ATI Demo Proves Gibbing


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
My apologies if this has been posted, but did anyone else notice that when gordo shot those ant lions, they gibbed? (quite well and realisticly might I add, only parts of the were blown off when gordon hit it's side and stuff like that)

what bothers me then is that when the combine soldier was shot by the rocket and comically thrown 20 feet away from his perch on the crane thing, he didn't giv (unless that was an arm I saw fall off of him, but probably a gun)

Does that seem weird to you or is it just me?

(Oh and in the toolshed demo, the half-body hanging from the rope was sick, but f***ing awesome
You have a point.
But I don't mind it too much...
But very good point.
vegeta897 said:
You have a point.
But I don't mind it too much...
But very good point.

It doesn't bother me much either, im just curious as to if I was missing something or not... maybe theres a good reason (half-alien or alien maybe?)
I always hoped for Gibbing in HL2, and YES I love it.

For the combine, I think that was him, His Entire seems logical.
I think they did it the right way. It's cool seeing aliens gib, but seeing humans gib is a bit cartoony. And seeing a soldier getting blasted into the air is much more satisfying than some silly gibs isn't it?
PvtRyan said:
I think they did it the right way. It's cool seeing aliens gib, but seeing humans gib is a bit cartoony. And seeing a soldier getting blasted into the air is much more satisfying than some silly gibs isn't it?

I would have to agree... you're right. But i think it would be even cooler to see his entire body flying through the air minus his arm, because that was closest to where the rocket hit

but again, i dont care, the game looks to good to care
PvtRyan said:
I think they did it the right way. It's cool seeing aliens gib, but seeing humans gib is a bit cartoony. And seeing a soldier getting blasted into the air is much more satisfying than some silly gibs isn't it?

or what about realisticly fragmented human... with shrapnel in his severed limbs ragdolling down :naughty: :naughty: :smoking:
Human blood, gore and gibbing aren't usually shown at public demonstrations.
Antlions will gib in Half-Life 2, humanoids will not gib in Half-Life 2. It's that simple.
TeeJay said:
Human blood, gore and gibbing aren't usually shown at public demonstrations.
Umm, Public?
E3 is kinda private...
Although the videos are online, you choose to dl them.
Was this the ATI demo? I saw Ant Lions gib in the normal Valve video with Gabe talking over it.
Apos said:
Was this the ATI demo? I saw Ant Lions gib in the normal Valve video with Gabe talking over it.

That was the ATI presentation, because Gabe said that "you can also head over to the VU demonstration" after it.
omfg... no gibbing in hl2... that would be ghey. One of the funnest things in hl1 was to smash a guy into pieces with a crowbar. I mean it doesnt have to be like hl1, but atleast have SOME gibbing for humans.
Antlions will gib in Half-Life 2, humans will not gib in Half-Life 2.

Er, is it? The human characters that have been headcrabed certainly gib in several different ways. So why not the combine? Maybe they are aliens made of rubber?
The amount of time you people spend worrying about "gibbing" is incredibly strange to me. Gibbing adds nothing to gameplay and very little graphically.
Apos said:
Er, is it? The human characters that have been headcrabed certainly gib in several different ways. So why not the combine? Maybe they are aliens made of rubber?

I am defining "gib" as spawning various models of indiscernable body organs after a certain negative damage threshold is achieved on a model of a living / dead body. The headcrab zombie models appear to have predetermined breakpoints (at the waist, at the head so headcrabs can hop off now) but we haven't seen any evidence of any humanoids gibbing in the Half-Life 1 sense of the word, which is how people are using the term in this thread.

But we've seen antlions gib over and over in the new shakycam video and also in the old bugbait video. Thus, my statement (which is pure speculation, of course).
PvtRyan said:
I think they did it the right way. It's cool seeing aliens gib, but seeing humans gib is a bit cartoony. And seeing a soldier getting blasted into the air is much more satisfying than some silly gibs isn't it?

I agree - Aliens gibbing is enough for me. It would be enormously less satisfying to see that same scene, except what comes out of the explosion is just some little pieces.
I'm not thinking of gibbing as in, the whole body blows apart (unless they were hit right in the center with a rocket or something) more like... realistic loss of certain body parts relative to where they were hit and such.
Gibbing of human like creatures may seem too gory for some people's tastes, and may not have been included in the demo for that reason.
phantomdesign said:
Gibbing of human like creatures may seem too gory for some people's tastes, and may not have been included in the demo for that reason.
Heh, what about the LOWER HALF OF A HUMAN swinging on a rope? And Zombies being cut up. And... yeah...
I like how it is- see that guy go flying is much funner than gibs.
phantomdesign said:
Gibbing of human like creatures may seem too gory for some people's tastes, and may not have been included in the demo for that reason.

I can totally see how burning zombies screaming in terror is more child proof ;)
perhaps the combine soldier wasnt hit directly
too much gibbing is lame anyways... painkiller style
I think it was a choice not to have human gibbing, or possibly they didn't want to give people clues as to what the combine are i.e. we check out their gibs and go ahah...person in suit or ahah...bucket of blood and metal bits.

Downloading video, tkaing sooo long.
I prefer full form ragdolls on humans, rather then gibs with articulated constraints. Full form ragdolls offer a higher level of satisfaction, which is shown when the RPG hits the combine. Although, he did fly freakishly far, which I am going to assume took a couple tries to get that VERY VERY powerful launch. :laugh:

I suppose it would depend though on the scene. Throw a grenade in a dark corridor, and you might want to see combine gib out into the peaking light, with blood flying everywhere. In open environments though, I would have to say just keep with the full form ragdolls.
i think gibbing can look stupid now that we have got to this level of details, in HL it was fine because you didn't expect accuracy but now we do, this would make life very tough for systems. Also the rag doll just looks cool.

On top of all of that a Mod could very easily be made, just change the models, i'm sure we shall see enough blood soon enough.
I thought this game was going to be realistic, with all the talk of moving lips and emotions and such... It doesn't seem right to have people who get launched into the air in one piece when hit by a rocket. I mean, I could understand it if they have some super-strong armor, but then how could mere bullets kill them?

Ah well, I'll just have to wait for another game to be realistic.