Did you ever stop and think.....

madog said:
You can't deny my logic. People today are so full of shit today it is amazing. And there is no way I will end my life. I'm not taking the easy way out, I'm staying until the end. It is just incredible how people can worry over petty things in their social life when others suffer so greatly. I see it everyday. All the down kids silently suffering while those well off complain about something trivial or just go on with their happy life and ignore all those who feel the plague of depression. I accept my suffering like these kids and always admire those who suffer more than me.
It's shitty out there but still- no. People shouldn't be forced to live worse off because others are too. I'm glad that people ARE able to worry about petty things and not be in miserable situations. I'm glad that situation exists for them. Hopefully they appreciate it. I have had some rough spots but overall I'm in a comfortable situation and I realize it, appreciate it, and am glad for what I have. I still will worry about petty things and such and I'm glad I can, don't complain because people do. If anything complain about people not knowing what they have or appreciating it.
madog said:
You can't deny my logic. People today are so full of shit today it is amazing.

As much as we like to romanticize the past, it sucked a heck of a lot more then today.
Cooper said:
As much as we like to romanticize the past, it sucked a heck of a lot more then today.

Well actually the past sucked too. Life has always been crap. But a person's view on life obviously develops from what they have experienced. Someone who has always had good things going for them will most likely say life is a good thing because that is what they know. People who have only known a painful life will say life sucks because that is what it has given them. Perhaps my judgement on happy people is a bit too harsh, but that is just the way I am. My real grudge is really only against these kinds of people that I know locally and some others in this world that fit in this category of self-centered people. In general though, not all people who have a good life are the shitholes I am describing.
Eh, we all have to make a point to our lives. Life is never pointless as long as we have something to do with it.
Max35 said:
That life for the average citizen is pointless. It seems that way to me, maybe I just have way too much time on my hands to think. There is too much ignorance (myself included), too many superficial lives based on nothing really important. Soz if this sounds like a rant, but what can ya do?

No my friend, you do not sound philosophical.

Life truly is pointless. You just have to make the best of it and remember "if i'm going to die eventually, who gives a ****!"

You just got to remember to have the best time of your life, and try to get in the way of as little as possible whilst doing it.
sinkoman said:
No my friend, you do not sound philosophical.

I wasn't trying to be. Being philosophical, and being obvious are two different things I think.
Direwolf said:
There is no such thing as an "average citizen." Everyone is extraordinary in some way, and effects everyone around them.

You are unique in personality, but you are just one of the countless parts that make up the machine called society.
Get along with the soul purpose of a human, live, and get a kid.
15357 said:
You are unique in personality, but you are just one of the countless parts that make up the machine called society.
True to an extent. You never know just how much you effect, especially in this day and age with everyone connected.

Hell, if Star Wars Kid can affect the world, so can anyone else.
Ever thought of stop living up Here ------

and start living down here -------

Sry, just couldnt hold it back :D
Originally posted by Max35:
And who has the old, feeble mind exactly?

Think for yourself

Originally posted by Max35:
Also, before you call somebody feeble, you should learn how to spell it.

I was not calling somebody feeble - Also before you make assumptions learn to read threads.
Llama said:
Ive noticed many people online are emohaters and many other people are too. You guys are the ones that often suck.
15357 said:
You are unique in personality, but you are just one of the countless parts that make up the machine called society.

We all have control over how big our cog is.

-Angry Lawyer
madog said:
Ive noticed many people online are emohaters and many other people are too. You guys are the ones that often suck.
Why? It's stupid and annoying. Go update your blog and cry yourself to sleep because everyone hates emo kids. BTW, if everyone hates emo kids... isn't that good? It gives them more problems to bitch about so they don't run out of excuses as to why their life sucks. If everyone joined their little club it wouldn't really work.
OCybrManO said:
Why? It's stupid and annoying. Go update your blog and cry yourself to sleep because everyone hates emo kids. BTW, if everyone hates emo kids... isn't that good? It gives them more problems to bitch about so they don't run out of excuses as to why their life sucks. If everyone joined their little club it wouldn't really work.

What you say is pretty true. I have no blogs though nor do I cry.
The worst aspects of emo/goth/metal culture have all blended together into one giant cultural pinata.
I like metal music. I guess you could consider me a metal kind of guy. However, I'm not like the culture you describe. I don't like all the "scene" emo and goth kids. You know the ones that are like, you can't listen to this music because you are not like us or don't dress our way. Often times these kids are posers themselves and just piss everyone off. Damn scene kids.
Thats why its the worst parts of all those cultures that have become the whipping boy. Feel excused if you don't have this haircut.
Direwolf said:
Thats why its the worst parts of all those cultures that have become the whipping boy. Feel excused if you don't have this haircut.

I don't so i get a woot.
Angry Lawyer said:
Make something of yourself. Something for people to remember you by. That's why I do modding - it's a legacy. Same with writing, or painting.

-Angry Lawyer
Or you could discover something, or propose a theory that makes sense... like the Theory of Reletivity... just thats been done before... :P

Raziaar said:
If I stopped to think, I wouldn't have ended up in this thread.

If you had stopped to think you woudln't have joined this forum. :)

But I can see this thread soon decending into the age old debate of, why do we exist? If the universe is infinite, that means that there is a infinate chance that there is an infinite amount of sentient species in an infinate amount of forms.

Of course if the universe were truly infinate, there would be an infinate chance that there is an infinate amount of elements, but there isn't SO ITS NOT :P. lol yeah... anyway....... :rolling:
And to think! I almost started a thread titled "What's The Meaning of Life????" - Timmmy

p.s. Is that lip ring 14 gauge?