hl3....and so on...



I love the way they ended hl2. with an obvious sequil in the works...but not a let down. i just have one question. the story was good in the first, heck great... and in the 2nd it just gets better. but will this go on forever? new game, more mystries, depth, and so on...? are they just improvising the storyline as they go? or do the masteminds at valve have it all mapped out? to be quite honest it would kinda dissapointing if their making it up as they go on. It would be way more exciting if someone knows waaaaaay more depth than we do and are letting us in on it one....game...at...a....time.

what do you think/know???
i wouldnt care if it went on, as long as it has dramatic characters and a great story and mystery
I hope it ends at Half-Life 3 with everything explained and the destruction of the matrix.

There's a valuable lesson to be learnt from the prolonged filming of X-files episodes, too much of a good thing turns into crap. Pure crap. Agent Dogget pfff and Agent Woman thing that looks like a man and probably has a sack.
well, not too much, but i wouldnt mind if a expansion or a hl3 didnt end
Half-Life is a confirmed trillogy. 3 will be the last one, and I sure as hell hope we get proper closure.
they also have to make it the best game yet and better than hl2
f|uke said:
Half-Life is a confirmed trillogy. 3 will be the last one, and I sure as hell hope we get proper closure.
Even with the closing of the main story, they could very well make many expansions of side characters that would turn out swell :d. The 2 from HL1 could turn into maybe 3 or 4 for HL2.. and maybe more for HL3. xD
Mr-Fusion said:
I hope it ends at Half-Life 3 with everything explained and the destruction of the matrix.

There's a valuable lesson to be learnt from the prolonged filming of X-files episodes, too much of a good thing turns into crap. Pure crap. Agent Dogget pfff and Agent Woman thing that looks like a man and probably has a sack.

hahhaha! I agree. I was a total X-phile (a.k.a. X-Files fanboy), and I hated how drawn out the story got towards the end. I even missed some of the final episodes and didn't really care. I did however catch the final episode and I DID enjoy it. Seeing the smoking man in that hidden place in the desert with the native american woman was interesting (the shows creator loves native american culture so that was an interesting tidbit). Seeing the smoking man die was also sort of a closure, and the religious bit they kinda hint at at the final scene was actually good taste if you ask me. I liked the end over all. Anyway, I better stop my rant before my x-files fanboy is out again!!!

it could end up being like The X-files and with each new game there are more questions than answers, which works great for a few seasons but then it just turned to crap. so hopefully valve wont do that.