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  1. FireBall

    Help on Water Hazard!!

    use the hovercrafts machinegun.. its really easy
  2. FireBall

    The greek Letter "Lambda" (Yes this IS HL Related)

    I just figured they used it mostly because it looked like a lower case "h" and alower case "l" melded together.
  3. FireBall

    Bug report

    Thats exactly how i feel :cheers:
  4. FireBall

    The HEV suit and realism: HL1 vs HL2

    You could still do it many times. Just not in succession.
  5. FireBall

    The HEV suit and realism: HL1 vs HL2

    Yeah, but still... when youre at 100 hp 0 armor your gonna wanna get hit once.
  6. FireBall

    New Weapon?

    Sorry if this was mentioned before but i dont think lowering the gun is anything you have control over. If you look at the video with the Priest guy in it, Gordon lowers his gun whenever the crosshairs are on him... probably a way to prevent you from killing plot vital characters edit: I...
  7. FireBall

    The HEV suit and realism: HL1 vs HL2

    Yeah that is kind of exploitable... he loses 2 health and gains 37 armor... :/
  8. FireBall

    Easy, Medium or Hard?

    I always start on medium... I dont feel immersed if its too easy. There has to be some challenge and fear =) If the SP is really good ill play though on hard too.
  9. FireBall

    Ant Lion Gibbing

    I think the ones that got mowed down by the PDW died alot cooler than the ones blasted by the shotgun. It looked like they "poofed" in a cloud of green smoke or something with the main part of their body disappearing when shot head-on by the SG
  10. FireBall

    What're YOU listening to, RIGHT NOW?!

    Antenna - Round About Midnight ...... rox...
  11. FireBall

    What country are u from ?

  12. FireBall

    Help Needed From Americans!!!

    Yes, I think i read somewhere that the US spends more money on military than the rest of the world put together.
  13. FireBall

    The Worst Movie Ever - A Review

    check this one out too:
  14. FireBall

    what song you have on

    Mainstream music sucks. Misstress Barbara vs Barbara Brown - Never Could Have Your Heart
  15. FireBall

    what song you have on

    Hieroglyphics - You Never Knew
  16. FireBall

    Monitor / Computer fluffeh toys!

    Someone has had their fingers all over your screen.... man I hate that
  17. FireBall

    Angelina Jolie's pasport scan!

    Hey her birthday is on the same day as my fathers
  18. FireBall

    Ziggy Boogy Doog

    Longest flash movie I ever saw. Sorta fun at moments I guess.
  19. FireBall

    on going story

    ..swore that he would strike back with Great Vengeance!
  20. FireBall

    need help with my comp

    Well you could format the whole thing, but i think the problem is just your graphics card. MX = weak. Oh yeah and whats your CPU speed?