Top 5 favorite beers:
Red Stripe
Blue Moon Spring Ale
I unfortunately have not been able to try the many imported beers my liquour store throws at me. But one day...
The game's not very generic at all. If anything, it reminds me of Martin's "A Song of Fire and Ice" series which is anything but generic high fantasy crap. There's loads of deep material here for an entire universe that I really hope BioWare doesn't neglect. I like the allegories for real world...
I'm part of the game/console crowd. I don't own a PC that can play anything made past 1999. I'm a huge fan of BioWare's work, including Baldur's Gate. This stereotyping is pretty ridiculous.
While I'm not a big fan of Moore or his values and such, I have to say Sicko really got to me. He was right on the money with most of the issues he raised.
Me and my best friend have been chums since first grade. Now we're in our Sophmore year of college, still going strong.
Some people get the misconception we're gay lovers sometimes...
I almost feel like there are no more Jack Thompsons. The GTA DLC had full frontal nudity of a man...and I didn't see any red flags from anyone. I don't think this will get any big play for now. Especially since the main characters of the game are American/European soldiers and not sociopath...
I could easily post hundreds of anti-conservative/republican websites, but that won't prove anything. Someone before got it right when they said there are only a small number of people who would actually go to war over something as silly as whether they are a liberal or conservative.
Story's good, but nowhere near KOTOR I or II good. Characters are good, but nowhere near KOTOR I or II. It's immersive I'd say, a bit repetitive. Sideplanets are pretty much the same thing OVER and OVER again. It's an incredibly underdeveloped part of the game that stretches the game to that 30...