drivers

    I posted the following in the hardware threads and got no response, so please help me out with this one somebody!: hey all of you 9800 pro guys! I just got the exact same card for my system. I need some good advice on what drivers to get though. The manual says to update my chipset drivers...
  19. lotusboy101

    Just Got 9800 pro 128mg.. EXTREMLY IMPRESSED!

    i guess no ones going to offer help :( I hope I don't fry my system when I choose the WRONG drivers!!!
  20. lotusboy101

    Just Got 9800 pro 128mg.. EXTREMLY IMPRESSED!

    hey all of you 9800 pro guys! I just got th eexact same card for my system. I need some good advice on what drivers to get though. The manual says to update my chipset drivers before installing the ATI ones, so I did all this crap trying to figure out my chipset and it's confusing. I have a...