Ant Lion Gibbing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mannex17
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Behold, the infamous HL2 e3 vid complainer is back!

When I was watching the section with the Ant Lions and the crane, I watched Gordon shotgun the Lions, and they gibbed. It looked really sweet and realistic the way the pieces flew. The problem with this is that there just wasn't enough jibs. These Ant Lions are hearty creatures, raised on dry lake bed sand and prison tile! There should have been a little more stuff when they jibbed. :thumbs:
im not sure, im just glad you dont get a random 6 livers like in HL!!!!!!!!!!
i liked how sometimes it only blew off a few legs and thing, i didnt like how when u hit the main body most of it disappeared, i hope they add bigger pieces.
No your not infamous, your not whining about these things like some people. :thumbs:

I havn't seen the video from what I can tell Ant-lions seem like very bony creatures, it doesn't look like they have much meat on them. Plus being such a strong species probably means it takes alot to blow any flesh off of them.
It would have been cool if they would have layered the carapace on the lions, so that you could blow off chunks of their shell and see the wings and bug goo underneath.
Some of them died intact with just a leg blown off, some completely gibbed, but they didn't break apart so much as get replaced with a too small amount of gibs. I like the first option a lot better.
Mannex17 said:
It would have been cool if they would have layered the carapace on the lions, so that you could blow off chunks of their shell and see the wings and bug goo underneath.

Yeah, and if valve jumped through a fiery hoop while being chased by bees... flaming bees... that would be cool too.

just kidding mate

lets be realistic
I love the way they are gibbed and sometimes just fall together ragdoll-ish.. Although yes, it'd be cooler with more gibs MORE GIBS MORE GIBS!
Apos said:
Some of them died intact with just a leg blown off, some completely gibbed, but they didn't break apart so much as get replaced with a too small amount of gibs. I like the first option a lot better.

Oh. I didn't really see the legs getting blown off. I just saw a few totally gib and a few just slump over dead. I'll watch it again...

Edit: I just watched this again, and I either saw them gib completely, or just ragdoll. Another cool idea would be to have break points on them like on Soldier of Fortune 2, so depending where you shoot them at, a leg or tip or the shell or whatnot would blow off.
Do you actualy want this game to run on your computer?

Gibbing brings up no end of frame rate killers.

and besides ive yet to see any game do gibbing realisticly, SOFII was a complete joke.

a round to the head does not gib the entire thing, there would be a 1 inch hole in the front and approximately 4-8 inch hole in the back.

if you get shot in the leg your entire limb doesnt just fall off.... etc.
In all seriousness, I much prefer the way Valve has gibbing. Sure it's not the most realistic thing ever, but have you ever turned the gibcount to like 500? it's hilarious!
Dougy said:
Do you actualy want this game to run on your computer?

Gibbing brings up no end of frame rate killers.

and besides ive yet to see any game do gibbing realisticly, SOFII was a complete joke.

a round to the head does not gib the entire thing, there would be a 1 inch hole in the front and approximately 4-8 inch hole in the back.

if you get shot in the leg your entire limb doesnt just fall off.... etc.

Don't freakin destroy me, but I've never played SOF2, I just saw the break point diagram on the inside cover of the box. :cheese: Oh, and I have an 800 MHz PIII with a 64 GeForce 3. In most games, looking at a wall is a frame rate killer for me.
the gibs are generic unfortunately
not done badly, just not impressive like Painkiller's.
Dougy said:
Do you actualy want this game to run on your computer?

Gibbing brings up no end of frame rate killers.

and besides ive yet to see any game do gibbing realisticly, SOFII was a complete joke.

a round to the head does not gib the entire thing, there would be a 1 inch hole in the front and approximately 4-8 inch hole in the back.

if you get shot in the leg your entire limb doesnt just fall off.... etc.

With the right shotgun the leg would come off ;)

Oh and I love your sig :)
Mr. Redundant said:
the gibs are generic unfortunately
not done badly, just not impressive like Painkiller's.

are you guys even watching the same video? the gibbing was dynamic. sometimes just a leg would blow off, sometimes it would blow into more bits, sometimes they didnt gib at all and other times all their legs would come off and be all ragdolled. seriously. someone needs to buy glasses
I think it gibbed fine , depending on where u shot it, e.g middle all of it splattered and sumtimes split in half, shot it in leg it wuld just splat a little and fall (nice touch imo)

Stop complaining lol, making up theories to go with ur desires of more gore :D
I think the ones that got mowed down by the PDW died alot cooler than the ones blasted by the shotgun. It looked like they "poofed" in a cloud of green smoke or something with the main part of their body disappearing when shot head-on by the SG
BlazeKun said:
In all seriousness, I much prefer the way Valve has gibbing. Sure it's not the most realistic thing ever, but have you ever turned the gibcount to like 500? it's hilarious!

How do you turn up the gibcount?!?!? *drool*
i love the gibbing but this rag doll stuff can be annoying, it'd be nice if they spasmed around the floor for a bit if you only shoot of a leg.
frances_farmer said:
are you guys even watching the same video? the gibbing was dynamic. sometimes just a leg would blow off, sometimes it would blow into more bits, sometimes they didnt gib at all and other times all their legs would come off and be all ragdolled. seriously. someone needs to buy glasses

you know... after looking at it again... you are right
the only thing I would like to see edited/added is the chunks to carry the force of the round before it (a couple do, and look great) but some of the gibs simply flop down.
I hope they have other models that gib besides just the ant lions.
Dunno. Just type "cl_gibcount" (in the console) without any number and it'll tell you the current setting.

BTW, a setting of 99999 may give your computer a headache every time someone dies. But it can be funny. :)
I think you can change the gib veicities as well with a similar cvar.
i wonder if you can gib alyx and other hl2 important characthers hmm -_-
You can probably kill them, but they wouldn't gib because none of the human(oid) charactors gib.

I think.
i was mainly refering to the combine, since we don't really know what they are.
all characters in Hl2 should gib.. I mean all do in HL1, gibbing is realistic (people do explode from explosions)

when that rocket hit the combine on the crane in the new e3 2004 vid it was dissapointing, sure I guess its nifty to see a ragdoll fly 500 feet off of a platform... but realistically that would never happen. If anything the warhead on the rocket should penetrate his chest, impaling him and sending him reeling with the rocket into the air before exploding in a cloud of blood and guts :cheers: )

(and no I dont need someone to say: "lolz lols u is teh syin not rel!!? when ter alenzz! LOLZ?!")
I know its a damn game, however it would be nice if things behaved in a somewhat realistic manner.
I was under the impression that a person was far more likely to be propelled by an explosion than broken up into multiple pieces.
frances_farmer said:
are you guys even watching the same video? the gibbing was dynamic. sometimes just a leg would blow off, sometimes it would blow into more bits, sometimes they didnt gib at all and other times all their legs would come off and be all ragdolled. seriously. someone needs to buy glasses

i concur
One of the gibs actually did look right: it still wasn't quite enough mass, but you could see the large backend carapace break off from the legs when everything goes flying. It's really only one or two gibs that look wrong: too much mass vanishes a little too quickly.

when that rocket hit the combine on the crane in the new e3 2004 vid it was dissapointing, sure I guess its nifty to see a ragdoll fly 500 feet off of a platform... but realistically that would never happen.

Not necessarily. Alot of people that get blown a long ways by some explosion don't break apart. It all depends on where the explosion was: was it right up next to them, or was it near enough to hit them with a concussive wave but not actually rip them apart?
if you watch the video.. the sniper on the crane was not hit by the rocket.. the rocket landed about 5-10 feet near him
i thought sof2 had pretty good gibs. The USAS-12 auto shotgun being the big daddy gibbing machine of that game.

Bamblamblamblamblamblam you are now aiming at the ceiling but whatever was in front of you is probably blown ito 3 messy pieces

Also it was one of the first games i saw (other than sof 1) that did exit wounds
Apos said:
Not necessarily. Alot of people that get blown a long ways by some explosion don't break apart. It all depends on where the explosion was: was it right up next to them, or was it near enough to hit them with a concussive wave but not actually rip them apart?

agreed, but I was refering to the instance in the video where the rocket hits him dead center in the middle of the chest, not the wall behind him even, then the rocket explodes, I dont know, but one would think that an explosion with fragments of metal (shrapnel) going off in/directly in front of one's chest would surely rip them apart...
not send them flying and twirling like a kid throwing his little sister's "lil annie" doll to the right.
Well, if anyone should be an expert on this subject, it's someone with the name "flying debris" :)
agreed, but I was refering to the instance in the video where the rocket hits him dead center in the middle of the chest,

Er... you can see that? Most people can barely make out that the rocket circled back around to hit him, much less see where it hit him or how close.

Here's the frame before and during the explosion: how are you seeing him get hit directly in the chest before it goes off?
A near miss of a rocket will not send somebody into thousands of peices :P However, a direct hit will, and a near miss will send a few limbs flying :)
Apos said:
Er... you can see that? Most people can barely make out that the rocket circled back around to hit him, much less see where it hit him or how close.

Here's the frame before and during the explosion: how are you seeing him get hit directly in the chest before it goes off?

because it misses him and comes around from under him, theoretically the only way it could have got him is directly... if not it should have exploded underneath him (the metal he was standing on) and then it wouldnt have hurt him (in game)

edit: perhaps it doesnt hit him square in the chest, but it hits HIM directly (legs groin chest whatever) he should be "poof, squirt, squelch" :P