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  1. Qonfused Reunion Gaming day/night?

    Let's do it. Missed the last one. Games I have on Steam that might be good for something like this: BF2 CS:GO Gmod PUBG Rust TF2
  2. Qonfused

    The Qonfy Song!

    It's been too long since I've listened to this.
  3. Qonfused

    This forum is dead

    I'm finally graduating from university. This account is over ten years old holy shit.
  4. Qonfused

    I still miss you.

    I still miss you.
  5. Qonfused

    Origin names

    :) Aye, hello!
  6. Qonfused

    Origin names

    First post in, like, five months. Qonfucius
  7. Qonfused

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    Stand By Me: 9/10 As promised. These kid actors make most adult actors look foolish. Full of nostalgia, heart and laughs, can't recommend it enough.
  8. Qonfused

    I'm very drunk AMA

    These forums just got better if only because of nostalgia.
  9. Qonfused

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    Stand By Me is fantastic. I've been meaning to watch it again, and I think I'll do that tomorrow!
  10. Qonfused

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    You kind of look like Gootecks.
  11. Qonfused

    How about some BF2?

    Let's set something up for tomorrow night, yes?
  12. Qonfused

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    Matilda: 6/10 Vastly inferior to the version that I had in my head when I wanted to watch this. I remembered it being much, much better, but honestly it was kind of shitty. Nostalgia bombs don't usually work like that for me, so I was really disappointed. :(
  13. Qonfused

    Battlefield 3

    Best thread on right now.
  14. Qonfused

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    I do have glow in the dark stars on my wall...
  15. Qonfused

    Electronic Drum Kits

    I had a middle of the road Roland V-Drum set. It was pretty cool, but I didn't end up playing it much (kind of a "hey this sounds like it'd be cool to have").
  16. Qonfused

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    I haven't done this in awhile.
  17. Qonfused

    Which year did you join the forums?

    Smoke holy shit.
  18. Qonfused

    Which year did you join the forums?

    Power to the '04s.
  19. Qonfused

    Real Life Member Meetup

    A+ thread would read again
  20. Qonfused

    What Games Do You Suck At?

    RTSs for sure. They're a lot of fun to play, but I just plain suck at them.