Have you guys ever heard of the middle earth mod for morrowind? http://memod.co.uk/ they were in development for well over a year until they got shutdown, you guys might want to look into getting permission, nothing would be worse than seeing all that hardwork go to waste
The title says it all, im trying to load a dictionary into a 2D array so i can search it fast, anyways, the compiler chokes on this bit of code
char dict[300000][10];
Is this when you're supposed to use malloc? i've never used that command and im reading up on it now but if a...
I bought retail, i installed, activated and went to play. It wants the cd. This isnt a big problem, i keep the cds within arms reach, i just thought steam meant i didnt have to use the cds and i could play halflife 2 at my buddies house if i logged onto my account. what gives?
lol, i thought Rupertvdb said he slapped his mother during CS... i used to get pissed off at console games so i switched to pc where it was easier to cheat, then my crappy Pentium 2 would lock up ever 10 minutes so i got pissed off and went back to consoles...
omg, i wrote a star trek parody thing in my first year of high school. it was based off of one of the first few, trouble with tribbles or something like that. wish i still had it :(
how about people just say random words and ill use my hyper active imagination to fuse them togeather?
im being forced against my will to write a short story for an english project, its gotta be under 3000 words but i have no ideas. Halflife 2 community! I besesch you! come up with crazy/retarded ideas i can write for my short story. ill post it on here tonight when its done, should be...
say you were given $2200 canadian with no strings attached, how would you spend it? and if you could sell your current pc for $750 canadian (1.4Ghz athlon, 512DDR 266MHz, ti 4200 128meg) would you upgrade? post whatever ideas come to mind, from blow up chicks to sony wegas and if someone can...
i doubt its only available on dvd only. too few people have dvd roms and i found out awhile ago you cant buy cdburners that play dvds, at least from futureshop (canadas version of bestbuy) anymore. anyways they'll probably do a special version thats on dvd - 3 cd installs is a bit much.
Gabe Newell and development team at valve has been abducted by an overly friendly gang of carrots. The happy one in the middle is the ringleader. http://www.pconline.com.cn/pcedu/carton/mtv/0401/299534.html
First week of may im going from an Athlon (non XP) 1400Mhz, 512DDR 266Mhz, Ti 4200 128Mb to a P4C 2800Mhz, 1024DDR 400Mhz, Radeon 9800 pro. Its not all for Hl2, i want stalker pretty bad and doom3 is going to rock (first time through at least) and also, as most people will agree, there is...
LOL, i almost died laughing after i read what RandomPING wrote. your cpu sounds like its running cool. im stuck with my athlon 1.4Ghz till may and it gets past 70 degress celcius after a 12 hour lan party. im suprised its still alive and kicking lol
i don't remember seeing this is the news and i figure this might have made the front of the site so i thought i'd post it. If its already been done, just have a mod delete the thread or something. Anyways, this game looks pretty amazing for a side scroller, beats the crap out of anything...
wow, that article shed alot of light on the subject, thanks Mr. Coffee. I think i might ditch that gun and try drawing up my own albeit im no artist by any stretch of the word. What do you guys think?