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  1. R

    Your thoughts on Far Cry

    Realistic is a biatch, especialy when those adorable elite mercs pop you with a round form their g36 from 50m away (wich just happens to be realistic). Trigens are also a lot of fun, though those fatboys sure can take a beating (tip for realistic, avoid). AI is great, best I've seen in a FPS...
  2. R

    Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

    More things to ponder. The van with 500kg of explosives intercepted two weeks ago carried all the necessary materials to fabricate bombs, except detonators. This new van found yesterday carried seven detonators, and no other bomb making materials. This attack also comes almost a year after...
  3. R

    Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

    In case you didn't know, the group that claimed responsability in the name of al-quaeda also claimed responsability for the power outage in the US a few months ago, so I wouldn't really be trusting what they say. On the tape, it's a comercially available tape. It should be noted that eta...
  4. R

    to Spain\ para los españoles

    Ya, bueno, gracias gente. Aquí el país se nos ha quedado mal, todo el cielo esta gris, nadie sale a la calle, y los medios ahora recuentan las experiencias de los supervivientes. Todo muy triste. Si fue la eta, no sobrevivirán a este año. No tengo dudas de que muchos los ya encarcelados...
  5. R

    Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

    You moron, "a good thing"? Have you been in a cave this last year? UK and Spain have been the few countries that supported the war in Irak.
  6. R

    Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

    You do know that your absurd remarks, unless they have some intricate, hidden meaning, are quite insulting? One tends to expect more from people with certain authority, but you prove that inconequential cretins lie everywhere. And yes, I just insulted a moderator. Just in case it isn't...
  7. R

    Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

    lol, no. Well, not yet. I'm preparing my opositions (entrance exams) for it, but I'm not in yet. So, clarky003, I know that a group used eta's favoured explosive, carried out a terrorist attack based on a previous foiled attempt, on a moment when eta has been especially active, that...
  8. R

    Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

    Eta terrorist group is responisible. They tried a similair attack on two trains on Christmas Eve, timed for their arrival at the station, but were captured when planting the bombs. Two weeks ago two eta members were caught some 100 km outside of Madrid with half a ton (500kg) of explosives...
  9. R

    What's up with kids who misbehave?!

    Yup, parents in general have been total wusses as of late, I very thankful my parents never let me get out of line. Whenever I have a serious relationship, as in really really serious, a deciding factor for continuity would be how to raise children. I ain't gonna have some lil' snot faced brat...
  10. R

    Join the Navy of Japan today!

    That was an actual, oficial, true to god recruitment video? God have mercy on us all, for we are doomed...
  11. R

    Whats your IQ? Take the test and find out Original adress, eh?
  12. R

    Whats your IQ? Take the test and find out

    I once got 160 something on this long 20 page test, only to get an 80 on 10 question online test... A few days ago I found this wacko color choosing test. You had to choose an order of 8 colors, twice, and then it told you your personality. Scary thing is that it nailed me, and was quite...
  13. R

    Whats your IQ? Take the test and find out

    135... well, no that bad
  14. R

    Steve <IFG> Previous/Next Employment

    Thank god I don't have a download limit...
  15. R

    There are comparable games to DOOM3 and HL2...

    I've been playing the Far Cry demo since it was out, and I still haven't seen the AI do any of those things (getting stuck, not seeing you, etc.). I guess my demo's bugged. Painkiller practically doesn't have a story, but that hasn't stopped me from playing it non-stop. Technologically...
  16. R

    Count the men...

    Each man loses a part of his body in the translation. Thing is, that part, in some cases, isn't whole, but when combined with another man, missing that part entirelly, it seems complete, thus looking shorter. For example, one guy loses his hair, and doesn't get anything back. His hair goes...
  17. R

    Has a parent ever found your pr0n?

    My dad used to comment about the photos in his playboys, so it wasn't such a big deal when he found pr0n on my pc.
  18. R

    TheNerdNews: If Anne Frank Only Knew ...

    Behold the awsome power of Dixan brainwasher with micro-particles for extra fanatical belief...
  19. R

    "Osama 'surrounded'" -Sunday telegraph

    They've been saying this since the very start...
  20. R

    Worst Movie I've Seen in Theaters...Period

    There was this Costner movie, in wich he thought he was Elvis' son, Graceland or something. That was soo bad.