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  1. manny_c44

    Has anyone ever seen Gordon and Eric clapman in the same room?

    I don't really think he looks much like him, especially closer up. Clapton really went south after that awful reggae trend. But Cream is tops. I can always rock out to Disraeli Gears.
  2. manny_c44

    When will steam unlock hl2?

    I'm mostly positive that atleast some people will get it early--I remember people getting PS2's weeks earlier from bungling clerks (and that was a hugely publized launch). the game will be pirated about a week before, if not earlier. So we'lll be agonzing while bittorrenters play.
  3. manny_c44

    When will steam unlock hl2?

    You know people who pre-ordered on EB will get there game's 3 days early when it ships while us Steam people (the ones helping out valve) will be stuck waiting for it.
  4. manny_c44

    Older memories

    Hmm, I knew about HL1 fromt he beginning and followed its development closely, so I didn't have any suprise encounter with Half-Life. I knew it was going to be awesome, and it was. The best is showing other people that don't know about, even today it holds up as a unique gaming experience.
  5. manny_c44

    valve LOST an obscene amount of money the other night

    If you're going to steal a game, better a mainstream one guaranteed to make millions than one from a fledgling developer. It'd be best to steal no games at all, but considering how slow demos (and how poor they are at really giving a sense of the gameplay) come out and the price of games its...
  6. manny_c44

    CS:S Review

    I'm not sure if that could really be called a was more a review of the graphics if anything.
  7. manny_c44

    Golden Eye (N64) - Source

    Golden Eye SP was trash. The only reason its so lauded is because the 8 year olds playing it had never seen a FPS before. It turns out Quake came out way before it, and was just a flat out better game. Multiplayer-wise though the game was as good as any other, the big upside was that...
  8. manny_c44

    WTF?!? GMR Magazine

    I can't wait for Paper Mario 2. There's going to be alot of great games coming out this winter.
  9. manny_c44

    is it just me or has half life 2 changed?

    I don't think they ever switched to Quake2's engine, rather they just added to the first engine and improved it.
  10. manny_c44

    gamespot rumour, 26th nov - bogus

    Then you're still a winner!
  11. manny_c44

    PC Format Half-Life 2 review (translated)

    Thanks for the Review. Are you yourself from slovenija?
  12. manny_c44

    See a bad post? Here's what to do!

    Oh yeah, if you guys vigilantly watch the incoming alerts it should work...but if you just delete anything half way offensive the boards will be bland. I'm not a big fan of hout sauce, but scathing board commentary would be better than a mild-taco sauce equivilant. Or something.
  13. manny_c44

    See a bad post? Here's what to do!

    These systems never work, forum goers are generally too immature to handle things like this seriously turning it into "he doesn't like me I can get him banned W333ee3eE", which is just a step worse than the thought-policing you have in mind. Furthermore, you are stupid. :|
  14. manny_c44

    How do you interpret the word "Combine"?

    I think its taken from 'One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest', the chief referred to the outside world and the hospital staff as the combine...he also thought the walls were filled with monitoring equpment and that he himself had eqipment inside of him. They probably ripped it off from...
  15. manny_c44

    If anything happens tomarrow, it will be at 4.

    :laugh: But really, Mayo, I was touched by your story.
  16. manny_c44

    Flyable helicopter?

    I remember this...ughh. I ended up just using the exploit-cheat, I don't think I could've beat the game without it. Other than that though, great game! And to get back on topic. I also hope the game has a minimum of driving aspects, as DKelly said; I've never actually played a cross-over...
  17. manny_c44

    Hehehe, I´ve gotta share this.

    That story is a complete load of shit.
  18. manny_c44

    sHm0zY's Valve Tour & Play test!

    This "Valve visit" story is not only completely devoid of any new information, it is also painful to read. ...yeah, thats right. I'm reviewing the visit.
  19. manny_c44

    America : The Arrogant Empire

    Europe will be pacified when Bush is ousted from office and Kerry replaces him. Europeans seem to desperately desire some sort of control in American politics, so when the anti-bush league is appeased by Kerry (who is basically the same person and will make no substantial change to any policy)...
  20. manny_c44

    Post your playlist!

    I'm just listening to Magical Mystery Tour over and over. Some of these play-lists are shocking...I've never seen so much shit in one place.