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  1. MrD

    Possible Shock for Australian HL2 fans - HL2 maybe banned

    About this link between violent games and real killings; you have to seriously question the intelligence of those who advocate it. To anyone with any sense (assuming there is some kind of link in the first place) you would most logically expect things to be the other way round. That is; certain...
  2. MrD

    Life and Death Situations

    When I was a little boy I used to like running really really fast, as fast as my legs could carry me. Once we were out on some boring family walk and I was running about like a little nutter as usual. Now, I don't know if any of you has done this, but it's possible to run so fast that you lose...
  3. MrD

    Possible Shock for Australian HL2 fans - HL2 maybe banned

    Maybe if the government catch you downloading it off steam they'll send you to bed early without any dinner! I make that point in all seriousness.
  4. MrD

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    I find this all incredibly confusing. Surely they would make more money if they tried selling the games to the people that actually want to buy them. Shutting-out loyal sections of your fan base in an attempt to force less-willing people to buy your game is absurd. Choosing to make a few extra...
  5. MrD

    Valve take action against piracy

    True perhaps, but forgive me for being sceptical. I run a fansite for a game that makes use of user-based voting. Not in the same league as credit card fraud i realise, but still some people try to cheat it (by voting their own creations). Despite all kinds of IP logs and whatnot it is still...
  6. MrD

    Valve take action against piracy

    Um, laugh all you want but it's not funny in the slightest. Sure, at first glance it all looks perfume and roses. But really it's a big pile of crap. You start banning people like this and eventually you'll ban someone innocent. Like someone who bought their CD from the shop but had their key...
  7. MrD

    Abom Fan Thread

    I think i've got one of those things, where your memory shuts it out because it's so horrific... ?!
  8. MrD

    Abom Fan Thread

    Who's Abom?
  9. MrD

    anyone know if hl2 will support win98?

    Anyone thought to try CS:S on win98?
  10. MrD

    I cant hold it in much longer........

    lol! (i apologise in advance) A leaky Valve?! Who would have thought...
  11. MrD

    HDR... in or not?

    I could have sworn the first time I read up on this I had it nailed. Clearly not. Anyway, I am now going to take my own advice and not talk about it anymore. Bloom is not HDR. Bloom is not HDR. Bloom is not HDR. Bloom is not HDR... :frown:
  12. MrD

    HDR... in or not?

    Bloom cannot be done very well without HDR. Your last paragraph is untrue. You assume that retina simulation is required (ie. the area inside being black part) in order to use bloom. This is not the case. It is quite possible to light an entire level at a single level and stick a very bright...
  13. MrD

    HDR... in or not?

    There are AT LEAST some basic HDR effects in CS:S. One example is lighting bloom, as you can see here (on the windows) ... and in HL2 too (on the tree) ...
  14. MrD

    Let me entertain you.

    WOW, nice view :thumbs:
  15. MrD

    BBC:Half Life 2 cancelled! CS:S to go retail

    I've seen/heard that joke so many times since I, Robot it's just not funny anymore. Not that that's important in any way but i just thought i'd mention it.
  16. MrD

    Let me entertain you.

    We talking rumpy pumpy in zero-g ?
  17. MrD

    Let me entertain you.

    I suppose in space they must tie themselves into bed?! Never thought of that before :S EDIT: MrD takes a note to try some feather pillows. :thumbs:
  18. MrD

    Let me entertain you.

    Damn things! My old ones were too flat. I had to put my arm underneath to support my head! So anyway, i bought these new ones a couple of months ago. Nice big-bugger fluffy ones. And now the damn things are flat again! Can anyone suggest a good quality pillow?!!
  19. MrD

    Let me entertain you.

    Juggling? Or perhaps you could help me solve the mystery of why my pillows always go flat... :|