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    Eclipse Download

    yes, this would be a good demo, but i would LOVE to see a full game. P.S. MAKE A FULL GAME!
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    Eclipse Download

    i loved this game. it played in a window, did enyone elce have this problem? i told it to play full screen, but it came up with some kid of error. but otherwhise, this game was awsm. the creators should make a full lanth game, and fix the bugs ppl have been reporting. id give it a 9/10
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    Samurai Legends Movie

    What are you guys talking about, i though it looked great, the mapps were really well done, and i dodnt expect half the modles i saw. good job guys, keep up the good work.
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    Weekly Steam News (20/05/05)

    what is that red think in the bottom of the picture? looks like the fisherman is holding it. new weapon mabe?
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    school map

    this is a map that i am making of my school. my school is huge so it will take me a long time to make, but when it is done it should be fun to blow up your classroom :). here are som screens.
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    de_officeblock re-release (fixed version)

    omg ive searched for ever for that celing texture in the office..AND I CANT FIND IT!!!!!!!!11 can u PLZ tell me the name PLZ.
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    Detailed Apartment Building

    is it just me, or am i missing ALOT of modles. so meny people have all these modles, and i cant find like half of them. did u make them yourself?
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    omg.... i dont understand...GERRRR!

    sorry, this is the link [img=]
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    omg.... i dont understand...GERRRR!

    omg. i followed the rope bridge totorial to hang a light from the cealing, i did i all correct (well i oviously didnt) but i did :P, and look what happened... [IMG] what the hell! theres nothing down there! trust me, nothing.
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    how do i do this?

    how do i atatch a phisic object to a wall? and i still dont understand how to get a decal onto a surface.
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    map runs fine for a while and then...

    ya, i had that in my HL2 map. My map ran great. I had a buggy can a chopper. I could see the chopper, and go up to it, and touch it and stuff, and i could drive the buggy, but at soon as i drove the buggy in site of the chopper, it crashed to the desktop. mabe we have the same problem. what...
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    how do i put a decal on a wall/floor?

    how do i put a decal on a wall/floor? i made the decal and selected the texture, but i dont know how to apply it to a texture. if that what u do... i am still noob, can u guys tell me? and also, is there a toilet model for CS:S? i cant find one, there seems to be a lack of moddles for CS:S.
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    Garrysmod4 so funny, look at what i made

    hahaha i just had hurs of fun with this funny mod, it is great lol, while taking a stride through City 17, i hear some weird noises, groaning and moaning and such. being the good and loyal citizen that i am, i whent to go cheak out the problem. beleive me people, i was just as suprized as you...
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    TUTORIALS Needed!

    ****ing idiot, i hate people that ask for tutorials, the first sticky in the forum that says READ THIS: in big caps says VIDEO TUTORIALS! facking look god damn it.
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    WIP: de_officeblock_beta5

    lol...this is kinda a specific question....but could u tell me the name of the roof texture you used in the office? lol i need it.
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    Attention Mappers/modders

    well what a making a CS Source map of my school right now.... its a very big project so it will likely not be done till near the end of my Grade 12 year. (im in gr. 11) here are some pics of what i have so far. (i just started) these are of the studio in my school...were...
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    omg stupid steam

    omg i hate steam so much... they suck in the first place, and as soon as i get everything running smoothly finaly, they change it again and then i have to fix it.....AGAIN....when the update happened, i hade to put the gameinfo.txt in the NEW directory... well there are gameinfo.txt's all over...
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    HL2_watertree almost done! pic inside

    enyone want the VMF to figure out my problems? plz?
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    WIP invasion

    lol that is some funny shit