You usually need to put in some form of payment (credit card, game card) before you can get your free 30 day trial, and then once the 30 days is over they automatically bill your credit card, or start the time on your game card if you chose that, or you can just cancel your subscription before...
The smd exporter for 3ds max 9 was released in a beta stage a few days ago at . I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but I've been hearing it works fine, though like i said, its still in beta. The creator also mentioned that he will be working on a importer as well...
You can upload it to They have a 1gb limit, and the download speeds seem to have improved. I get 400 - 500 kbs usually instead of around 150 that i used to get from them.
;( ;( ;( ;( ;( . Yea so it didnt work. Are you all sure that your shadows look like they do in the second set of pictures? Maybe they took out shadows casting on players from static objects because of performance issues or something. But then again if thats the case then why am i the first...
Haha, didnt notice that. Yea i have the lastest drivers, catalyst 6.4. The patch finished downloading and i ran it but i got the patching has failed error :rolleyes: so now i have to do it manually.
Edit: Alright so to no surprise getting the patch from another location did not work. Next im...
Nope, i have a xl. Im thinking maybe theres something wrong with the patch from where i downloaded it from so ill get it from another source.
Edit: Finished reinstalling and waiting for patch to finish downloading. Just in case anyone is confused on what i am trying to explain i attached...
While playing bf2 before i realized that when i was under a tree, behind a wall, or inside a house the shadowing on my weapon and arm would never change. I could of sworn that whatever shadow a certain object was casting on the ground will cast on my weapon/arm when i walk under it.
I check...
Yea happened to me too, except that when i restarted my computer the screen was all messed up so i unplugged it and 5 minutes later i hooked it back in and everything was fine. Game looked pretty good graphics wise, but **** you to starforce.
Wasnt there something like a penny from 1936 or some date around then suppose to be really rare? I have no clue what im talking about.
Murray: This site looks good, except it just identifies the coin, it doesnt give a value...
Well that was shit. I enjoyed the 10 seconds of xbox360 footage, the 10 minutes of a gay band, and 20 minutes of commercials, (LOL IM YOUR UNCLE :| ). I also liked how the cameras didnt stay on the actual game footage for more then 2 seconds. But it was esepcialy cool how just about every game...