Has anyone ever seen Gordon and Eric clapman in the same room?


Sep 8, 2004
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Has anyone ever seen Gordon and Eric clapton in the same room?


Neither have I..........Maybe........No....couldn't be......could it?
Clapton!! LOL

No wonder vegeta didn't know what I was talking about.

Man I feel stupid! thanks jimmy
Anyone want to photoshop Eric mid guitar solo wearing a hazard suit? :)
Anyone with glasses and a beard seems to be labelled Gordon. It could be so many people. Jonny Knoxville when he had a beard and glasses looked remarkably like Gordon too. But without them he looks nothing like him lol.

lol. Yeah, he bares a resemblence doesn't he.

EDIT: JimmyPage- What?
Uh.. If that's the correct name?

I don't know who Eric Clapton or Clapman are.
Eric clapton is perhaps the greatest (white) Blues player.

Get on kazaa and download 'white room' 'tears from heaven' 'cream' and 'sunshine of your life'

Then you will always know who he is.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Uh.. If that's the correct name?

I don't know who Eric Clapton or Clapman are.
/Lowers head and slowly messages temples to wash away the ridiculousness of the fact he doesn't know who Clapton is.
I don't really think he looks much like him, especially closer up.

Clapton really went south after that awful reggae trend. But Cream is tops. I can always rock out to Disraeli Gears.
RioBravoXL said:
/Lowers head and slowly messages temples to wash away the ridiculousness of the fact he doesn't know who Clapton is.
I don't listen to very much music, sorry.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I don't listen to very much music, sorry.

Theres nothing wrong with that, but I feel you must listen to some of his stuff,

For instance the song 'Tears from heaven' was written after his young son fell off a balcony of a hotel and was killed.

Knowing that combined with the incredibly beautifully crafted song is overwelming.
Dr.breen said:
Theres nothing wrong with that, but I feel you must listen to some of his stuff
Some people just dont have an appriciation for music. That doesnt mean anythings wrong with them,. just because they're broken and soullless,.

jk tenjin :D

Now that I think about it, I have never seen Alyx and Sheryl Crow in the same room either,.. :rolleyes:
Eric Clapton

If you move the E ahead 10 spaces, put another E in, move the R ahead one space, get rid of the Cs, add in an extra O, and an F, and move the rest of the letters a little, it almost spells Gordon Freeman. Coincidence? I think not!
Marius said:

i second that ...

to the dude who said to download the song "tears from heaven" ... its "tears in heaven" ... sorry , dont mean to nitpick but you got the title of probably his biggest song, wrong ...
DUDES...omfg , i had a math teacher in teh 11th grade at concord highschool in NH..his name is MR prouxl..and he looks JUST LIKE GORDON FREEMAN....you have no idea...his haircut and his facial features look JUST LIKE HIm....
Dr.breen said:
For instance the song 'Tears from heaven' was written after his young son fell off a balcony of a hotel and was killed.

horrorshow, real horrorshow
Eric Clapton isn't God...he's A god, but not THE God.

Unless he can walk on water when he's playing guitar. Then maybe he IS God...
Eric Clapman? My history teacher in year 9 looked like Gordon Freeman? I don't think so.
vegeta897 said:

lol. Yeah, he bares a resemblence doesn't he.

EDIT: JimmyPage- What?

Sorry he fixed the title and made it looke like you didn't know who Eric Clapton was, instead of not knowing who Eric Clapman was..

And if Clapton is god then whats Jimmy Page??
Led Zep rock!