I cant hold it in much longer........


Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score


I just hope that HL2 will be released really soon, so I can go and play it and CS:S. But damn...I have school.
I say it blows.

Graphics are dated (low-res textures), lighting and shadowing is HORRIBLE, physics are boring, models are low poly BS and the gameplay plain sucks - gravity gun is a 3 minute novelty crap, which you forget later on in the game.

...Oh wait, the game hasn't released. :dozey:
But damn...I have school.

yeah that sucks :D if they're gonna release it "this summer", and not fall, they'd better release it now because the weather is changing here in holland :p

anyway hl2 wil OOOOOOOOOWN :D who's with me for a game of manipulatordeathmatch when it's done :P
Half-Life 2 is not going to be released in this life time. So who knows?
lans said:
I say it blows.

Graphics are dated (low-res textures), lighting and shadowing is HORRIBLE, physics are boring, models are low poly BS and the gameplay plain sucks - gravity gun is a 3 minute novelty crap, which you forget later on in the game.

...Oh wait, the game hasn't released.

lol =) Manipulator won't be forgotten by me..... i like toying with physics :p
i want it now

and btw...physic in cs:s do NOT represent the singleplayer hl2 physics
Interl@ce said:
yeah that sucks :D if they're gonna release it "this summer", and not fall, they'd better release it now because the weather is changing here in holland :p

Here at Finland start be really dark at evening and night and weather is little bit cold, so Valve...hurry! :stare:
hmm.. i dont know.. it may be good..
i hope it's good... im already dissapointed at the "light engine" though.

let's just hope G-man isn't a BIG part of this game..
I hate G-man... GMAN.. GMAN!!!

my god.. STOP IT!!!! it's enough.. Dont try to make an icon of a game character.. :P :P
Hey guys, lets party cos tomorrow, HL2 starts preloading! That means Valve is releasing something HL2 :O


:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You guys know that the game has been delayed because of a leak?
Ap]-[eX said:
You guys know that the game has been delayed because of a leak?

That was approximately 11 months ago, and even then it still wasn't delayed because of a leak.
Ap]-[eX said:
You guys know that the game has been delayed because of a leak?


(i apologise in advance)
A leaky Valve?! Who would have thought...
Chris_D said:

That was approximately 11 months ago, and even then it still wasn't delayed because of a leak.

Theres been another leak if you didnt know...
the hackers stole the entire half-life 2 script with the counter-strike pre-load :|
Yay the forums are getting better now, now that we don't have anymore Halo 2 fanboys coming in here, and trying to convince us that its gonna be better than HL2.

The world is a better place.
kaellinn18 said:
That wasn't hacked, and it didn't cause a delay.

as far as I know it has been delayed from september. 30 to november. 2 ;(
Ap]-[eX said:
as far as I know it has been delayed from september. 30 to november. 2 ;(

If you're going by something a retailer told you, don't believe it. They know as much (probably less) than the people on these forums. No one knows when HL2 will be released, but all signs point to within the next month or two.
Come on valve im getting very very impatient!!! I need half life 2 NOW!!!
Shaha!!! I am pre-ordering a Collectors Edition from EB-Games like... The 27th!! Wohoo! I can't wait! So basically I share everybody elses opinion! OWNAGE: 100%
Kouler said:
Yay the forums are getting better now, now that we don't have anymore Halo 2 fanboys coming in here, and trying to convince us that its gonna be better than HL2.

The world is a better place.

Wait until a gone gold date then you will se all the great minds of the internet all gathering to say the same 2 or 3 things.

humm kind of this kind of thread actually
I'm convinced this game will be the highest rated game ever! i'm talking 100% 10/10 review scores.
The best rated game I ever have seen was the first Zelda for N64 on gamespot. It got a 10. Though HL2 will probably get it everywhere!
Ashbery76 said:
I'm convinced this game will be the highest rated game ever! i'm talking 100% 10/10 review scores.

If HL2 gets 100 point at Finland, in magazine Pelit-lehti I´m really impressed. I would say like 90-97 points and Pelit suosittelee if it is what it say to be. :dozey:
I think that HL2 gets 90 in Pelit magazine and Pelit suosittelee! :)
Half-Life 2 obsessive excitment, is like a hernia, whether u hold it in or out, its still painfull as fook.
I think Half-life 2 will be the game of the year, and will again be a benchmark for aspiring developers to match.

Just like half-life 1 was :)
cold, rainy and dark autumn + hl2 = gonna be nice, very nice.
Xenome said:
I think Half-life 2 will be the game of the year, and will again be a benchmark for aspiring developers to match.

Just like half-life 1 was :)

Agreed :)