Ant Lions can fly-Already been posted?


May 17, 2004
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Looking over the E3 2004 vid, I noticed that several of the Ant Lions in the buggy scene are actually flying as opposed to leaping at the player. You can see the back of their carapace opening and see the wings buzzing as one of them goes past Gordon. In this picture, you can see the Ant Lion at the back getting ready to fly.

I wouldn't be surprised if this had been posted already, but I haven't noticed any threads about it or mentions of it in any threads, so I thought i'd write a post about it.
I don't think it's been discussed to be honest, but it is something that we've all noticed.
I think they can dig into the ground too. One of the videos demonstrating XSI showed an animation of an antlion digging, and one of the features of the AI on the Source engine licensing page was AI that could "burrow underground".
Epsi said:
I think they can dig into the ground too. One of the videos demonstrating XSI showed an animation of an antlion digging, and one of the features of the AI on the Source engine licensing page was AI that could "burrow underground".
Not to mention them appearing from the ground in Bugbait and Coastline 2004.
Chris_D said:
I don't think it's been discussed to be honest, but it is something that we've all noticed.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.
wow, it'll be cool if the A.I. actually decides when to burrow insted of it just being scripted. That would be so cool.
i would guess that the antlions hover as opposed to fly. but I am stupid so i wouldn't take much heed

also can i get a link to the xsi vid mentioned plz
I dotn think they are flyin.. just pounceing or something
You can clearly see it in the E3 2004 video, the coast part, that they can fly. The wings can be easily seen.
mortiz said:
wow, it'll be cool if the A.I. actually decides when to burrow insted of it just being scripted. That would be so cool.

And it would be cool to still be able to shoot them when they're underground - even that it wouldn't be easy since 1) you can't see the ant lion 2) bullets don't penetrate solid ground very much. But still...
Slime said:
You can clearly see it in the E3 2004 video, the coast part, that they can fly. The wings can be easily seen.

penguins have wings

edit: para- it'd be cool if you could roll a grenade down a tunnel. ha - see their remains blast out of a different hole
It's called assisted jump, they leap and use their wings to lengthen the jump, they can't actually fly.
Para said:
And it would be cool to still be able to shoot them when they're underground - even that it wouldn't be easy since 1) you can't see the ant lion 2) bullets don't penetrate solid ground very much. But still...
It would be even cooler if you could use the manipulator to grab them when thier underground... then you could like rip them thorugh the ground and stuff... that would be fecking awsome.
jonnyapps said:
edit: para- it'd be cool if you could roll a grenade down a tunnel. ha - see their remains blast out of a different hole

OMG! ROFL! That would be so awesome :laugh: and funny :laugh:
ahhh, i would be laughthing to much, ill die all the time! :laugh:
It's....also in the E3 2K3 Bugbait video...
i also see assisted jumping, i cant imagine that antlions will be swooping down from miles above like eagles.
it's assisted jumping NOT FLYING!

Think of an ostrich pouncing or something, it might use it's wings to lengthen it's jump, as it's been said.
sHm0zY said:
post a screen shot then

Why, go watch the videos and you will see it for yourself. Not going to take time out of my day to show you are incorrect.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Why, go watch the videos and you will see it for yourself. Not going to take time out of my day to show you are incorrect.
I don't have the videos..
DiSTuRbEd said:
Why, go watch the videos and you will see it for yourself. Not going to take time out of my day to show you are incorrect.

I'll take the time, you are incorrect. Flying implies that the creature can sustain airtime indefinately, and the antlions are obviously not capable of flapping their wings for more than 2-4 seconds at a time.

It's like a grasshopper, they have wings. although most species of grasshoppers can't fly, they leap and lengthen the distance of each leap via the usage of wings.
Dude whatever you say.....They are in are for more the 2-4 seconds, but whatever.
Hmm, I gues this is one of those things that we won't know untill we've played the game, or untill Valve says how it is.
MaxiKana said:
Hmm, I gues this is one of those things that we won't know untill we've played the game, or untill Valve says how it is.

yes but we can decide the argument regarding the vids - i think its pretty clear that there are no antlions going against gravity and flying. Like i said earlier - tell us at what minute and second in the footage they are flying, we can all watch, and then the argument can be resolved
no they dont fly around in the sky all day, like the above post says its like an assisted jump. they can leap quit far using the wings !
Looking closer, yeah, they are just assisting their jumps with the small wings on their dorsal surfaces. Still, the image of Ant-Lions soaring majestically through the sky brings a smile to my face.
No they only jump very high and land on you, It really impresed me when I played the scene on the beach
jonnyapps said:
yes but we can decide the argument regarding the vids - i think its pretty clear that there are no antlions going against gravity and flying. Like i said earlier - tell us at what minute and second in the footage they are flying, we can all watch, and then the argument can be resolved
I wasn't aware animals that could fly did go against gravity :rolleyes: Although I agree, that doesn't look like flying to me.
i'd say its assisted jumping. They seem to combine all the most fearsome parts of insects and then add large size.
yeh but in teh bugbait video they seem to jus fly out of the hole in the ground...unless they walk walls like spiders
-=DouglasteR= said:
they dont fly, just leap, like a cockroach

You don't know florida cockroaches then...

I've seen them maintain quite the airtime....
A2597 said:
You don't know florida cockroaches then...

I've seen them maintain quite the airtime....

Yeah, back in Mexico, them bitches would go airborne and look for a landing spot, but they would take up to like a full minute on the air, not really hovering, but flying like in random directions, moving all the time. :eek:
B-MAn said:
yeh but in teh bugbait video they seem to jus fly out of the hole in the ground...unless they walk walls like spiders

In the end room, they "fly" towards the Combine soldiers.
did I mention I HATE cockroaches?!?

Urgh...Spiders I'm fine with, a single large roach will get me out of the room for the rest of the day....