I was curious if anyone in Britian could comment on this article? Is it as big of a thing as CNN makes it out to be? In other words, are public speakings from Muslims of this stance common? Or have you personally never heard of it before?
I'm writing a paper on free speech and compairing the...
I can't tell if you want a serious answer or not. If you do, read on, otherwise, read the posts about drinking beer and having sex your entire life. Your choice.
High school exists as a basic introduction to our modern age, if you cannot read or write, if you cannot socialize, if you cannot do...
Good question! I am so glad you asked.
Yay! Now we all know the origins of terrorism. I guess it really had nothing to do with Bush or Reagan, but actually happened around 2,000 years ago, if not before that. Huh. Go figure. Learn...
Wow, well I was off then. Your call Cyber, but to be honest man, could you really date someone who you know has cheated before? Granted, once a cheater doesn't necessarily mean always a cheater. But I don't think I would do it.
Not funny. Not at all.
I didn't think this was difficult for you guys to undertand but I guess it is. Some players play with their guild for years, moving from one game to another. To claim that they didn't know the guy is ridiculous. Some guilds form close bonds and while they may not know...
Pretty much sums up the whole thread.
I mean, what you did wasn't really wrong or immoral, when someone says they need time its usually they are trying to dump you nicely or they really don't know if they like you or not. Which, I take as a dump either way. I want a girl who knows that she...
I was over at a friends yesterday and I sat down for a bit to play Ghost Recon. I was curious if there is a major difference in the Advanced Warfighter for Xbox and the one for 360. Obviously graphics are going to be different but how about AI?
Because to be honest, that was probably one of...
Black is the perfect rental game. Short and sweet. I enjoyed it a lot. Complaining about Black is like complaining that Final Fantasy is too long and slow. Black was made to fit a niche, a fast, exciting and explosive shooter and it delivered exactly that.
If my SAW destroys half and...
Kissing is just like making love, it depends on how you feel that day.
Any good kisser knows that you don't kiss the same way everytime. Sometimes its soft, slow and gentle, other times its more aggressive with tongue, etc. Also, don't just focus on the lips, girls like it on the ears, neck...
/consoles Raziar.
Not much you can do my friend, sometimes love just sucks. Its very good at it too.
Have you talked to her since her new life? I'm just curious if she looks you in the eye anymore.
Honestly the only person who I trust with a loaded gun around me is my father and the older guys as the range. My friends want me to take them shooting but some of them are so clumsy I just tell them no. Especially since most of them live in the city, I'm afraid they're going to try and turn the...
Raziaar is probably talking about people who have a sub/dom relationship 24/7. Its not really uncommon(EDIT: well compaired to the general pop it is but I digress), there are huge clubs for it and sometimes large groups will gather and auction off/trade their subs, sometimes just for a night and...
Not bad Spicy, its always good to see new enthusiasts earn respect for the sport of firearms. And yeah, games are nothing compaired to real life. While I have fired handguns I am far more experienced with shotguns and rifles. I honestly can never use a 'sniper rifle' in game, everytime I pick...
Not that I am claiming that this soldier is lying; but since when does the mostly non-white predominantly ethnic minority US Military learn and use the word untermenschen?
A couple of disclaimers:
I apologize if this has already been posted. I searched and found nothing but I honestly didn't search that hard.
I also haven't read the South Dakota thread so if this is mentioned in there I apologize...