Shooting Civilians in Modern Warfare 2 controversy


May 5, 2004
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the site is being hammered with traffic so it's slow to load
It shows a player in MW2 as part of a terrorist team, going into an airport mall and mowing down a bunch of civilians. Not just one or two, but dozens at least

beware the video spoils part of the story (?)

oh the jack thompsons of this world will have a field day.
So, does IW enjoy starting shitstorms or what?
The must believe that any publicity is good publicity. Not that this is anything horrifying really. Just a game folks. Doesnt mean people are going to go out shooting civvies.
The must believe that any publicity is good publicity. Not that this is anything horrifying really. Just a game folks. Doesnt mean people are going to go out shooting civvies.

no but people will jump on the murder simulator/columbine/virginia tech bandwagon


also my wife asked me last week if a 10 year old (one of her client's kids) should be playing a game called "Modern Warefare" ..I said no. so a 10 year old might have a slightly harder time differentiating between reality and make believe than say an 18 year old
no but people will jump on the murder simulator/columbine/virginia tech bandwagon

Those are the folks im talking to :D


I think the rest of your post showed who should be thinking of the children. Their parents.
but parents often dont. "video games are for kids; it's a video game, how bad can it be?"'s the very same reasoning they use with cartoons "it's made for kids, how bad could a cartoon possibly be" "it's made for kids, how bad can a comic book be" ....many parents still have that mentality because they've never bothered to consider what might be in these games/cartoons/comics because the industry has never had a reason to speak to them as they're not their target audience even though they are the ones making the purchase. My wife, thankfully, asks before she buys any video game for my kids and even then I usually play them or research them beforehand, this is not the norm for any media as parents just trust that certain media (comics, cartoons, video games) are aimed at kids and would never appeal to an adult. these people will go as far as thinking any adult who plays games as childish or immature, blissfully unaware that there's a ton of video games/cartoons/comics aimed at adults not children ...but this realisation may be unwanted because then they'll see they're being bad parents
I almost feel like there are no more Jack Thompsons. The GTA DLC had full frontal nudity of a man...and I didn't see any red flags from anyone. I don't think this will get any big play for now. Especially since the main characters of the game are American/European soldiers and not sociopath criminals.
also my wife asked me last week if a 10 year old (one of her client's kids) should be playing a game called "Modern Warefare" ..I said no. so a 10 year old might have a slightly harder time differentiating between reality and make believe than say an 18 year old

Well when I was around 10 years old I got my first PC. Both me and my dad played Blood 1, and Quake 2, blowing the crap out of everything.
I could perfectly tell the difference between reality and fiction, and the violent imagery didn't at all affect my ability to discern right from wrong.

Granted if I was a father now, I would probably do the same as you. However my point is that kids that can't tell fantasy from reality and have something like a game get them to go on a killing spree, more than likely had some serious mental issues beforehand.
CptStern, you're a terrible father.
Well when I was around 10 years old I got my first PC. Both me and my dad played Blood 1, and Quake 2, blowing the crap out of everything.
I could perfectly tell the difference between reality and fiction, and the violent imagery didn't at all affect my ability to discern right from wrong.

yes because Quake and Cod are almost identical games



you almost cant tell the difference ;)

Granted if I was a father now, I would probably do the same as you. However my point is that kids that can't tell fantasy from reality and have something like a game get them to go on a killing spree, more than likely had some serious mental issues beforehand.

we confuse fiction with reality even as adults. how many people watch law and order and think the police are extremely effective in catching murderers when a large chunk of murders go unsolved? or that spending $100 on "anti-aging" cream will actually work. or that we're smart, or handsome, or talented, or gifted when in many cases the people in question are just relatively mediocre. humans self decieve all the time, for both negative AND positive reasons

also your experience =/= to everyone elses experience. so while you might not have been desentized to violence at 10 other kids might be. so what's good for you inst good for everyone else. so you cant really use your own experience as proof of anything
What the hell shitty quake mod is that.

Quake has big guns bro.

Also you have clearly never played Blood, because it was about the most violent game ever, including the ability to kill civilians in gruesome ways. So whatever point you're trying to prove fails. Remus is right.
that's Hexen 2

and it's not shitty
Seriously, this sort of thing was arguably 75% of the fun of the GTA games and 100% of the fun in the Postal games. I was NOT going to buy MW2 before this video but now I am seriously considering it. The fact that you are playing as a terrorist has absolutely no bearing on this at all. A crazy murderer is a crazy murderer, no matter what the reason(s) behind the action(s). And for most of us, a game is a game; an escape from reality; a chance to do things we can't do in real life. Can't wait to see more!
Seriously, this sort of thing was arguably 75% of the fun of the GTA games and 100% of the fun in the Postal games. I was NOT going to buy MW2 before this video but now I am seriously considering it. The fact that you are playing as a terrorist has absolutely no bearing on this at all. A crazy murderer is a crazy murderer, no matter what the reason(s) behind the action(s). And for most of us, a game is a game; an escape from reality; a chance to do things we can't do in real life. Can't wait to see more!

I spend most of my time in GTA games shooting/running over civilians. anyways the people who play video games get it: there's no corelation between killing someone virtually and killing a real person, but that does nothing to stopthat perception because in most cases these people are looking for ANY excuse to point a finger at ANYTHING that doesnt jibe with their moral center. frankly if it were up to me, these people would have zero say on anything. they'd actually have one of those electronic monitors that sends out a near deadly electrical shock everytime they're close to having a kneejerk reaction to something


In 10 years time people will be posting pictures of COD and saying.. How could they ever have thought this looked real! ... actually you could say that now, so nm.

Just remember, this was once the pinnacle of videogame violence, stirring up the media and getting itself banned..

It'll still look pretty good in ten years.

The difference will likely be the interactivity.

That's right, fight fascism with fascism!! :bounce:

It'll still look pretty good in ten years.

The difference will likely be the interactivity.
It's true--MS better make sure Natal does absolutely NOTHING as controversial as this. :p
in GTA all you kill are civilians and bad/good guys. i still think its cool and games like Ghost Recon and Rainbow 6 would have been a lot more fun if that was part of the gameplay. its about time a FPS this big did something over the top!
Is it bad that I ****ing laughed as soon as all the civvies dropped dead? I mean holy shit they just ****ing drop god damn dead.
Nice, it's like L4D but with innocent human beings instead of zombies.
I'm willing to live with the irony/hypocrisy if it means I get to eletrocute stupid people
Hahaha! A fair point.

I think I will go home and load up GTA IV and cause a massive traffic jam then blow it all to hell and laugh and people jump from the cars burning and screaming. Good times. Half the fun is watching them crawl after being wounded.
killing fake people helps crazies from doing the real thing imo
Man IW weren't kidding when they said they wanted to let the player experience the story from ALL sides.
Who cares, it's a video game.

Shame on the parents who let their kids play this though.