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  1. B

    Them crazy slow and crappy ragdolls

    how do I edit the physics myself.... I do like both cs ragdolls and now these hl2 ragdolls but I would prefer if it was in between. Cs ragdolls seem to stiff but the hl2 ones seem like jelly
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    offline with bots>??

    Basically my internet the other day wouldnt work for about 4 days and I really wanted to try out the cs bots. The only problem is that I cant access CS unless my internet connection is running?!?! Is there no way I can play bots without an internet connection... bit silly if you cant if you ask...
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    i would like some tweaks for fps gain - please help

    the human eye can only see 30fps anyway... so anything higher is pointless
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    one map I do remember and loved....

    who can remember de_casino or de_vegas (not sure what it was called) I dont know why but that and inferno & train go down as my fav maps... Would love to see if converted to source with a real life roulette table lol! could walk up to it and bet some of your cash to double up ;)
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    Name Fonts

    could anybody try and add a heart symbol into their game please? I've pretty much tried every font in character map but they all appear as an empty box symbol :(
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    Name Fonts

    still the heart symbol doesnt work :(
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    Weirdest thing to happen in CSS for me to date

    thats happened to me once or twice. pretty weird
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    Name Fonts

    a lot of thw symbols wont work for me :( I want my name as I (heart symbol) TECHNO but it wont let me :(
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    what average fps do u all get only on max settings?

    lol @ you guys I cant run my game on max settings.... on minimal settings i get 21fps average. I still really enjoy the game and dont winge like a lot of people do on here
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    Source Forts

    yeah I know where your coming from. Spent ages with 5 0ther gys building this wicked base and then as soon as it started the admin somehow just destroyed our base
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    Source Forts

    Has anybody else checked out this mod? I think its well good! quite a few bugs but then again remember when cs first came out?? for those who dont know what Source Forts is then I suggest you check it out... Basically you have 10mins to use the gravity gun to build your base. you weld in...
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    ideas for cs maps

    maybe a cs_pertrol station kinda thing CT's start in a housing estate or road which has to use different routes to reach the open area where the petrol station lies. T's can use petrol tanks, bushes and maybe a nearby stream to defend while the ct's use the high rise buildings to snipe...
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    or h4xxorz as the css gimps call them.... anyway... first time today I realised what you guys are on about. Playing compound and some dude called [ykuisls]wantang or something like that comes on and completely kills what was a wicked server. you never usually find servers where people stick...
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    frame rates....

    Ive been playing CSS for past few weeks (new to css) and keep seeing people talking about increasing frame rates with commands and stuff. What commands give better performance and how do I go about typing them in? cheers
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    an idea

    I dont know if this has been done before or needs to be done but the dead cam needs extra things. not sure what but a few ideas I had were slo mo cam like in max payne games so you can see ragdolls physics in action better. another thing I thought of was having bullet cam in slow mo justa...
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    cs_Compound = Best cs map ever

    the map is quite cool although in one match I managed to get stuck 3 times. One time I was just moving along a water tank kinda thing and stopped. thought it was a barrel in my way but it was nothing.
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    half life 2 no cd patch??

    ahhh wicked thanks guys!!
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    half life 2 no cd patch??

    Does anybody know where I can get a no cd patch? The story is that I had to put in my dvd drive in instead of the normal cd drive so that I could play half life 2. The thing is my dad wants to burn some cd's but cant because the dvd drive isnt capable :( I dont wanna keep swapping around...
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    is it me or.....??

    do the bodies in CSS seem way too heavy? On many occasions I have seen a grenade land next to an enemy or teammate and only blast them about 2 feet across the floor? It just seems they are going for realism with this game yet greandes dont seem to do much in the ways of physics. Yes the...
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    no flaming...

    as I dont come on here very often but I have just started to play CSS. Where are all the other maps from the original CS? Such as train, assault, estate etc etc?? Gtes a bit boring playing the same 4 maps over and over